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Example sentences for "identifiable"

Lexicographically close words:
idell; idem; identic; identical; identically; identification; identifications; identified; identifiers; identifies
  1. He particularises twelve cities, but their names are scarcely identifiable with any now known.

  2. Figures representing opossums are not with certainty identifiable in the Maya writings.

  3. They are not, however, certainly identifiable (Pl.

  4. By these marks most of the figures are readily identifiable (Pl.

  5. Objects which have been wet or immersed in water may still bear identifiable latent impressions.

  6. Incredible as it may seem, it has been possible to secure identifiable impressions 3 years after death.

  7. Many judicial systems in the world even make a difference between a payment, which is not connected to an identifiable or discernible benefit, and those that are.

  8. It had no "organizing committee", no identifiable group of movers and shakers, which controlled and directed it.

  9. But if a judicious selection of the bones were deposited in a suitable place, together with some object clearly identifiable as appertaining to the deceased, it seemed to me that the difficulty would be met.

  10. Did you observe any foreign objects identifiable as bits of fragments or portions of a bullet missile?

  11. Yes; debridement is a surgical term used to designate that procedure in attending a wound which removes by sharp excision all nonvital tissue in the area together with any identifiable foreign objects.

  12. I would say that that wound was about a centimeter in diameter, much larger than the identifiable fragment of metal in the thigh.

  13. Some 8 feet away there was a large block of sculptured stone, easily identifiable as an altar.

  14. A vast quantity of identifiable property, removed from France and Belgium, was duly restored to its owners.

  15. Illustrations The illustrated items are confined to those that are sufficiently complete or readily identifiable as to be of value to archeologists, curators, and historians who may find comparable items elsewhere.

  16. Other identifiable threats include mineral exploitation, fishing, ocean dumping of toxic chemicals, and human disturbance, including both hunting and tourism.

  17. The relative importance of the other identifiable threats to the birds is even more conjectural.

  18. The fundamental biological importance of this delayed maturity seems to be emphasized by the persistence for several years of immature plumages, so clearly identifiable that even a human observer can recognize the age of an individual.

  19. It is still distinguishable as belonging to the consciousness of extensions, not to the consciousnesses of forces or durations; and in so far remains a vaguely identifiable relation.

  20. The tree would appear to be identifiable (vide App.

  21. As the result of this recognition he established the second great stratigraphical law, with which his name will ever be linked, that strata are identifiable by their included organisms.

  22. Finally, the argument is clinched by the style of Myron's most certainly identifiable work.

  23. In view of the exalted rank assigned to Polyclitus by Greek and Roman judgment, his identifiable works are a little disappointing.

  24. Although the Kuei-yang and Fa-yen houses fizzled comparatively quickly, the Yun-men lasted considerably longer, with an identifiable line of transmission lasting virtually throughout the Sung Dynasty.

  25. Its site is identifiable with one that used to exist in front of the present mission of Holy Cross or just above.

  26. The flat is narrow, at present about 300 feet; and the part above the stream is deeply pitted by the remains of semisubterranean houses of a "dead" native village, which I believe is identifiable with the Magimute of the Russians.

  27. No other identifiable English ware of this period compares with the gravel-tempered pottery, the use of gravel for temper apparently being restricted to North Devon.

  28. The most readily identifiable were sherds of English delftware of many forms and styles of decoration related to the second half of the 17th century.

  29. Records have been maintained on the number of identifiable humpbacks seen in these waters including Glacier Bay.

  30. Carcasses fed on by wolves but not clearly identifiable as kills were labeled "probable" wolf-kills.

  31. To test the proposed hypothesis with certainty, a larger number of identifiable breeding and nonbreeding population units from the same general area must be followed during at least one winter.

  32. When he succeeds in knowing that Supreme Soul by dissociating himself from Prakriti, he then becomes identifiable with the Supreme Soul.

  33. Prakriti, which is unintelligent or inert) as identifiable with the Twenty-fifth or the Soul which has a real and independent existence.

  34. Such a man truly regards the universe as identifiable with himself.

  35. He shall be possessed of the consciousness of his being Brahma's self; his understanding and soul shall be devoted to Brahma, and he shall completely depend upon Brahma so as to be identifiable with it!

  36. Salutations to thee that causest rain, that helpest the cause of righteousness, that art identifiable with the form of Nandi, and that art Righteousness' self!

  37. Then comes the mighty Wind of immeasurable force, in his eight forms, who swallows up quickly that blazing fire of transcendent force, possessed of seven flames, and identifiable with the heat existing every creature.

  38. That foe is identifiable with ignorance, O king.

  39. From Narada I have acquired that knowledge which is truly identifiable with the eternal Brahma.

  40. Thus the first described slime-mould identifiable by its description is Lycogala epidendrum (Buxbaum) Fries, the most puff-ball looking of the whole series.

  41. This lake is identifiable with the "Lake Biddle" of the Clark Map of 1810, the "Teton Lake" of Warren A.

  42. Identifiable features of the unvisited eastern section consist only of a misshapen "Yellow Stone Lake" and the "Falls.

  43. The Trinidad Bay landfall theory will first be investigated, in an attempt to determine whether the Indians mentioned in Fletcher's account are identifiable with the Yurok tribe which, in historic times, occupied this territory.

  44. Illustration c: Strings of clamshell disk beads identifiable as the "chaines" of Fletcher.

  45. It will now be recognised that Wither aimed very gently at no identifiable book, but at a feature common to scores of books.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "identifiable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    discernible; prominent; pronounced; visible