Than sayd the kynge of Sodome vnto Abram: gyue me the soulles/ and take the goodes to thy selfe.
And Abram toke Sarai his wyfe ad Lot his brothers sonne/ wyth all theirgoodes which they had goten and soulles which they had begoten in Haran.
And they toke all the goodes of Sodome and Gomorra and all their vitalles/ ad went their waye.
Their goodes & their substance and all their catell are oures/ only let vs consente vnto them/ that they maye dwell with vs.
Also/ regarde not your stuff/ for the goodes of all the londe of Egipte shalbe youres.
My lyfe is thine, myne honour dependeth of thee, my goodes be tyed to thee.
What resteth then, if not that you (sister) voyde of cruelty do vse no vnkyndnesse to hym that loueth you, and who for love of you hathe prodygally offred hys owne goodes to ryd me from payne and dyshonor?
Consyder whether it bee good to follow myne aduyse, to repossede agayne the thyng whych is your owne, (that is) the Freedome wherein your Auncesters gloryfied so mutch, and for which they feared not to hazarde theyr Goodes and Lyues.
For sith that you be myne, and for sutch yelded and giuen to me, I wyl keepe you, as hir whome I loue and esteme aboue al things of the World, makyng you my Companion and the onely mistresse of my goodes heart, and wyll.
By Equitie distributyue is distributyd and giuen of comon goodes to euery ma[n] accordyng to his deseruyng[e]s and as he is worthy to haue.
As to deuide amonge suche as longe to the Chyrche of the Chyrche goodes after the qualitie of theyr merytes: and to them beynge Ciuil persones of the comon treasour of the Ci- tie accordynge as they are worthy.
As in Rome was this law made / that yf any persone were distraught / his posses- sions and goodes shulde come to the han- des of his next kynne.
John Pa]ston and Thomas Howys, or be hem that shal aftyr them have the mynistracion of my goods in executyng [my] will in awmesse full dedes in fourme afore seyd soo that my mevable goodes be mean of that .
Item, I will and ordeyne that suche of my consanguinite and kynred whyche be pore and have but litil substaunce to leve by, that they be relevyd of my goodes .
For your goodes and substance, I coulde bee content 50 To take you as ye are.
By which wordes appereth, that goodes and riches do not make a gentyl man, but noble and vertuous conditions do.
The seuenthe (eighth), to stele nor depryue no mannes goodes by thefte.
The tenth, not[99] to couete nor desyre no mannes goodes vnlefullye.
China junk, to know wheare the goodes were put, either into the Hollande howse or the kinges gedong.
One of our barkes which carid our goodes lagged behind, and so got not in the mornyng tide, as we did, soe that she ran a greate risge to have byn cast away by laysynesse of the barkmen.
I made knowne unto hym the occation of my retorne, by meanes of the proclemation at Miaco that we should sell non of our goodes in those partes.
We could not know this night whether our goodes be much wet or no, the villanous barkmen are occation that we got not all ashore before the tuffon came, as we did out of our barke.
We laid out and packed up our cargezon goodes to cary to Miaco for presentes and otherwais, with an over plus to sel or bring back.
But I shewed bills that I had right both to the one and other, and desired the scrivano might deliver those goodes to me, as also 42 picos sappon yet wanting of the cupplement.
Mrs. Adames writes that Neamon Dono is coming downe to bring money for all our goodes sould.
We sent a present to Sangero Samme that lent us a bark to carry our goodes to Osekey:-- ta.
To land our goodes at Langasaque, and put it in a sure gadong, rather then bring it to Firando, it being a better place of sale then Firando.
I sent our jurebasso to thank Taccamon Dono for our good cheare, and to goe to Tonomon Samme to desire hym to keepe fast Cayanseque, the scrivano, till he delivered me the 42 pico sappon and the Chinas goodes which is dead.
Also Gonrok Dono sent the scrivano I have the plito withall to this place, he haveng tould hym that I had receved all the dead Chinas goodes from hym, soe that the matter might be brought in question before the justis of this place.
Yt is said the King of Xaxma hath sufferd the Chinas to land all ther goodes out of the junk the Hollanders took, not medling with the one partie nor the other.
John Clyfton mad capytayn therof: and manye of the worthy men there of the citee ben fled into othere cuntres over the see, for drede, with as moche of there goodes as they myghte have with them, and lefte there faire places stonde stille.
This same yere the kyng held his parlement at London; and he axed to begynne hise werres the fyfthe part of alle the moeble goodes of Engelond, and the custume of wolles, and the ix schef of every manere of corn, the which was graunted.
This same yere the kyng hadde the syxte peny of moebles goodes thorugh out Engelond.
But forsoþe frendes ne shollen nat ben rekkened among þe goodes of fortune but of vertue.
But p{re}ise þe goodes of þi body as moche as euer þe list.
Certis now am I redy to referen þe goodes of þe body to þise forseide þinges abouen.
Alsoe I give my goodes as followeth: That fforty poundes wch is in the hand of good-man Woodes I give my wife tenn poundes, my sonne Joseph tenn poundes, my daughter Priscilla tenn poundes, and my eldest sonne tenn poundes.
To my eldest daughter I give ten shillinges to be paied out of my sonnes stock Furthermore that goodes I have in Virginia as followeth To my wife Alice halfe my goodes.
Forthi thi goodes forth withal, Mi Sone, loke thou despende, Wherof thou myht thiself amende 400 Bothe hier and ek in other place.
And thus the lawe is overronne, Which god hath set, and namely With hem that so untrewely The goodes robbe of holi cherche.
And if so be that he misconteth, To make in his answere a faile, Ther schal non other thing availe, The king seith, bot he schal be ded And lese hise goodes and his hed.
That other hath his othes swore 4980 Be hevene and be the goddes alle, If that it myhte so befalle That he out of the pet him broghte, Of all the goodes whiche he oghte He schal have evene halvendel.
Witeth and witnesseth, That wonieth upon this erthe, That Mede is y-maried Moore for hire goodes Than for any vertue or fairnesse, Or any free kynde.
For Salomon the sage, That Sapience taughte, God gat hym grace of wit, And alle hise goodes after; He demed wel and wisely, 6380 As Holy Writ telleth.
Or howe wyse be they which busie thê selfe to get, gleyne, and reepe to gyther, goodes and ryches when they haue a mynde destitute and lackyng all goodness?
Dauid Beaton Archbishop of Saint Andrewes, and other prelates of Scotland, and all his goodes confiscate, and his picture at last burned in the open market place, &c.
Men of the lawe, and ioly rych marchauntes There be welthy both of goodes and lands, Without comparyson is in their handes I welth hatg all freasure.
Why thinkest thou that all men which hath welth Getteth theyr goodes with brybry and stealeth Thy reporte is nought therfore Helthe I counsell thee to say the best.
And suche a wastour of goodes may neuer be good for the comyn prouffit.
Right as a bee that hath had his hony, anon at his flight beginneth to stinge; so thilke bodily goodes at the laste mote awaye, and than stinge they at her goinge, wherthrough entreth and clene voydeth al blisse of this knot.
Trewly, the condicion of good wening is to thee mistourned, to wene, your noblesse be not in your-selfe, but in the goodesand beautee of other thinges.
Than, say I, thou art blisful and fortunat sely, if thou knowe thygoodes that thou hast yet +beleved, whiche nothing may doute that they ne ben more worthy than thy lyf?
Have I nat by many resons to thee shewed, suche bodily goodes 65 faylen to yeve blisse, their might so ferforth wol nat strecche?
Thus partable these goodes dwellen commenly; in one houshold ben they but silde.
Thou ne hast wist but right fewe that these bodily goodeshad al atones; commenly they dwellen nat togider.
Loke how many orders take Only of Christ, for his servyce, That the worldes goodes forsake?
Therfore, in general, errour in mankynde departeth thilke goodes by mis-seching, whiche he shulde have hole, and he sought by reson.
The hye goodes frendship hem makes, They toteth on hir somme totall; Such bere the keyes of hell-yates, And all such false shall foul fall.
Me were lever her honour, her plesaunce, and her good chere thorow me for to be mayntayned and kept, and I of suche thinge in her lykinge to be cause, than al the welthe of bodily goodesye coude recken.
And that the sayd Semper shall delivˀ such goodes as hee hath of the sayd Thompson before the next Court And that hee shall at the same Court geve the sayd Thompson satisfacc͠on for his wyndowes.
The Resydewe of my goodes my debtes and legacꝭ paid I give to Lucy my wif whom I make my sole executrix.
Alas oft goddes goodes and cristis herytage Of suche folys is wastyd and spent in vayne In great folyes mundaynes and outrage Where it decreed, and ordeyned is certayne.
Soo that he may have the ferste choise of alle suche goodes afore eny other man, and in especiall of all maner bokes, ornementes, and other necessaries as nowe late were perteyning to the Duke of Gloucestre.
They were anxious that Richard Chester should have authority to bye, take, and receive alle suche goodes afore eny other man .
He called then up his litle foot-page, And made him there his heyre; And sayd henceforth my worldlye goodes 115 And countrye I forsweare.
I haue bin at greate costes and charges, wherein I haue not onely employed myne owne goodes, but also the goodes of my friendes, yet me thinketh that the employmente thereof dothe encrease my treasure and honor.
And yet neuerthelesse the most parte of alle the goodesand merchandises in the said Shypp amountyng to the value of cclx li.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goodes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.