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Example sentences for "idee"

Lexicographically close words:
ideals; idear; ideas; ideation; ideational; idees; idell; idem; identic; identical
  1. Hadn't no idee where he would stick his stakes.

  2. My idee is that them Germans are holdin' out at an old house up River Bend way.

  3. Some of them fellows that come up here have no more idee about what is wanted in a camp than nothing at all.

  4. But says I firmly, "Give up that idee at once, Josiah Allen.

  5. And our old 4 mothers liked the idee of bein' perched up on a pillion behind the old 4 fathers.

  6. And I s'pose the idee come to him after Elburtus had got down to the barn where he wus a fodderin' his sheep.

  7. I wus bound to break up this idee of hisen at once.

  8. Anyway, he come home from Jonesville perfectly rampant with the idee of bein' United-States senator.

  9. Curius that she should feel so, but you couldn't get the idee out of her head.

  10. And I s'pose then the idee come to him that he would shet him up, and keep him there till after 'lection wus over.

  11. And, if you'll believe it, she all rousted up with the idee of wantin' to go too.

  12. And Josiah was very agreeable to the idee (for when did a man ever look scornfully on the idee of a good dinner?

  13. I s'pose they hated the idee of gettin' off of that pillion, and onhitchin' that ox.

  14. The idee of anybody bein' afraid of a mice, and ready to tackle the Constitution!

  15. I couldn't hardly associate the idee of heaven and endless repose with a short frock-coat and boots, and a blue necktie and a stiff shirt-collar.

  16. Never heerd such a crazy idee in my life.

  17. And when you go aginst that idee you are goin' aginst the everlastin' forces of nater.

  18. Wall, it wuz jest about as wild a idee that Ferdinand had to listen to; I d'no that he wuz any more to blame than they would be for not hearin' to it.

  19. The ceilin' and walls are covered with landscape views of Southern Spain, and a mandolin orchestra carried out the idee of a Andulusian Garden.

  20. It would be a good idee to go to the grounds in it; you can go down in it in half an hour--it is only seven or eight milds.

  21. You have got to swim out for yourself, and then you may have some idee of the vastness on't.

  22. Why, jest the idee on't would, I believe, stunt Amanda Bobbet, or else throw her into spazzums.

  23. I hain't gin much idee of all there is to see in that buildin', and I hain't in any on 'em.

  24. Sez I, "Your danger appauls me, and also the idee of bein' up nights with you.

  25. And I wiped my brow on my white linen handkerchief, for though the idee didn't surprise me none, it started the sweat.

  26. Wall, to anybody that loves to look on every side of a idee from top to bottom, and had had sech experiences on top of the Earth as I had, it wuz a great treat to see what wuz inside of the Old World.

  27. I wanted it deep enough to show the profound esteem and honor in which I held him, and not deep enough so's to give him the false idee that I wuz a professional dancer, or opera singer, or anything of that sort.

  28. I hain't got no idee on't, nohow," said Israel shaking his head.

  29. Didn't they git our idee what we wuz arter wen we stopped the courts?

  30. But ye see some of the boys hev got a noshin agin heven any more fellers sole aout fer debt, an we've been a explainin our idee to Iry this mornin.

  31. He's pison proud, Perez is, an I guess the idee they wuz callatin tew hev him licked, hez kinder riled him.

  32. I hearn that's the idee as the Hampshire folks went fer in the convenshun daown tew Hatfield this week.

  33. What a reedickilous idee for a man o' your age!

  34. But he was so animated and happy at the idee of goin' that he looked on the bright side of everything, and he said that we would go to bed before dark, and get as much sleep as we commonly did.

  35. I'd no idee of being treated in this way after you'd been so polite to me, and made such a fuss over me and the girls.

  36. Sall wrote it down, she said it warnt a bad idee that; but father larfed, he said he guessed minister's courtin days warnt over, when he made such pretty speeches as that are to the galls.

  37. According to my idee you have no more right to take them, than you have to take my clocks without payin for 'em.

  38. To tell the truth, Deacon Soper, I rather guess he don't like the idee of dancin', and some of the other little arrangements.

  39. The landlady didn't know anything about such notions; it was an idee in folks' heads, she expected.

  40. I reckon I must 'a' got that idee from what Jesus said to the thief on the cross.

  41. Plenty food go inside, he kicking idee out!

  42. Oi mebbe misthaken, but Oi've got an idee that Glendon's at the bottom of it.

  43. I ain't never hurted none er you-all; I ain't never had de idee er harmin' you.

  44. Dey got de idee dat we all ain't got no mo' sense dan a passel er fryin'-size chickens.

  45. I says to her, says I, 'What put that idee in your head, Becky?

  46. Hev ye got any reel idee to come an' go on, Tug?

  47. Wall, it's a sorter idee of the wimmin," explained Jeff.

  48. I've no idee what er road would cost, but it would take a power o' money, sho.

  49. For a time we'll have everything our own way, an' then the king will have a pretty good idee of what the Yankees can do.

  50. Wait till the Phoebe heaves in sight, an' then we'll have a fairly good idee of whether they're friendly or not.

  51. I've got an idee that she'll tell you to go if I say so.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.