This clause embraces all cases wherein a second prosecution is attempted for the same violation of law, whether felony or misdemeanor.
As used in the Constitution the word "crime" embraces only offenses of a serious character.
No fear of poverty there; no dowdy hats nor ragged breeches, taxing the needle and the patience of the dame; no thought of casting Ellen into the embraces of such a graceless scamp as Hans Keiser.
I think it embraces a broken window and an old hat; although you may not be able to see them in this light, as they are at least ten feet off.
In the midst of these amorous embraces and tender endearments, this monarch paused a while to gaze upon, or rather to devour her with his eyes: My goddess!
This arch embracesthe Sea of Japan and is washed on its convex side by the Pacific Ocean.
The districts for eligible Candidates are as follow:-- 'Dundalk Institution embraces the counties of Louth and Down, because the properties which support it lie in this district.
The Pococke Institution, Kilkenny, embraces the counties of Kilkenny and Waterford, for the same cause.
She could not forbear kissing the youth, who, for his part, received her embraces with all the demonstrations of joy he was capable of shewing.
In the midst of these amorous embraces and tender endearments, the king paused awhile, to gaze upon, or rather to devour her with his eyes.
King Saleh departed first; but the queen his mother and the princesses his relations were obliged to force themselves from the embraces of Gulnare, who could not prevail with herself to let them go.
The princes were overjoyed to see one another, and having alighted, after mutual embraces and other marks of affection and respect, remounted, and entered the city, amidst the acclamations of the people.
On nights when the moon was full, he was in the constant habit of inviting her to his embraces and his bed.
It is believed, that he deflowered one of them, Drusilla, before he had assumed the robe of manhood; and was even caught in her embraces by his grandmother Antonia, with whom they were educated together.
Then was e'en she not stronger / than e'er another bride; He lay with fond embraces / the beauteous dame beside.
Hearty were his embraces / as such king became: Perforce must she relinquish / her anger and her shame.
The centre of civilization again changes place, and Rome embraces and improves upon that of the ancient world.
Now it embraces in its purposes and plans the evangelization of all the nations of the earth.
The constant intercourse now maintained between Rome and Central and Northern Europe in a short time carried this new civilization across the Alps; the circle rapidly widens, and embracesall Europe in a common faith.
By successive conquests its circumference enlarges, and finally it embraces at once the South and the East and the West.
This inductive inference embraces vastly more in the conclusion than is contained in the premises; the antecedent is limited, the consequent is unlimited; and the only warrant that Dr.
And the reason is that the eye has one leading line (of vision) which dilates with distance and embraces with true discernment large objects at a distance as well as small ones that are close.
The young man exchanged embraces with the baron, whose character he knew to be kind in the main, and for whom he felt the regard which was natural to his present situation.
First, your passage money generally embraces all the liquor, beer, or wine you choose to consume on the trip.
I returned, freeing myself as speedily as possible from embraces the sincerity of which I felt open to question.
Heloisa to Abelard: "It is not love but the desire of riches and honour which makes women run into the embraces of an indolent husband: ambition, not affection, forms such marriages.
The bond of an universal Burschenschaft no longer embraces the whole body of German students, but the professors of every political as well as religious creed move amongst each other in manifold circles.
My thirty-eighth book embraces the consummation of the misfortunes of Greece.
As some episodical historians have written on the period which embraces the affair at Messene and the sea-fights already described, it is my intention to discuss them briefly.
She returned their embracesand expressed her amazement.
The usual range of the contralto voice is from G, below middle C, to the C above that; though exceptionally it embraces two octaves.
This new generation of whites that has sought escape from the "cumbrous, swaddling garment" embraces the flapper, who at Waikiki is a beautiful and wholesome sight.
Bugaboo with a gentle smile reaches out and embraces him and plants the kiss of love on both his cheeks, strokes his hair wistfully, and invites him to sit on the front porch.
The chapel, as may be seen by the diagrams, embraces a large room, with eighteen smaller class rooms around it, nine upon each floor.
It embracesthe entire school for all this time, but more especially a course of sixteen years which I will try to explain.
The course embraces in our Primary Department the International Lessons in the form of the "Picture Lesson Paper.
Let me once clasp That yet warm hand, and fold that throbless heart [Embraces the body.
Tis fair as frail mortality, In the first dawn and bloom of young creation, 270 And earliest embraces of earth's parents, Can make its offspring; still it is delusion.
The collection also embraces a couple of skulls, male and female, which have still the hair attached to the scalp.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "embraces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.