The sight of anie of the house of Yorke, Is as a furie to torment my soule.
Come bloudie Clifford, rough Northumberland, I dare your quenchlesse furie to more bloud: This is the But, and this abides your shot.
Poore Queene, her loue to me and to the prince Her sonne, ·eaa225· Makes hir infurie thus forget hir selfe.
Then Lewes in a great furie menaced that he would not once depart from thence, till he had woon the castell, and put all them within to death, and began to assaile it with more force than before he had doone.
The Normans espying the aduantage to be ripe, made a stiffe stand, redoubled vpon the English, and pressing on with a furie equall to their fauourable fortune, with a cruell butchery brake into them.
Hereupon, incensed with the furie of an iniuried minde, hee exclaimed against his brother of England, and almost proclaimed him a violator of his league.
Their armie also was routed, and with a bloody execution pursued, so long as day and furie did last.
For which the grete furie of his penaunce Was queynt with hope, and ther-with hem bitwene 1430 Bigan for Ioye the amorouse daunce.
The Duke hath vow'd to prosecute your life, With all the strict severitie he can; But I will crosse his resolution And keepe you from his furie well enough.
It raineth vnreasonably, and with so great furie and force, that the time that it dooth indure, it is requisite to flie from the showers; for that many times they are so hurtfull, that one sole shower taketh away the life of a man.
Certes he was the first that euer tendered complaint out of England vnto Rome, & with him went William Bishop of London (afterward reuoked) and Vlfo of Lincolne, who hardlie escaped the furie of the English nobilitie.
I read of, and vpon the riuer Indus, but to his losse, for he was ouercome by hir power, & his nauie either drowned or burned by the furie of hir souldiers.
Thys Herewald perceevd, and full of ire He on the Siere de Broque with furie came; Quod he; thou'st slaughtred my beloved squier, But I will be revenged for the same.
Mie soulghe dothe nowe begynne to see herselle; I wylle upryse mie myghte, and doe mie parte, 280 To flea the foemenne yn mie furie felle.
After her furie had reasonably spent it selfe, her breast began to swell with the mother, caused by her former fretting & chafing, and she grew verie ill at ease.
Descriptions stand by, heere is to be expressed the furie of Lucifer when he was turnd ouer heauen barre for a wrangler.
I am not at peace with the world, for euen but yesterdaye I fought, and in my furie threatened further vengeaunce: had I face to face askt forgiuenesse, I should thinke halfe my sinnes were forgiuen.
The cyment wherewith the stones were layd, resisteth the fretting furie of the weather, better then themselues.
The earle Hercole Martinengo, which was sent for one of the hostages, who was also bound, was hidden by one of Mustafas eunuches vntill such time as his furie was past, afterward his life being graunted him, hee was made the eunuches slaue.
For whiche cause my loue was tourned into furie and dispayre, so greate, as I watched her so nere, that vppon a daye fayning my selfe to goe abroade, I hydde my selfe in the chamber where now shee remayneth.
The sonne lamentably began to lament his father's fortune, saying: "Oh deare father, what wicked furie hath thus cruelly deuised sodaine death.
Shee who had not prepared her heart to withstand the assaults of a most extreame and sensible griefe, tooke D'Eurre for the object, against whome shee poured forth the furie of her passions.
Assoone as they saw that the Christians approched, with a great crie sounding two drummes with great furie they sallied foorth to receiue them.
Some Furie hath possest my Bellizarius That thus he railes.
Come bloody Clifford, rough Northumberland, I dare your quenchlesse furie to more rage: I am your Butt, and I abide your Shot Northumb.
The sight of any of the House of Yorke, Is as a furie to torment my Soule: And till I root out their accursed Line, And leaue not one aliue, I liue in Hell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "furie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.