King Charles promised him aid and comfort, and bade him be of good courage, and make good cheare; for he assured him that he would gladlie shew to him his beneuolent mind and bountifull liberalitie.
The earle of Richmond perceiued well the king furiouslie comming toward him, and bicause the whole hope of his wealth and purpose was to be determined by battell, he gladlie preferred to incounter with him bodie to bodie, and man to man.
Neuerthelesse, at that time he departed (to the outward shew) so farre in the kings fauour, that manie gentlemen of the court for honours sake gladlie accompanied him into his countrie.
King Edward had called before him a widow, much abounding in substance, and no lesse growne in yeares, of whome he merilie demanded what she gladlie would giue him toward his great charges?
Which letters the French king gladlie receiued, and thankefullie accepted, as the cheefe instrument to bring the constable to his death; which he escaped no long season after, such is the end of dissemblers.
But hereof I can shew no reason; onelie this I know, that ewes milke is fulsome, sweet, and such in tast, as except such as are vsed vnto it no man will gladlie yeeld to liue and feed withall.
Now followeth the great charter it selfe in such rude order and Latine as I find it word for word, and which I would gladlie haue turned into English, if it might haue sounded to anie benefit of the vnskilfull and vnlearned.
Rochester streame, which the bishop gaue vnto your honor, and you would as gladlie haue sent it to the queenes maiestie, if she might haue beene presented withall aliue as it was taken.
I would gladlie haue set downe the whole catalog of all the viceroyes and lieutenants: but sith I can neither come by their names nor successions, I surcesse to speake any more of them, and also of the Ile it selfe, whereof this may suffice.
A childe of this nature, will earnestlie loue learnyng, gladlie labor for learning, willinglie learne of other, boldlie aske any doute.
For, to the one, they will gladlie giue // rewarded a stipend of 200.
God gladlie and orderlie for conscience sake, not coldlie, and somtyme for maner sake, you carie all the Courte with yow, and the whole Realme beside, earnestlie and orderlie to do the same.
Thies men, abhominabiles facti in studijs suis, thinke verily, and singe gladlie the verse before, Dixit insipiens in Corde suo, non est Psa.
And one example, whether loue or feare doth worke more in a child, for vertue and learning, I will gladlie report: which maie be hard with some pleasure, and folowed with more profit.
The king of Armenie would gladlie that peace might haue béene established betwixt France and England, in hope to procure the sooner some aid of the kings to recouer his kingdome.
The duke of Britaine would gladlie haue come to the siege of Naunts, in strengthening of the English host, but he could not persuade his lords to aid him in anie such enterprise.
The king would gladlie haue proroged the time of this parlement, if by anie meanes he might.
Gladlie my lord (quoth he) would God I had some better thing as readie to your pleasure as that!
And albeit he would gladlie that she should take it well, yet was at a point in his owne mind, tooke she it well or otherwise.
This was gladlie agréed vpon, with the generall consent of all the assemblie.
Amongst all other, the earles sonne Brian, and Miles of Glocester were right ioifull of the news of the empresses arriuall, and gladlie prepared themselues to fight in defense of hir cause.
This lord Robert after he was banished France, fled ouer vnto king Edward, who gladlie receiued him and made him earle of Richmond.
Sir Iohn Chandois gladlie consented to this request, and therevpon got licence of the prince, and came into Britaine, where he found the earle of Mountford at the siege of the foresaid castell of Aulroy.
Which to performe (according to the maner of abiuration) a solemne oth verie gladlie she tooke.
This offer was signified by them vnto the duke of Burgognie, who with thanks certified them againe, that he would gladlie receiue them, if the lord regent would therewith be contented.
The earle of Huntington, which kept that part, sent to them sir Gilbert Umfreuile; vnto whom they declared, that if they might haue a safe conduct, they would gladlie come foorth to speake with the king.
High and weightie causes as well betweene men of warre and other he would gladlie heare, and either determined them himselfe, or else for end committed them to others.
King Egbert gladlie receiued them, and promised to defend them from all forren enimies.
We neuer heard of any king that would not gladlie indeuor to withdraw his necke from bondage & captiuitie, but ours of his owne accord voluntarilie submitteth himselfe to become vassall to euerie stranger.
Wherewith the king was contented and gladlie gaue him leaue, who no sooner got ouer into Normandie, but he streight tooke the high waie to Rome, and there receiued his consecration of Stephan archbishop of Canturburie.
The king gladlie herevnto assented, requiring them to grant their voices vnto John Gray the bishop of Norwich, being both his chapleine and president of his councell.
Edmund, who gladlie granted therevnto, and so according to that appointment, both the kings met at Lincolne the 21 day of Nouember.
King John receiued this cardinall in most honorable wise, and gladlie heard him in all things that he had to saie.
Unto whom the archbishop answered: "I am readie to die for my God, and for the defense of his iustice and the libertie of the church; gladlie doo I imbrace death, so that the church may purchase peace and libertie by the shedding of my blood.
King Henrie therefore gladlie receiued their humble submission, and they doing homage vnto him, sware to be his liege and faithfull subiects.
The nation of the Picts were in league with the English men, and gladlie became partakers of the catholike faith and veritie of the vniuersall church.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gladlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.