For trewely I holde it greet deyntee A kinges sone in armes wel to do, 165 And been of good condiciouns ther-to; For greet power and moral vertu here Is selde y-seye in o persone y-fere.
Galeren sayth in Alexandrye/ yf yre or wrath ouercome the whan thou sholdest gyue Iugement/ weye all thinge in y'e balance so that thy Iugement be not enclyned by loue ne by yeste/ ne fauour of persone torne not thy corage.
The firste hath myght and majestee, Makere of alle thynges, Pater is his propre name, A persone by hymselve.
So it fareth by ech a persone That possession forsaketh, And put hym to be pacient.
To yourpersone ne have I no disdayn, Nor ever had, trewly!
Gellius therfore in persone of the vnmaried knight, in wordes right fewe, this sentence of the maried state, doth vtter and proclayme.
Forthi good is a king to triste Ferst to himself, as he ne wiste Non other help bot god alone; So schal the reule of his persone 3940 Withinne himself thurgh providence Ben of the betre conscience.
I am," quod he, "bot on al one, So wolde I noght for mi persone Ther felle such adversite.
The time of yeres overgeth, That he was man of brede and lengthe, Of wit, of manhod and of strengthe, A fair personeamonges alle.
Forthi, mi Sone, in thi persone This vice above all othre fle.
For this prologe is so assised That it to wisdom al belongeth: What wysman that it underfongeth, He schal drawe into remembrance The fortune of this worldes chance, 70 The which noman in his persone Mai knowe, bot the god al one.
For in his time, as thou myht hiere, What point that was for lawe set It scholde for no gold be let, 2840 To what persone that it were.
Wherfore I requyre your maistership to come hider in your persone with suych as ye seme not to that intent to take party in the mater, but to that intent to help to set peas in the shire, and to stire my lord for his honour.
And where late by the Kyngs comaundment in the tyme of his Parliament, holden now last at Westminster, I was in persone at Norwich, holdyng Sessions of oir determyner[203.
And if the comyng thider of our persone self shuld be to plesir of hir, we wole not leve our labour in that: wherfore we pray you that ye wole do your part heryn, as ye wole we do for yow in tyme comyng, and that ye se us in hast.
There was a persone warnyd my moder with in this to days that sche xuld ben ware, for thei seyd pleynly sche was lyk to ben servyd as ze were servyd at Gressam with in rytz schort tyme.
The dethe of the persone hathe also his praises / as of suche whiche haue ben slayne for the defence of theyr contrey or prince.
As in Rome was this law made / that yf any persone were distraught / his posses- sions and goodes shulde come to the han- des of his next kynne.
These are the wayes whereby an oratour shall proue that the persone accused had wyll to the thynge that is layd to his charge.
As yf a man wolde prayse the kynges hyghnes / or dysprayse some yll persone / it must be done by an ora[-] cion demonstratiue.
The one is y^e qualite of the persone / & the other is the cause that meuyd him to the dede.
The seconde kynde of an oracion demonstratiue is: where in is praysed or dyspraysed / nat the persone but the dede.
For these two thynges wyll cause the persone that is accused to be greatly suspect that he had wyll to do the thyng that he is accused of / and that he myght well ynoughe brynge it to passe.
And the persone that enfourmed me dar not be a knowe of his name, ne he wold not it shuld be understond to them that be of counsell ageyn my maister.
Lodyngland be assygned to be afore the seyd commesyoners; and it is supposed it is for my maisters londs, for as the seyd persone informyd me, the seyd comesyoners have been at Cotton, and there entred, and holdyn a court.
The persone come ner, and thar maner saw; 355 Thai beknyt him to quhat stede he suld draw.
The persone than gat thaim gud horss and ger: Bot wa he was, his mynd was all in wer.
The persone sicht, and said; “My sone so fre, “I cannot witt how that radress may be.
Goddes grace, be the mor hable to do you service, and also specially preye to God for the conservacion of your moost noble persone and estate royall.
A lytill persone may quhilum throu habilitee of corps oure cum a mekle, and tak him, and enprisone him.
Na, how suld that persone discerne betuix honorable and dishonorable act or vndertaking of worschip, quhare wisdome is away, ffor wisdome will never mare mak fault till his honoure.
And thus nobless of curage is better pertenand to Knychtis na is force of corssage, or ellis suerenes and cowardise in mannis persone suld be of the propereteis of the Ordre.
Semblably I neede not make accompt to any persone for my fact, my body, and reputation beynge in full liberty and freedome.
Also yf ony persone in worde sygne or dede [thou] haste offended & gyuen ony cause or occasyon of greuaûce.
Grutche not ayenst onypersone without thou see that [thou] may profyte what soeuer cause [thou] haue.
But it were any persone obstinat, What so he were of highe or low estate, Him wolde he snibben[289] sharply for the nones, A better preest I trow that nowhere none is.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "persone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.