Stretched before me upon the weather hen-coop, enveloped in his cloak, lay one of our "goodlie companie.
Betweene the change of these two capteins, the duke of Burgognie (which sore enuied the glorie of the Englishmen) besieged the towne of Crotoy, with ten thousand men and more, hauing with him great plentie of guns and goodlie ordinance.
By this Owen she brought foorth three goodlie sonnes, Edmund, Iasper, and another that was a monke in Westminster and liued a small time: also a daughter which in hir youth departed out of this transitorie life.
Leland mentions this as being, “A rightgoodlie Castel havyng one open barbicane.
And among other there came sir Iohn Carew, with a goodlieband of piked men.
I pretermit also the rich apparell of the princesse, the strange fashion of the Spanish nation, the beautie of the English ladies, the goodlie demeanure of the yoong damosels, the amorous countenance of the lustie bachelers.
I leaue also the goodlie ballades, the sweet harmonie, the musicall instruments, which sounded with heauenlie noise on euerie side of the streets.
And after the masse finished, the bride was led homewards to the bishops palace by the duke of Yorke, being then a goodlie yoong prince, and the legat of Spaine.
This goodliegift shall be your ain, And let her be lighter o’ her young bairn.
This goodlie gift shall be your ain, And let me be lighter of my young bairn.
That goodlie gift sall be her ain, And let me be lighter of my young bairn.
Henrie Mortimer, a goodlie yoong bacheller, by whome she had issue a daughter named Anne, married to sir Iohn Awbemond.
Before whose death at his manour of Holdon he builded all the west gates there of goodlie stone and lime, with the chambers thereto belonging on which he placed his armes.
And nowe Duke Willyam mareschalled his band, And stretchd his armie owte a goodlie rowe.
VII ‘This goodliegift shall be your ain, And let her be lighter o’ her young bairn.
XXIII ‘That goodlie gift shall be your ain, But let her be lighter o’ her young bairn.
XV ‘This goodlie gift shall be your ain, And let her be lighter o’ her young bairn.
Certes it hath beene a goodlie towne, and therein was the palace of Egbright king of the Northumbers, and place of sepulture of Alfred the noble king sometime of that nation, who died there 727, the ninetéene Cal.
Thus Beline studieng dailie to beautifie this land with goodlie buildings and famous workes, at length departed this life, after he had reigned with his brother iointlie and alone the space of 26 yeres.
The Arun (of which beside Arundell towne the castell and the vallie wherin it runneth is called Vallis Aruntina, or Arundale in English) is a goodlie water, and thereto increased with no small number of excellent & pleasant brookes.
The Teigne mouth is the next fall that we came to, & it is a goodlie port foure miles from Exemouth.
I come vnto the Ancolme a goodlie water, which riseth east of Mercate Rasing, and from thence goeth by middle Rasing.
His sonne Boniface was this yeare also elected archbishop of Canturburie, a tall gentleman and of a goodlie personage, but neither so learned nor otherwise meet for that roome.
He builded manie goodlie monasteries, as the abbeies of Hales, Tikborne and Seleborne with the hospitall at Portesmouth.
Wherevpon the pope granted that kingdome vnto king Henrie, with manie goodlie promises of aid to his furtherance for atteining the possession thereof.
Amongst other things, he gaue vnto them his goodlie palace at Westminster adioining neere to the palace of the earle of Cornewall, which the archbishop of Yorke afterwards purchased.
A Pack-horse from Sheepscote just reported, laden with a goodlie Store of Books, besides sundrie smaller Tokens of Rose's thoughtfulle Kindnesse.
As to Father, his Thoughts naturallie run more on Food for the Mind; soe he hath layd in goodlie Store of Pens, Paper, and Ink, and sett me to pack his Books.
The king incontinentlie appointed the duke of Excester, with a great companie to take possession of the citie, who like a valiant capteine mounted on a goodlie courser first entered into the citie, and after into the castell.
A goodlie balade of Chaucer; beginning--'Mother of norture, best beloued of all.
The Auon, commonlie called the third Auon, is a goodlie water, and growne to be verie famous by sundrie occasions, to be particularlie touched in our description of Bristow.
There is a little barre of sand at the hauen mouth, and a great arme of the sea runneth vp by the right hand; and scant a mile aboue the hauen mouth on the shore, is a right goodlie and warlike castell made, which hath one open barbicane.
Lucas de Barameda in Spaine) they will be there in thirtie or fourtie daies, & home againe in Cornewall in other eight weekes, which is a goodlie matter, beside the safetie and quietnesse in the passage.
The Cocket is a goodlie riuer, the head also thereof is in the roots of Kemblespeth hils, from whence it goeth to Whiteside, and there meeting [Sidenote: Vswaie.
That goodlie gift has be her ain, And let me be lighter of my young bairn.
This goodlie gift shall be your ain, And let her be lighter o her young bairn.
To behold thy self in thy children, thei beyng vertuouslie broughte vp, it is a goodlie [Sidenote: The mariage of a chaste woman.
O Cato, what sente[n]ce giue you of Usurie, that is a goodlie matter to bee enriched by.
On the top stood a goodlie beacon giving light; round about the beacon sat the king and five others, all in cotes and caps of right crimsin velvet, embrodered with flat gold of damaske, their cotes set full of spangles of gold.
In this garden walked six knights, and six ladies richlie apparelled, and then they descended and dansed manie goodlie danses, and so ascended out of the hall, and then the king was served with a great banket.
This Christmasse was a goodlie disguising plaied at Graies In, which was compiled for the most part by maister John Roo, sergeant at the law manie yeares past, and long before the cardinall had any authoritie.
Whome when the king beheld, and heard hir speake as she was both faire and of a goodlie fauor, moderate of stature, well made and verie wise: he not onelie pitied hir, but also waxed inamoured of hir.
And thus in a goodlie araie, they came to the king, and on their knees in verie humble wise saluted his grace, which receiued them in verie ioious and amiable manner, nothing earthlie knowing nor mistrusting as yet.
Forsooth he hath found a goodlie glose, by which that place that may defend a theefe, may not saue an innocent.
George duke of Clarence was a goodlie noble prince, and at all times fortunate, if either his owne ambition had not set him against his brother, or the enuie of his enimies[2] his brother against him.
Item a goodlie gurdill of golde of as goodlie facion as may bee devised.
Item a goodliedevise for her neke set with stone and perle.
Sidenote: of hyr owne] Item ij goodlie salts of golde garnysshyd with one cover poisaunt lx oz.
Item ijgoodlie Cuppes of golde the one garnyshyd with why[te] herts [?
Item a nother goodlie palfray with a like riche side sadill for the said Ladie princesse to Ride alone the harneis like.
Item a large and a goodlie palfray to be ledde in hande with a sadill and pillion covered with riche clothe of golde, the bordres richelie Imbrodred orels [or else] of goldsmyth worke harnes of the same.
Item a pair of goodlie Basins gilte of a goodlie facion poisaunt iij{c} oz.
Then fast and pray, and see if thou canst winne, A goodlie pardon for thy hainous sinne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goodlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.