I have taken up the matter of the description of persons under that head, and I shall take up, in this chapter, the matter of speech as both illustrating character and individualizing the person.
He should endeavor to give a reader an idea of how they look, by describing them, and of how they talk, by individualizing their speech.
Homer presents such a picture, though his account is perhaps not so much a faithful representation of actual conditions as the result of the individualizing tendency of poetic narrative.
What latent egotism, too, in the pre-supposed idea that the world at large takes careful cognizance of the individualizing specialities of any man, save when he trenches on the reserved rights of others.
So then, my dear boys, do not regard me as descending to puerilities unworthy of myself and you, when I call your attention to such matters as your attitude in standing and sitting, or any other little individualizing peculiarities.
Originality in Art is the individualizing the Universal; in other words, the impregnating some general truth with the individual mind.
In the power of assimilating what is foreign, or external, to our own particular nature consists the individualizing law, and in the power of reproducing what is thus modified consists the originating cause.
As a science it busies itself with developing a priori the idea of Education in the universality and necessity of that idea, but as an art it is the concrete individualizing of this abstract idea in any given case.
All the glory and all the disgrace of our race lies in the power of individualizing which is divinely breathed into our veins.
It is only by the individualizing of the confession that the comfort to be derived by the individualizing of the promise can be obtained.
But on the other hand, in order to have separate personalities, it is necessary that another factor intervene to break up and differentiate this principle: in other words, anindividualizing factor is necessary.
So it is quite true that the totem is broken up in individualizing itself and that each of the bits thus detached plays the part of a spirit or soul residing in the body.
It was partly his delightful trick of individualizing people in general, and his friends in particular, that had so endeared him to these two.
Now individual matter, with all the individualizing accidents, is not included in the definition of the species.
Likewise, the things which belong to the species of a material thing, such as a stone, or a man, or a horse, can be thought of apart from the individualizing principles which do not belong to the notion of the species.
But matter is theindividualizing principle: whereas the universal comes from the abstraction of the form from the particular matter.
Consequently humanity and a man are not wholly identical; but humanity is taken to mean the formal part of a man, because the principles whereby a thing is defined are regarded as the formal constituent in regard to the individualizing matter.
In Anglo-American law today there are no less than seven agencies for individualizing the application of law.
Our administration of punitive justice is full of devices for individualizing the application of criminal law.
Equity uses its powers of individualizing to the best advantage in connection with the conduct of those in whom trust and confidence have been reposed.
If we desire a nearer approach to concrete truth, we can only aim at it by taking, or endeavouring to take, a greater number of individualizing circumstances into the computation.
Why did not the individualizing of conscience occur earlier?
The man who unloaded the largest amount of ore was paid the highest wages, and an unusual opportunity came for demonstrating the importance of individualizing each workman.
It is thatindividualizing of us that we dread; it is when it comes to that, that "conscience makes cowards of us all.
When a sinner is dying, he becomes aware that this individualizingprocess is about to take place, and hence the fear which he often feels.
The words express in an individualizing manner the thought, that the Servant of God, in His vocation as the Saviour of the personae miserabiles, would experience the most shameful and ignominious treatment, and would patiently bear it.
But this individualizing designation must be carefully distinguished from the image.
Peace stands as an individualizing designation of salvation; in the world of contentions, peace is one of the highest blessings.
The blind and deaf are the individualizing designations of the wretched; in Luke xiv.
The influence of the individualizing tendency is no more perceptible on the page of history, in political and religious affairs, than in the relations of social life.
In a deductive series the terms differ by a constant increase in the number of individualizing attributes--a concept being expanded into a deductive series by such regular additions.
This modern individualizingtrend appears equally in all the arts, of course.
In part this is, as has often been said, a result of the individualizing trend of modern art.
This individualizing of the movement of the warp threads allowed any warp thread to be held up automatically any length of time, or let down, according as was necessary to form the figure of the pattern.
Jacquard's invention consisted in individualizing and differentiating the movement of the warp threads, instead of operating them in constant groups.