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Example sentences for "geue"

Lexicographically close words:
gettin; getting; gettings; getts; geud; geuen; geueth; geuing; geus; geve
  1. Which made Cleomenes king of the Lacedemonians geue this vnpleasant answere to the Ambassadors or the Samiens, who had tolde him a long message from their Citie, and desired to know his pleasure in it.

  2. If any other man can geue him a fitter English name, I will not be angrie, but I am sure mine is very neere the origninall sense of the Prosonomasia, and is rather a by-name geuen in sport, than a surname geuen of any earnest purpose.

  3. And further he sayth he must geue hym twoo lyuing thynges once a yeare.

  4. Item when shee taughte it her, she counseiled her to renounce GOD and his worde and to geue of her bloudde to Sathan (as she termed it) whyche she delyuered her in the lykenesse of a whyte spotted Catte.

  5. When shee taughte it her, she counseiled her to geue of her bloudde to Sathan (as she termed it) whyche she delyuered to her in the lykenesse of a whyte spotted Catte.

  6. Finally, if thou be a God thou oughtest to geue benefites to mortall men, and not to take away the commodities they haue already: but if thou bee a man, consider that thou art alway the same that thou arte.

  7. Villaine (quoth the Spaniard) if I had any hope of thine amendement, I would willingly geue thee dalay of life: but being a traytour as thou art, thou wilt neuer ceasse to afflicte innocentes.

  8. Certified of this opinion, before he would open the matter, he considered what way were best to geue knowledge therof to king Seleucus.

  9. For which cause the Spanishe lady entreated the Duchesse not to be offended, if she sent some one of her men before to geue aduertisement of their comming, which the Duchesse graunted.

  10. And yet not able to geue it ouer: And determining rather to die, then to yelde to such wicked loue or to discouer the same to any man.

  11. A difference and controuersie betwene a maister and a scholler, so subtile that the iudges coulde not geue sentence.

  12. Guiscardo toke it, and thought that shee did not geue it vnto him, without some special purpose went to his chamber, and loking vpon the Cane perceiued it to be hollowe, and openyng it founde the letter within whiche shee had written.

  13. The poore Duke being sorowfull beyond measure, for that he loued the Duchesse entierly, sent for the Suffragane of the Bishop of Thurin, a man of uery holy life, to thintent he might geue her ghostly councell.

  14. I come to geue aduertisement to thee, O Tullus, of this one thing.

  15. Therefore to separate their fight, he flede backe, meaning thereby to geue euery of them their welcome as they followed.

  16. Why dyd you than (quoth the kyng) geue me so great thankes?

  17. By this tale ye perceyue, that a wyse iudge wyll first know the cause well, and yet will not be hasty to geue sentence.

  18. Of the husband man that caused his iudge to geue sentence agaynst him selfe.

  19. Of the husbandman that caused the iudge to geue sentence agaynst him selfe.

  20. HAS GOT 462 are after there, The stuard seyd, "god geue the care, TO.

  21. The lady gives all Of the tresure that they brought, their money to the The lady would geue hem ryght noght, wright's wife.

  22. Abowte he goys twyes or thryes; They eat and They ete & drunke in such wyse drink, and give That þey geue hym ryght noght.

  23. Geue to God a gyfte, 351, I make a vow, I promise you, I'll take my oath.

  24. Geue me the Lordes supper and Baptisme, and take you the rest, & part them among you: For if there be vij.

  25. To whom he aunswered: you should be a godly man to geue me rather consolation in my case.

  26. They are called common places, because thei be entreated of, of bothe partes, althoughe not in all one cause: as he that is sore spoken agaynste by witnesses, swadeth that we shulde not geue credite to witnesses.

  27. For it is much against reason that receiuing thy naturall lyfe by thy contrey, to deliuer it agayne to nature when she compelleth the, and not to geue it to thy cõtrey when she desyreth the.

  28. Preceptes of philosophye be as it were the eyes of the mynde, and in manner geue lyght before vs that you may see what is nedefull to be done and what not.

  29. They lerne to loke fierslie, the learne to loue the swearde, and to geue a strype.

  30. That thing which is of al most excellent, thou canst not geue thy sonne, but thou mayest store hym wyth those good sciences, wherby the best thynges be gotten.

  31. They wyshe vnto them a praye, but they wyll not geue thẽ a nette to take it with all.

  32. But there is no kynde of puttynge them awaye more cruell, then to geue vp that to beastlye affeccions, whych nature hath geuen to be fashioned by very good waies.

  33. Ther be some whych for theyr couetous mynd be afeard to hyre a good master, and geue more to an horskeper then a teacher of the chyld.

  34. No man can geue nature, eyther to himselfe, or to other: howbeit in this poynte also the diligẽce of the parẽtes helpeth much.

  35. In a lytell grayne, howe greate a tree is hyd, what fruite will it geue if it spring oute.

  36. When they tell the letters name, they geue the letter it selfe for a rewarde.

  37. Moreover I geue vnto the/ a porcyon of lande aboue thy brethern/ which I gatt out of the handes of the Amorites with my swerde and wyth my bowe.

  38. And she called his name Ioseph saynge The lorde geue me yet another sonne.

  39. Than sayde Rahel to Lea geue me of thy sonnes madragoras.

  40. Nevertheles I wyll geue them yet space/ and hundred and .

  41. Off Asser cometh fatt breed/ and he shall geue pleasures for a kynge.

  42. And when Onan perceaued that the seed shulde not be his: therfore when he went in to his brothers wife/ he spylled it on the grounde/ because he wold not geue seed vnto his brother.

  43. For I will blesse her & geue the a sonne of her and will blesse her: so that people/ ye and kynges of people shall springe of her.

  44. And Ioseph made it a lawe ouer the lade of Egipte vnto this daye: that men must geue Pharao the fyfte parte/ excepte the londe of preastes only/ which was not bond vnto Pharao.

  45. Axe frely of me both the dowry & gyftes/ and I will geue acordynge as ye saye vnto me/ and geue me the damsell to wyfe.

  46. And Abraham stode vp from the coorse and talked with the sonnes of heth saynge: I am a straunger ad a foryner amonge yow/ geue me a possession to bury in with you/ that I may bury my dead oute of my sighte.

  47. And the lande which I gaue Abraha & Isaac/ will I geue vnto the/ & vnto thi seed after the will I geue it also.

  48. But I charge the keepe thys secret vntyll all bee fynesed; and holde,' saythe thys good wyfe, 'here is one of my peticotes I geue thee.

  49. At last this ring faller asketh him what he will geue him for his part, for, saith he, seeing you wyl not let me haue the ring, alowe me my part, and take you the ring.

  50. Choplogyke, is he that when his mayster rebuketh him of hys fault he wyll geue hym .

  51. And you wyl for geue my fellowe and me, I wyll shewe you, or els I wyll neuer doe it.

  52. The other party standyng in a doubt, and looking on the ryng, asketh if he wyll geue the money out of hand.

  53. I knowe you meane not to take a waye anye thinge from me, but rather to geue me some if I shoulde aske it of you.

  54. Where for feare the maydes wyll geue theym largely to be ryd of theym.

  55. Ingratus, is he that when one doth all that he can for him, he will scant geue him a good report for his labour.

  56. I had not geuen hym all the money in my pursse, and in good fayth, for very feare, I was fayne to geue him xiiij.

  57. For, the matter lieth not so much in the disposition of them that be yong, as in the order & maner of bringing vp, by them that be old, nor yet in the difference of learnyng and pastime.

  58. Secretarie, this morning, that diuerse Scholers of Eaton, be runne awaie from the Schole, for feare of beating.

  59. Cy- tempt of all goodnesse, the fardest pointe in all // ri Pæd.

  60. Good I trust it shall do, as I am put in great hope by many very well learned that can well iudge therof.

  61. For otherwise, he shall sticke with great troble, where he might go easelie forwarde: and also catche hardlie a verie litle by his owne toyle, whan he might gather quicklie a good deale, by an nothers mans teaching.

  62. This, lewde and learned, by common experience, know to be most trewe.

  63. Therfore, to loue or to hate, to like or contemne, to plie this waie or that waie to good or to bad, ye shall haue as ye vse a child in his youth.

  64. We red than togither in the Greke tongue, as I well remember.

  65. Gouer- // sharpenesse: The father, held the sterne of his nour.

  66. Which promise, the worthie Ientleman surelie kept with me, vntill his dying daye.

  67. Counsell, which Plinie doth geue to his frende Fuscus, saying, Multum, non multa.

  68. Medcalfes eare: I was called before him and the Seniores: and after greuous rebuke, and some punishment, open warning was geuen to all the felowes, none to be so hardie to geue me his voice at that election.

  69. And therefore is he alwaies the best English Physition, that best can geue a purgation, that is, by way of Epitome, to cut all ouer much away.

  70. Yea but good felowe thy gospell boke teacheth the to geue gentle answers, and fayre wordes ||agayne for fowle, and to hym that geueth the a blowe vpon the ryght cheke to holde forth the lyfte.

  71. And you, that liue at home, and can not brooke the flood, Geue praise to them, that passe the waues, to doe their countrie good.

  72. That is the cause I aske" (sayd the duke) "let vs see hir that I may geue iudgement of hir beauty, and tell you whither shee bee worth the keeping or not.

  73. Whereunto Florinda answered readily, saying, "I will euer geue councell to my frendes to speake and not to dye: for there be fewe wordes spoken but that they may be amended, but the life lost cannot be recouered.

  74. I beseche you Gentlewomen (if there be any in the place where this nouell is redde) if God doe geue you such husbandes to beware of dispaire, vntill ye haue assayed all possible meanes to reduce them to good ordre.

  75. Therefore if they would be ruled, he required euery man to returne home to his own house, and geue no more attendaunce for the day of Counsel, than he doth which first appoincted the same.

  76. And for that some mention hath bin made of the great Alexander: and in what wise from vertue hee fell to vice, the seconde Nouell ensuinge shall geue further aduertisement.

  77. The duke desirous and glad of those newes, dyd sone belieue hym, and imbracing the messanger, promised to geue him whatsoeuer he would demaunde, praying hym with all speede that hee might inioye his desyred purpose.

  78. A litle whyle after Simphorosia vnderstanding of the deceits whiche the other twoo had done to Philenio, attempted to geue hym the thirde, whiche was not inferior to the other twayne.

  79. But they wyll be well ware neuer to agree or geue counsayle to set them out.

  80. Antechriste therefore he must be, that vnder whatsoeuer colour woulde geue contrary precept or counsayle to that whiche Christe dyd geue vnto vs.

  81. That is, as we have geuen our members to vncleannesse, from iniquitie to iniquitie: euen so from hencefoorth let vs geue our members to serue righteousnesse into satisfaction: where the true worde is into sanctification.

  82. Euerilc ðhing haued [haueð] he geue name, To everything hath he given name.

  83. And that it is so, let us somewhat, or a little serch and seeke out the beginning of daunses, and we shal fynd that men cannot geue them a better nor more apt and proper definition, then that which hath bene brought heretofore.

  84. Then by the hand he drew the nedy man apart, And with the sight of glittring gold inflamed hath his hart: Take fiftie crownes of gold (quoth he) I geue them thee.

  85. Thus hath his foe in choyse to geue him lyfe or death: That scarsely can his wofull brest keepe in the liuely breath.

  86. The quhilkis Knychtis suld be full of vertues, and gude lyf, to geue otheris ensample.

  87. By Gad man knowe thou that I haue had to do In all these townes and yet in many mo, To see the worlde in youth me thought was best, And after in age to geue my selfe to rest.

  88. And so such thinges which princes to thee geue To thee be as sure as water in a siue .

  89. E438] "Beware that ye geue no persone palled drynke, for feere Hit mygtt brynge many a man in disese durynge many a yere.

  90. The haruest lorde nightly, must geue the a song: fill him then the blacke boll, or els he hath wrong.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.