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Example sentences for "heedlessness"

Lexicographically close words:
heedfully; heedfulness; heeding; heedless; heedlessly; heeds; heeft; heel; heeld; heele
  1. Of his own will and his own heedlessness he is bound, but through God's mercy he will be unbound, if he afterwards merit his liberation of God.

  2. Of that heedlessness the prophet spake with lamenting voice, thus saying, "The stork and the swallow keep the time of their coming, and this people knew not the doom of God.

  3. They were so afraid of his heedlessness that he was not told where David was hidden.

  4. The causes of David's heedlessness throw a light on the character of that young man.

  5. Her agitation was calmed again, and her natural heedlessness of the future returned.

  6. He forgot England, and revelled in the Italian heedlessness of days to come.

  7. When Bekhtzeman heard this, he awoke from his heedlessness and said, 'Extolled be the perfection of God the Great!

  8. Some heedlessness in the custodians, too eager to go home and feast or sleep, or too drowsy to know whether they turned the keys aright, had left one of the doors unlocked.

  9. Mark the absolute Asiatic dignity, only outwardly slurred over by a heedlessness of behaviour.

  10. When from his sheepish look, or any other cause, you imagine that he has raised game, either through heedlessness or from their being unusually wild, be sure to give him a short lecture, and accompany him to the haunt.

  11. They ought to have called him his father; for it seems he hath made you forget that of those faults which are committed about pleasures some proceed from a loose intemperate inclination, and others from heedlessness or ignorance.

  12. The chevalier began to find his rĂ´le less diverting and to curse the stupid curiosity, the imprudent heedlessness which had thrown him into a position as complicated as it was dangerous.

  13. If the amount of your good qualities has not brought you much more than the heedlessness of youth, this house would not have been open to you, be certain of that, sir.

  14. Goldsmith knew the soundness of his judgment and his practical benevolence, and often sought his counsel and aid amid the difficulties into which his heedlessness was continually plunging him.

  15. He was so ashamed of this fresh instance of gross heedlessness and imprudence that he remained some time in Dublin without communicating to his friends his destitute condition.

  16. The heedlessness of his early days; his disposition for social enjoyment; his habit of throwing the present on the neck of the future, still continue.

  17. Goldsmith certainly gave reason for some such distrust by the heedlessness with which he conducted his literary undertakings.

  18. The unreflecting mind apt to exaggerate the guilt of a person who out of heedlessness or rashness causes harm by a positive act, ibid.

  19. It often stands for heedlessness as well, or for carelessness.

  20. There is a top and a bottom in this obscure sub-soil, which sometimes gives way beneath civilization, and which our indifference and heedlessness trample under foot.

  21. There is much that in itself is wrong and undesirable, the criminality of which is diminished by the fact that it was heedlessly done, though the heedlessness itself is a crime.

  22. What is this heedlessness and ignorance and what is this antagonism and insubordination!

  23. Were they to become mindful of their heedlessness and awakened from the sleep of ignorance, they would become intoxicated by the cup of the love of God and exhilarated by the good cheer of the wine of the knowledge of God.

  24. A moment his voice rang out in terrible wrath: "Behold how the heedlessness of one man can overthrow the wisdom of a hundred!

  25. Your heedlessness is such that you would give them three times as much as they required.

  26. So speaking she laughed with the happy heedlessness of an impassioned amorosa.

  27. Many a dawn hath the breeze of My loving-kindness wafted over thee and found thee upon the bed of heedlessness fast asleep.

  28. Thou beholdest, O my God, the tears that my shame hath caused to flow, and the sighs which my heedlessness hath led me to utter.

  29. Isolation in the midst of a crowd, the nearness of the joy and the heedlessness of those they meet, contrasting with the sadness and anxiety in their own minds, become unendurable to them.

  30. It was rather remarkable that with all her heedlessness and volatile spirits, Lily was so strictly truthful and upright, for they never betrayed her into an equivocation, as carelessness and want of thought are too apt to do.

  31. Procrastination, and want of attention to the duty of the time, and perhaps a little idleness and heedlessness added to them.

  32. How many an embodiment of heedlessness who came unto Us with purity of heart have We established upon the seat of Our acceptance; and how many an exponent of wisdom have We in all justice consigned to the fire.

  33. My back is bowed by the burden of my sins, and my heedlessness hath destroyed me.

  34. Such was their heedlessness that they regarded every injury inflicted upon that sacred Being as ranking among the greatest of all acts, and constituting a means of attainment unto God, the Most High.

  35. Indeed, their heedlessness is such that were they asked concerning the water and its properties, they would prove entirely ignorant.

  36. None have I ever seen that surpasseth you in heedlessness or exceedeth you in ignorance.

  37. This is the true philosophy of most of what is called heedlessness in children, and for which, poor things, they receive so many harsh reprimands and so much punishment.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heedlessness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; apathy; boredom; caprice; carelessness; desperation; detachment; dispassion; disregard; distraction; excuse; flippancy; forgetfulness; forgiveness; haste; hastiness; improvidence; inadvertence; inattention; indifference; indiscretion; insouciance; lassitude; laziness; lethargy; levity; listlessness; neglect; negligence; nonchalance; obliteration; oblivion; oversight; precipitation; recklessness; shallowness; shiftlessness; sloth; superficiality; temerity; thoughtlessness; unconcern; unpreparedness; didactic; directive; disciplinary; edifying; educational; enlightening; formulary; hortatory; illuminating; imperative; informative; initiatory; instructive; introductory; lecturing; mandatory; monitory; moralistic; official; peremptory; preceptive; prescribed; prescriptive; regulation; remonstrative; sententious; standard; statutory; teaching; warning