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Example sentences for "holie"

Lexicographically close words:
holes; holi; holiday; holidaying; holidays; holier; holies; holiest; holily; holiness
  1. Gaitington, which is eight or nine miles from Northampton, he there declared what orders he had taken for his iournie into the holie land.

  2. April, in which assemblie of those two princes, the knights templers and hospitallers presented to them letters directed from pope Alexander vnto all christian princes, [Sidenote: The danger of the holie land.

  3. It was also ordeined, that the monie of such as died in this iournie, should go towards the finding and maintenance of their seruants and of poore people, and towards the aid of the christians in the holie land.

  4. Also it was ordeined, that tithes should be paid to churches, and that such laie men as would kéepe wiues, should keepe them according to the lawes of holie church, and not otherwise.

  5. And for the more assurance therof, he renewed his fealtie, in receiuing an oth vpon the holie euangelists.

  6. The same yeare, the king being at Waltham, assigned an aid to the maintenance of the christian souldiers in the holie land, that is to wit, 42.

  7. Also he required that earle John might take vpon him the crosse to passe ouer into the holie land also; for otherwise earle Richard would not go.

  8. Item, that within thrée yeares after the natiuitie of our lord next ensuing, he should take vpon him the crosse, and personallie passe to the holie land, except pope Alexander or his successours tooke other order with him.

  9. Item, he bound himselfe in the meane time by his oth, to emploie so much monie as the templers should thinke sufficient for the finding of two hundred knights or men of armes, for one yeares terme in the defense of the holie land.

  10. Most holie father, I doo here come for succour to your audience, lamenting that the state of the church, and the liberties thereof are brought to ruine by the couetous dealing of kings and princes.

  11. The holie Sacramentis are abused be profane Papistis.

  12. O horrible sclanderaris of God, and of his holie evangell.

  13. Gif your Lordschip rychtlie considder these sentences, ye sall nocht onlie find my wordis to be the wordis of the Holie Goist, but also the conditioune quhilk I use to adde, to haif the assurance of Godis Scriptouris.

  14. Item, that they beleeued not holie bread and holie water, ashes, palmes, and all other like ceremonies used in the church to bee good and laudable for stirring up the people to deuotion.

  15. Yea, but the words of the Commandement are, sixe daies shalt thou labour: Ergo, there should be no holie day besides the Lords day.

  16. This one word, sanctuarie teacheth vs how we should behaue our selues in the Church as in Gods presence: Doest thou come to that holie place to receiue the blessed Supper of our Lord?

  17. New England, & some of ye marineer's would in a scoffe ask when they should come to ye holie Land?

  18. The King kist the sworde also; and layd it upon the altar, in testimonie of his zeale and affection to the defence of the holie church.

  19. After saying a praier, hee shewed the holie oyle untoe the people; and then set it down vpon the high altar, with all the Godlie reuerence.

  20. Remy, who had the custody of it, standing by and "looking sharplie to the holie oyle.

  21. Prior of Saint Denis, who hath the keeping of them; and on the right side stoode the Prior of Saint Remy, looking sharplie to the holie oyle.

  22. On Sunday, the 17th of October, the King sent foure Barons vnto the Abbey of Saint Remy, to fetch the holie oyle.

  23. Her sweren zounds which be Gog's wounds, By bricht Marie and Gis, By sweit Sanct Ann and holie Tan And by Bryde's bell, ywis.

  24. Holie father (as your holinesse doth better knowe then any other) euery man that purposeth to liue an honest life, ought to auoyde (so muche as lieth in him) all occasions that may drawe him to the contrary.

  25. Ethelbert, in the which he greatlie commended him, in that he had receiued the christian faith, and exhorted him to continue in that most holie state of life, whereby he might worthilie looke for reward at the hands of almightie God.

  26. That is to say, We beseech thee Ô Lord in all thy mercie that thy furie and wrath may be taken from this citie, and from thy holie house, for we haue sinned.

  27. Lindesferne, otherwise called Holie Iland, one Wilfrid, which was sent by king Alcfrid into France, to be ordeined there.

  28. And to assure Pauline that his promise should take place, he gaue vnto him his new borne daughter to be made holie to the Lord, that is to say, baptised.

  29. Now when the time was accomplished, he ordeined a monasterie there, appointing the [Sidenote: Lindisferne holie Iland.

  30. The Britains hauing thus vanquished their enimies, gathered the spoile at good leasure, & gaue God thanks for the victorie thus got without bloud, for the which the holie bishops also triumphed as best became them.

  31. Tys butt a journie I shalle goe Untoe the lande of blysse; 230 Nowe, as a proofe of husbande's love, Receive thys holie kysse.

  32. Ynne Lent, and onne the holie eve, Fromm fleshe I dydd refrayne; Whie should I thenne appeare dismay'd 175 To leave thys worlde of payne?

  33. Adhelm, a knyghte, whose holie deathless fire For ever bended to St. Cuthbert's shryne, Whose breast for ever burnd with sacred fyre.

  34. The duke hath also confirmed the church of Feuersham with the appurtenances; and all other things giuen or restored by me vnto other churches, he shall confirme by the counsell and aduice of holie church and of me.

  35. Likewise by the counsell and aduise of holie church, [Sidenote: Mota de Oxford.

  36. And my sonne also is to constreine him thereto, according to the aduice of holie church, if the duke shall chance to go from the couenants afore mentioned.

  37. The tower of London, and the fortresse of Windsor, by the counsell and aduice of holie church are deliuered vnto the lord Richard de Lucie, [Sidenote: Richard de Lucie.

  38. And thus I ceasse further to trouble thy patience, wishing to thee (gentle reader) so much profit, as by reading may be had, and as great comfort as Gods holie spirit may endue thee with.

  39. This do we learne in the holie scripture / of our continuall synnynge: they teache not then that we can do any thing more then we sholde.

  40. I speake not this / as though I dyd not thinke / that the moste holie virgin were worthy of singular praises / But euen she her selfe will not be made equall with Christe.

  41. Wherfore seinge the papistes do bothe thincke and teache otherwise in this matier then the holie scripture dothe teache / and do defend their errour with an obstinate mynde they are heretikes.

  42. After this the priest shall sprinkle the iron with holie water saieng: The blessing of the father, the sonne, and the holie ghost, be vpon this iron, to the reuelation of the iust iudgement of God.

  43. Hauing receiued O Lord God these holie mysteries, we humblie beseech thee that the participation of this sacrament may rid vs of our guiltinesse, and in this thy seruant set foorth the truth.

  44. Berwike, is that which was somtime called Lindesfarne, but now Holie Iland, and conteineth eight miles; a place much honored among our monasticall writers, bicause diuerse moonks and heremits did spend their times therein.

  45. Stephans, and Whitesand baies, we saluted the Bishop and his clerks, as they went on procession on our left side (being loth to take anie salted holie water at their hands) and came at last to the point called S.

  46. Amneie on the left hand, which comming from aboue Holie roode Amneie, runneth by Downe Amneie, and finallie into the Isis a little aboue Iseie.

  47. The Welshmen call it Tiremone and Mon, and herein likewise is a promontorie [Sidenote: Holie head, or Cair kiby.

  48. This shall assure my constant loyaltie, If that our Queene and this young prince agree, Ile ioine mine eldest daughter and my ioie To him forthwith in holie wedlockes bandes.

  49. From them he would his impudent lewde speach Against Gods holie ministers oft reach, 840 And mocke divines and their profession.

  50. Not that great idoll might with this compaire, 495 To which th'Assyrian tyrant would have made The holie brethren falslie to have praid.

  51. Dear Hatty, the children of believing parents never form habits of disobedience.

  52. But, aunty, you have had no leisure for a long time, and have got intent on your book again.

  53. I am no angel; and it isn't pleasant to be soaked in hot water one day, and left to freeze the next.

  54. Her mother was a strict disciplinarian, and thought it her duty to say, 'You cannot go to bed till you have obeyed me.

  55. Young wives abhor having their mothers-in-law interfere with them.

  56. At last, ready to drop with fatigue, she shrieked them out, and was allowed to creep to bed, with a sense of being the naughtiest girl in the world.

  57. An occasional visit is all that is permitted.

  58. So helpe me God, and these holie euangelists, Amen.

  59. This Hugh was a Frenchman by nation, borne at Granople, a man of a pregnant wit, and skilfull both in science of holie scripture and humane knowledge.

  60. This done, the people sing a psalme altogether in a plain tune, which ended, the minister prayeth for the assistance of God's Holie Spirit as the same shall move his heart, and so proceedeth to the sermon.

  61. So God me helpe and his holie euangelists.

  62. Polydor iudgeth that this ouerthrow happened to the Englishmen, the rather for that the armie was hired with such monie as had beene wrongfullie taken out of the abbeis and other holie places, howbeit it is but his opinion onelie.

  63. The other is the doing of the first with knowledge, knowing that they doe wrong against their own conscience, and the testimonie of (M10) the holie Spirit, having once had a tast of the sweetnes of Gods mercies.

  64. God forbid, for the sin against the holie Ghost hath two branches: The one a falling backe from the whole service of GOD, and a refusall of all his preceptes.

  65. Then this sinne is a sinne against the holie Ghost.

  66. And he concludes with the prayer, "God grant to us all grace to ken well and to kepe well Holie Writ, and to suffer joiefulli some paine for it at the laste.

  67. God grant us," runs the prayer in the old Bible preface, "to ken and to kepe well Holie Writ, and to suffer joiefulli some paine for it at the laste.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.