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Example sentences for "privately"

Lexicographically close words:
privateer; privateering; privateers; privateersman; privateersmen; privates; privation; privations; privatis; privative
  1. Lord Spencer bought the whole of the library of Count Revickzky, a catalogue of which had been privately printed by the original owner at Berlin in 1784.

  2. A rather different version of this story of Nicol's purchase for the Duke is given in Martin's "Privately Printed Books.

  3. Miss Christina Rossetti's first poems, privately printed at the same press, have brought seven guineas.

  4. When he had purchased it he found that opposition to its leaving Italy would be made on the part of the Roman authorities, so he had it unbound and divided, and got it sent to England privately a few pages at a time.

  5. Advocate Morano, however, doubtless desired to retain Cardinal Sarno and Nani for a few moments in order that they might privately discuss some difficulty which had arisen in the divorce proceedings.

  6. Anderson went home in a great flurry and privately cautioned every member of the household, including Rosalie, to treat Bonner with every consideration, as his heart was weak and liable to give him great trouble.

  7. The officers of the fleet, though they had all concurred in this decision, and even privately allowed its prudence and necessity, accused the governor of cowardice on this occasion, though his valour was well known.

  8. Though in public he vowed never to stir from before Goa still it was taken, he privately made overtures for peace, in which he even ridiculously demanded the surrender of Goa.

  9. After what had passed, Iris felt the necessity of speaking privately to Hugh.

  10. It was, indeed, privately discussed, and that frequently.

  11. Too discreet a man to make a suspiciously ready use of the information which he had privately obtained, Dennis took care that his first attempt should not be successful.

  12. We will be married privately in St. Nicholas Church at six in the morning, before the company are out of their beds.

  13. And you may imagine my satisfaction when I heard that my lord had been married privately at six in the morning.

  14. Drusus and Cæpio, formerly great friends and united by mutual ties of marriage, became privately at enmity with each other and carried their feud even into politics.

  15. At first they surrendered themselves to some few privately and secretly, telling each man that he was the only one admitted.

  16. For this reason and because he privately furnished some persons with money and spent it lavishly for public purposes he was chosen prætor by them and was entrusted with the management of the government among them.

  17. Stella had not been included in the invitation, which she privately thought a great omission.

  18. Lucy made no reply, but she privately thought that very few could sing them like her Aunt Mary.

  19. Get me twenty copies of the whole carefully and privately printed off, as your lines were on the Naples affair.

  20. After she had remained there for some time she came somewhat to herself, and then "laid her Head on the Bar of the Court with a Cushion under it, and her hand and her Apron upon that;" when Amy Duny was brought privately to touch her.

  21. These imposing ceremonies afforded so much consolation to Mabel that she privately informed Belle and Lily that she would like to have a duck funeral every day, only she would not like to be the one to kill it.

  22. Yeovil privately doubted if he ever heard anything but his own opinions.

  23. But you are to see her as they did who saw most of her, and to remember that nothing is more delightful than being kind to the grateful poor, especially when one is privately depressed.

  24. I do not find the name of this esquire in the memoirs of the Mansel family, privately printed in 1850, by William W.

  25. This gentleman was one of those who saw further than others into the state of affairs, and, being an old acquaintance of Commines, he privately {xliii} expressed his opinion that the French were making sport of the king of England.

  26. He therefore privately painted the portraits of the Caracci, as large as life, in a butcher's shop, and showed his picture for the first time to Ludovico, when in company with Cardinal Farnese.

  27. Navarre thought it prudent to disavow the author, though she continued to help him privately until 1541.

  28. Clarendon relates how at Uxbridge Denbigh declared privately that he regretted the position in which he found himself, and expressed his willingness to serve Charles I.

  29. Not only privately printed books, not designed for publication, but some family or personal memoirs, or original works circulated only among friends, and many other publications belong to this class of rarities.

  30. But I will frankly confess one thing to you: I have privately long desired you to marry.

  31. Privately they always reckon upon an old uncle or aunt, and when one day they 'strike' or die, then the lieutenant is in a fix and gets into debt, or he is expected to live upon air.

  32. People invited her out, it is true, but that was largely because they could not do anything else, but privately they always hoped she would not accept the invitation.

  33. And then both the ladies laughed privately behind a large tree.

  34. Did he not write against it, preach against if, and labor publicly and privately to arrest its progress?

  35. They received her with all due caution as far as could be seen by the public; but privately in the warmest manner.

  36. I privately carried a sprig of myrtle, too, for Miss Benette: it was covered with blossom, and of a very fine species.

  37. I shall never forget, too, that Millicent begged for me from my mother some baked apples, some delicate spiced jelly, and some of her privately concocted lozenges, for Laura.

  38. These profane things the master often smiled at, and admired; therefore I began privately to try my hand likewise.

  39. My advice is to challenge him, as privately as you will, and there cut him off.

  40. There could be no doubt, as they privately informed Maurice, he was in the first stages of a violent fever; and the best thing that could be done was to get in a professional nurse at once.

  41. When at length Lionel thought it was about time for him to slip away quietly from these brilliant, busy, murmuring rooms, he went to bid his hostess privately good-night.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "privately" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apart; aside; back; confidence; covert; individually; private; privately; record; scene; secrecy; secret; secretly

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    privately owned; privately printed