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Example sentences for "singularly"

Lexicographically close words:
singulari; singularis; singularitez; singularities; singularity; singulars; singularum; singulas; singuler; singuli
  1. When rightly understood it becomes singularly natural, the truth of truth, if such an essence can be distilled in human speech.

  2. Zacharias saw the spiritual nature of this near salvation, and he described it in words singularly deep and accurate; but its breadth he did not seem to realize.

  3. He was conscious that Mrs. Leslie looked just then a singularly attractive companion, but she was the wife of another man, and, of late, he had felt a vague alarm at the confidences she seemed inclined to exchange with him.

  4. Helen noticed every appointment of the double tent which was singularly neat and trim.

  5. The city youth coughed and shrugged his shoulders, a singularly crafty smile playing over his face.

  6. In a singularly luminous passage in an essay which for some reason or another he never republished, Mill says-- "We are the last persons to undervalue the power of moral convictions.

  7. Our own generation in Great Britain has been singularly unfortunate in the literature of aphorism.

  8. For a long time it was the fashion to label the Review as Comtist, and it would be singularly ungrateful to deny that it has had no more effective contributors than some of the best-known disciples of Comte.

  9. Issuing from Merom in a single stream the Jordan flows on to the lake of Galilee or Gennesareth, and from thence, in a singularly winding course, to the Dead Sea.

  10. There is something singularly touching in Caleb's asking as a favour what was really a most hazardous but important service to the nation.

  11. The men, it is said, wink at the infidelity of the women, a trait of character singularly at variance with the customs of the Bedouin.

  12. Edward, as he advanced in life, had retained something childish about himself, which corresponded singularly well with the youthfulness of Ottilie.

  13. The view of the ponds with the mill, and the hills and mountains in the distance, is singularly beautiful--I have often observed it when I have been there.

  14. It was lovely weather, and the whole effect was singularly beautiful.

  15. Edward was singularly affected as he came in upon it through the little wicket; he pressed Charlotte's hand, and tears started into his eyes.

  16. One was singularly marked by a natural saddle.

  17. Beddgelert is the scene of the legend of Llywelyn ab Jorwerth's dog Gelert, a legend which, whether true or fictitious, is singularly beautiful and affecting.

  18. From Valparaiso to Coquimbo, and thence to Copiapo, in Northern Chile, the country is singularly broken and barren.

  19. In his friendships he is a singularly stubborn man.

  20. But as since his tree-climbing experience he had been singularly silent, of this I thought little.

  21. The rocky hills that surround this rude and strange valley are singularly wild.

  22. This long mountain screen is singularly varied in outline and aspect, being both precipitous and rolling, peaked and rounded, and greatly diversified in contour and colouring.

  23. They are singularly barren of vegetation except on the ledges of the rock, and strangely mottled in colour, with grey lichen on dark rock.

  24. The expression of her face was singularly joyous.

  25. But the voice with which he addressed them was singularly even and colorless.

  26. She was a singularly frank creature, having been brought up in a country where women were few and far, and where conventions were of the simplest.

  27. Throughout the Southwest his reputation for fearlessness was established even among a population singularly courageous.

  28. He was standing off a mob that had gathered to lynch his prisoner, and one glance at him was enough to explain how he had won his reputation as the most dashing and fearless member of a singularly efficient force.

  29. Their only dangers are heavy rains, damp floors, and vermin; and they require but little care for the first fortnight; while the old birds are singularly free from maladies of all kinds common to poultry.

  30. The attitude of the cock is singularly bold and proud, the head being often thrown so much back as to meet the tail feathers, which are simple like those of a hen, the ordinary sickle-like feathers being abbreviated and broad.

  31. The water boatman swims upon his back by means of his singularly formed legs.

  32. It is a singularly significant story, with much more truth than jest in it.

  33. Everyone said it ought to be white, which struck me as singularly out of place.

  34. In its unaltered purlieus Weymouth is thus singularly like the older parts of Brighton, but now richer in vestiges of the Georgian period than the larger and more changeful town.

  35. In this the New English Dictionary has been singularly fortunate.

  36. But even books, and still more manuscripts, are often singularly overlooked; and it remains not very improbable that Warner's table is now at Shirburn Castle, among the unexamined manuscripts.

  37. We have found inquirers into the history of science singularly ignorant of things which this collection might have taught them.

  38. Lewis about the effects of modern astronomy, which he does not understand and singularly undervalues, will now be seen to be of no authority.

  39. His painting apparatus was complete, but singularly simple, his dress and other bodily requirements simpler still; so he could walk from village to hamlet easily carrying all he wanted, and utterly indifferent to luxury.

  40. Even the quiet home-life of so beautiful and renowned a place cannot but be tinted by reflections from the incomparable beauties of its surroundings, and from the grand and vivid passages of its singularly picturesque history.

  41. The Châlet looked singularly quiet and deserted, for all the shutters had been closed in order to shut out the midday heat.

  42. So it happens that many of the patrons of private schools are singularly backward in the rudiments.

  43. The words, it will be remembered, are singularly pure, sweet and pathetic.

  44. Although little effect has been observed from salt, it deserves a more accurate investigation, as not withstanding the extent to which it has been employed, we are singularly deficient in definite experiments with it.

  45. If your estimate of him is correct, however, he would seem to be singularly well placed where he now is, as your plans appear to contemplate a considerable sacrifice for whatever advantages you expect to gain.

  46. Lieutenant Haberton was, it must be confessed, a singularly handsome man with engaging manners.

  47. In the concluding sentences of this record, as it now lies before me, the handwriting is not very legible: they were penned under circumstances singularly unfavorable.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "singularly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acutely; alone; amply; apart; conspicuously; eminently; emphatically; especially; exceptionally; exquisitely; extraordinarily; famously; generously; impressively; incredibly; individually; intensely; intrinsically; magically; magnanimously; magnificently; markedly; marvelously; monstrously; mysteriously; nobly; notably; once; particularly; peculiarly; pointedly; preeminently; profusely; prominently; remarkably; separately; severally; singularly; splendidly; surprisingly; uncommonly; unusually; wonderfully