Art thou afraid of the old woman more then halfe dead, whom with a stripe of thy heele thou maist easily dispatch?
And in hope of his heele Good herte he hente, And rood forth to a revel, A ryche place and a murye; {436} The compaignye of confort Men cleped it som tyme.
The gome that gooth with o staf, He semeth in gretter heele Than he that gooth with two staves, To sighte of us alle.
I must thanke him onely, Least my remembrance, suffer ill report: At heele of that, defie him Lepi.
He laid vppon him with heele and hand, With yard that was soe fell; 'Helpe!
Lend me your serving men, say me not nay, With all your best horsses that ryd on the way; Ile to the court, this matter to stay; Ile speake with King Iohn and heare what heele say.
But Ile be gone; for now heele fight with a flye, if he but buz[1860] in his eare.
Marrie, Harrie, follow my counsaile: send for Frier Bacon to marrie them, for heele so conjure him and her with his nigromancie, that they shall love togither like pigge and lambe whilest they live.
You litle thinke heele run a mile or two for such a cake, or passe for[1064] a pudding.
Marrie, sir, heele straight be on your pickpacke to knowe whether the feminine or the masculin gender be most worthie.
There hath grown no grasse on my heele since I went hence, 150 Lo here have I brought that shall make you pastance.
Oh, hees fast enough; heele be ready to cast up his accounts the easier when my lady calls him.
Confest: but I have no mind to come to issue with a Lawyer; when he should consider my cause at home, heele be at Westminster, teaching men the Statutes.
Thy father's In Essex: if he live heele purchase Romford; If he die sooner then the towne's our owne; Spend but an acre a day and thou maist live Till all the world be wearie of thee.
Mer: Now heelekeepe a mumbling in my guts on the 75 other side, come Benuolio, lend me thy hand: a poxe of your houses.
Indeede a' must shoote nearer, orheele ne're hit the clout Boy.
By my soule nor I, And yet to satisfie this good old man, I would bend vnder anie heauie waight, That heele enioyne me to Leon.
Marry go before to field, heele be your follower, Your worship in that sense, may call him man Tib.
By my troath heele yeeld the crow a pudding one of these dayes, Ile go to him, husband youle come?
I beseche God sende yow goode heele and greater joye in on year then ye have hadde thys vij.
I also mysselyke somwhat the heyr heer; for by my trowte I was in goode heele whan I come hyddre, and all hooll, and to my wetyng I hadde never a better stomake in my lyffe, and now with in viij.
Page, I beleeue The Doctor is no Iester, heele laie it on: For tho we be Iustices and Doctors, And Church men, yet we are 115 The sonnes of women M.
Let me alone, Ile to him once again like Brooke, and know his mind whether heele come or not.
I do not thinke heele come being so much deceiued.
Looke heere, here’s a buck-basket, if hee be a man of any reasonable sise, heele in here.
Bistardae or Bustards[27] are not vnfrequent in the champain & feildie part of this country a large Bird accounted a dayntie dish, obseruable in the strength of the brest bone & short heele layes an egge much larger then a Turkey.
A marsh bird the legges & feet black without an heele the bill black about 3 quarters of an inch long they grow very fatt & are accounted a dayntie dish.
Encouragement unto the valiant Is like a golden spurre upon the heele Of a young Knight, like to a wreath of Bay To a good Poet; like a sparkeling Crowne, Unto a Kings Son.
Sure this Villaine has no soule, and for gold Heele damn his body too, hee's at peace with hell And brings his Merchandise from thence to sell.
Heele cursse you both, that thus have hindered His freedom from this goale of sinfull flesh.
Heele be horne mad & never able to indure it: why, woman, if he had but as much man in him as a Maribone, heele take the burthen uppon his own necke and never discover you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heele" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.