In our rear were the snow-clad hills, whilst in front was the illimitable frozen sea.
It was a dreary and wild-looking scene: no living thing in sight but our own little party, no colour or object to relieve the eye; nothing but a chaotic and illimitable sea of ice.
Many broad glaciers were in view, winding their long white snaky lengths between the hills, some of which could be traced into the interior for ten or twelve miles, or until lost in illimitable space.
It is that central point of our individual Being which opens into the whole illimitable Life of the Infinite.
Who has never tasted in wedded love that moment of illimitable joy when the soul seems freed from the trammels of flesh, and finds itself restored, as it were, to the world whence it came?
On one side the sea; on the other, sand; above, illimitable space.
Take, for instance, the mere physical situation of the first colonists, encamped on the very beach of the wide ocean with an illimitable forest in their rear.
To westward; the last of the spent day--rust-red and pearl, illimitable levels of shore waiting for the tide to turn again.
It is sweet to find a little baby-city, with only three men in it who can handle type, cursing and swearing across the illimitable levels for all the world as though it were a grown-up Christian centre.
Each street ends in the illimitable open, and it is as though the whole houseless, outside earth were racing through it.
These qualities have given them an unprecedented hold over property and illimitable credit.
Most forest runners, in such a case, would have abandoned the canoe, and would have gone on through the forest as best they could, but Henry had learned illimitable patience from the Indians.
He took one or two more glances at the great burning sun, and the sky that looked like illimitable depths of velvet blue, and then he surveyed the whole circle of the forest curving around them.
To begin with he was able to use a new and efficient form of motor destined to become popular, and capable, as the automobile manufacturers later showed, of almostillimitable development in the direction of power and lightness.
Light, come forth into the; illimitable light; immeasurable light; let your light shine forth.
The vivid spectacle of Cuba, for example, contracted to a palm's breadth, the island became nothing more than the glimmer of a torch in illimitable dusk.
We have traversed an alpine pass between the illimitablelands of Past and Future.
A full-fed river, glassing the hot blue sky, slides in long curves through a low-lying, illimitable plain.
But even where such a consciousness may be supposed, as in the case of oneiromancy, or prophecy by means of dreams, it must be supposed limited, and the more limited in a personal sense as they are illimitable in a sublime one.
Man only has a natural function for expanding on an illimitable sensorium, the illimitable growths of space.
As far as the eye could see in every direction, hour after hour stretched this illimitablemonotonous wilderness.
All day we thus sped south through illimitable wastes of sand, and sage brush and cactus, and a curious stunted palm, which lifted up a naked trunk with a single tuft of green at the very end.
And dark, dark and illimitable and freshly sweet the night shut down over the valley.
It was an illimitable jungle filled with unrecognizable forms, over which night was falling.
Running water across sand, clean sand dunes and grey bent, pure illimitable sea and high cliffs, sunsmitten or in shadow--there is landscape reduced to the simplest terms of a broad elemental beauty.
The camp was a pretty picture with its line of white tents, the timber along the creek for a background, and the solemn, apparently illimitable plains stretching away to the horizon in front.
We are moving out over the grand, illimitable plain again.
Their ancient prejudices are kept alive, their ancient grievances industriously disinterred, their imagination pleased with an illimitable vista of prosperity artfully unrolled before their untutored gaze.
The young bloods still make fun of the "patriots," and conjure up illimitable vistas of absurd possibilities under an Irish Government.
But the great, dark, illimitable kingdom of death, there humanity was put to scorn.
There it is, in front of us, as in front of Sappho, theillimitable space.
Death itself, like the illimitable space, is beyond our sullying.
The clear, far air of the mountains, the glory of the gold on the June hills and the illimitable stretch of waters below, spellbound the group on the observation platform.
These icebergs, extending as they did to the horizon, where they mingled with and were lost in the pearl-grey sky, gave an impression of vast illimitable perspective.
Nothing was visible in all the white illimitable plain save a hummock here and there, with a distant berg on the horizon.
Immense was the range of vision scudding the peaks and over the illimitable Eastward plains flat to the very East and sources of the sun.
Not the fabled Western Sea, but an illimitable ocean of rolling prairie--the long russet grass rising and falling to the wind like waves to the run of invisible feet--stretched out before the eager eyes of the explorer.
We take a morsel of illimitable space and wall it in and roof it over.