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Example sentences for "instances"

Lexicographically close words:
installs; instalment; instalments; instance; instanced; instancing; instant; instantaneous; instantaneously; instantaneousness
  1. The Jews are unanimously of the conviction, that any one who touches this horn is sure to die on the spot; and they relate a multitude of instances in proof.

  2. The lady adduced against me arguments a priori as well as instances from experience, especially from French novels, and tried to correct my notions of love.

  3. Yet in many instances the attachment of his friends was marked with an unusual degree of warmth, and brought many an hour of sunshine to a life which otherwise would have been shadowed with insufferable gloom.

  4. But we have probably brought forward enough for our purpose, and have expressly chosen instances from the most widely separated peoples.

  5. The number of these instances could probably be increased by a little research.

  6. We are not defending the crime of robbery, neither would we rashly palliate it, although there are instances of it which deserve not only palliation, but pardon.

  7. I have myself known instances where the individual when young resembled one parent, and yet, in the course of time, became as it were the very image and reflex of the other.

  8. Let him that is yet unacquainted with the powers of Shakespeare, and who desires to feel the highest pleasures that the drama can give, read every play from the first scene to the last, with utter negligence of all his commentators.

  9. Here is a seeming contradiction; but it must be remembered that it is possible to arouse the mind to interest.

  10. It is often a wise plan to study them beforehand, so as to have their aid at once.

  11. Probably not often; the diamond in some instances wants the graver;--but it is the diamond.

  12. The road came upon a belt of the shrubbery where the old tenants of the soil were mingled with lighter and gayer companionship and in some instances gave it place; though in general the mingling was very graceful.

  13. Disappointment in two or three instances where he had given his full confidence and been obliged to take it back had quickened him to generalize unfavourably upon human character, both in the mass and in individuals.

  14. In various instances I have omitted the names of places, which I have either forgotten, or of whose orthography I am uncertain.

  15. I was very glad to receive him again into my service, as, notwithstanding his faults, he had in many instances proved of no slight assistance to me in my wanderings and biblical labours.

  16. I have known similar instances of the kind in persons of otherwise extraordinary resolution.

  17. Wolves were not common in the country, but there had been some recent instances of their issuing from the forests, and my first idea was that I had been thus attacked.

  18. The depression of the forehead in many instances is said to amount to a total disappearance.

  19. Some curious instances of longevity are collected.

  20. The houses of Braganza and Hapsburg are notorious instances of this; and, as far as we are aware, there are no counter instances.

  21. We shall find hereafter that there are numerous instances of transition from one of these shapes of the head to another, and that these alterations have taken place in nations who have changed their manner of life.

  22. In most instances they were an hereditary caste, Druids, Brahmans, or Magi.

  23. Some instances are here given of singular forbearance on their part.

  24. We might extract other instances of physiological and psychological changes induced by domestication, but we think enough have been given to show the character and degree of such changes.

  25. Even the very bread, in a perfect though carbonized form, has in some instances been found in the oven.

  26. There are no instances of hoes with metal blades, except of very late time, nor is there any proof of the plowshare having been sheathed with metal.

  27. It is evident that in several instances the word platonia is applied by Anastasius to a chapel lined with marble plates for inscriptions, as at S.

  28. Those of Egypt and Etruria afford instances of extraordinary labor bestowed in excavating and constructing these subterranean abodes of the dead.

  29. In many instances the body or the cartonage was beautified in an expensive manner, and the outer cases were little ornamented; but some preferred the external show of rich cases and sarcophagi.

  30. In some instances Isis was represented throwing her arms round the feet of the mummy, with this appropriate legend: "I embrace thy feet.

  31. I will add, that instances might be produced of men who, in this period of life, have successfully applied themselves even to the acquisition of some art of science to which they were before entirely strangers.

  32. The instances in which there are both places for bodies and urns are perhaps more numerous than those for urns only.

  33. The architectural decorations are worked in stucco; and it is observed by Mazois that both here and in other instances the artist has taken liberties, which he would not have indulged in had he been working in more valuable materials.

  34. The original entrances to the catacombs were in many instances by subterranean roads or corridors, sometimes called streets.

  35. In one or two instances they intimated that they would not have their names published for thousands of dollars.

  36. There are some instances related of personal indignity and violence.

  37. In these instances he had wholly misconceived the meaning, and the replies were exactly the reverse of what they were intended to be.

  38. Many more cases resembling these two were observed by von Scherer, and other army surgeons reported instances of the like effect of cold.

  39. In the course of time and with the change of circumstances the lot of the prisoners in general was ameliorated, and in many instances their life became comfortable.

  40. Prisoners tell touching stories how they were saved by German physicians, in most instances from typhus.

  41. Large communities are impossible, and while there are instances where eight or ten families occupy some place of exceptionally favorable location, these are rare.

  42. Every family is possessed of a flock of sheep and goats, sometimes numbering many thousands, and a band of horses, generally several hundreds, in a few instances several thousands.

  43. Out of seven kids which had been produced in the last month, one only was a female; and many similar instances had before occurred, but no particular notice was attracted until their frequency rendered them remarkable.

  44. Many instances of this kind had occurred, although it might have been readily supposed, that a stranger would have been on his guard, and never have lost the idea of the description of people by whom he was likely to be visited.

  45. The bodies of those broken on the wheel were exposed in different parts of the town, several instances of which, and some very recent ones, were still to be seen.

  46. Other instances were found to corroborate this observation.

  47. We have known several instances of very young girls having been much and shamefully abused by the males.

  48. Instances however were not wanting of their using them to describe the sensations of the mind as well as of the senses; thus their enemies were wee-re; their friends bood-yer-re.

  49. Can we look for instances of greater bravery in the exploration of any other portion of the globe?

  50. True, we find exceptions to this amongst them; two instances may be quoted as exemplifying two different phases of the native character.

  51. In several instances the force of both teams was put to one dray, to extricate it from the bed into which it had sunk, and the labour was considerably increased from the nature of the weather.

  52. I am forced to believe that the distrust evinced towards strangers arose from these persons, as in both instances when we were attacked, the hostile party was led by one of these light-coloured men.

  53. In these instances some rock at the sides of the cavity had been selected, and the stamp of a hand and arm by some means transferred to it.

  54. After the water dries up, the plants die, and leave the spore cases on, in many instances quite covering the surface of the dried mud.

  55. Here the prophet selects two instances which to him are solemn and singular examples of divine judgment, and we have difficulty in finding out to what he refers.

  56. But it is at least worth remembering that in the life of Christ we have many instances in which the prophetic images were literally fulfilled even though their meaning was mainly symbolical: as e.

  57. Without specifying places (but dealing generally) it will suffice to say that in a few instances notices were given for advances beyond what the sliding scale gave.

  58. That is only one of the numerous instances which could safely be quoted expressive of the ignorance about the miner and his life.

  59. Death has in many instances opened the gateway to life and blessing.

  60. What, then, was the cause of men being reduced in some instances from 13s.

  61. There were well-known instances where whole collieries of men petitioned the Executive Committee to be allowed to work at twenty per cent.

  62. In a few instances the officers were hurt.

  63. The new men struggle painfully with the duties novel to them until they acquire some experience, but even then, it needs in many instances two men or more to do the work of one.

  64. These are only instances which could be multiplied of how the Jews of Morocco suffer at the hands of brutal officials.

  65. The name Alhama, met with in several parts of Spain, merely denotes "the hot," alluding to springs of that character which are in most instances still active.

  66. There are, indeed, many instances of black men having been ministers, governors, and even ambassadors to Europe, and such appointments are too common to excite astonishment.

  67. Selfishness has its genesis in the many instances in which pleasure results from ministering to self.

  68. These waves, or radiations, are incredibly rapid in some instances and rather slow in others.

  69. Such baffling mental states are usually but instances of partial and incomplete recognition.

  70. It is worthy of remark, that when the Indians destroyed every other human being in the places they attacked, they in many instances saved the lives of the priests.

  71. In every part of the world where I have since been, I have heard similar legends, and have in most instances been able to discover a very probable explanation of the mystery.

  72. I, at all events, have met with numerous instances which tend to show that such is the case.

  73. They were in most instances too deep to be forded, so we had to wait till we could construct rafts to convey ourselves and our luggage, our horses swimming alongside.

  74. I have preferred not to mention the numerous ways and many instances in which the rights of negroes are denied in public places, and on the common carriers in the South, under circumstances very humiliating and degrading.

  75. All of us, who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor.

  76. See also Mr de Paw's Philosophical Enquiries concerning Americans, where several other instances of this remarkable whiteness are mentioned, and the causes of it attempted to be explained.

  77. And that the sea will freeze over, or the snow that falls upon it, which amounts to the same thing, we have instances in the northern hemisphere.

  78. In consequence, a considerable number of children do learn to read; but the ukase cannot make them go to school, and in many instances the priests are so ignorant and careless that these schools are of very little use.

  79. Earl Grey, perhaps, may be able to afford some rather startling instances of the decline of rents in Northumberland.

  80. Sunday, in innumerable instances brings no rest to the tailor under the sweating system; he must serve his slave-driver on that day too, even if he should go idle on the other days of the week.

  81. Such instances are common in induction, in instruction, and in methods of proof.

  82. In each of these instances we admit that the hypothesis was not readily suggested or easily and directly tested.

  83. In fact, they are often employed where there is no attempt to introduce a general term such as n, or k, or l, but the few individual instances are deemed quite sufficient.

  84. In definitions of the judgment sometimes the subjective side is emphasized, sometimes the objective side, and in other instances there are attempts to combine the two.

  85. There are numerous instances of this in mathematics.

  86. Advance is made by weighing instances and not by counting them.

  87. It is to be noted that in all these instances the first supposition was not entirely abandoned, but was modified and more exactly determined.

  88. In enumerative induction we lay stress on the number of instances in which the habit is applied.

  89. Instances taken in themselves and apart from their character are of no logical significance.

  90. Hence it is only in reference to the "specific" instances of singing, measuring, etc.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "instances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.