I praye yow sende me worde hoghe ye doo with my Lady Elysabeth Boghscher; ye have a lytell chaffyd it, but I can not tell howe; sende me worde whether ye be in better hope or werse.
She is a lytell onys; she maye be a woman heer aftre, iff she be nott olde nowe; hir person semyth xiij.
A lytell box with obligacions off the Archbisshop off York and W.
Sende me worde ther off; it wer well doo, that ye wer a lytell sewrer off yowr pardon than ye be: avyse you, I deme ye woll her afftr ellys repent yow.
Manuell by a hanffull, and lower then my lytell Tom by the schorderys, and mor lytell above hys pappe; and he hathe, as he seyde to the Kynge hymselffe, iij.
Soft folys soft, a lytell slacke your pace Tyll I haue space you to order by degre I haue eyght neyghbours, that firste shall haue a place Within this my shyp, for they most worthy be They may theyr lernynge receyue costeles and fre.
Supposing now that the incidents detailed in the "Lytell Geste" really took place at this time, Robin Hood must have entered into the royal service before the end of the year 1353.
While making these admissions, he accords a considerable degree of credibility to the ballads, and particularly to the "Lytell Geste," the last two fits of which he regards as giving a tolerably accurate account of real occurrences.
By this tale ye may perceyue, that if holy scripture be expowned to the lay people onely in the lytterall sence, peraduenture it shall do lytell good.
And Cicero saythe: That wyse man, that can nat profytte him selfe, hath but lytell wysdome.
Of the Welcheman that coude nat gette but a lytell male.
There was in the countrey of Florence an husbande man, that vsed to carye corne to the market vpon many lytell asses.
And whan this Welcheman had espyed hym, he bad hym stande, and began to drawe his bow and bad hym delyuer that lytell male that hunge at his sadyll bowe.
Among the whyche audyence there was a wyfe at that tyme lytell disposed to contemplacyon, [who] talked wyth a gossype of hers of other femenyne tales so loude that the frere harde and somwhat was perturbed therwith.
By this tale a man may se, that they that be rude and unlerned regarde but lytell the meryte and goodness of holy prayer.
Secondlie the light of goddes truithe which was opened vnto their mynde is by lytell and lytell put owt.
But howe contrarie they are to the worde of Godd is not nowe again to be repeted / seinge that a lytell before / in this matter I haue sayde sufficiẽtlie.
Down at Sammy's he found Parker Allison and Pete Lytell sitting alone at a table, drinking whiskey sours.
Fyrst thou must withdrawe thy mynde from all transytory & erthely thynges as who saye [thou] carest as lytell for them as there were none suche thynges.
Praye for your broder Thomas Betton which for your soules [that] be come or shall come in to relygyon / drewe and made the contentes of this lytell quayer & exhortacion.
Than thynke what sorowe & waylynge may be to them [that] for so lytell a thynge here haue lost so grete Ioye contynuell.
This playe consists of short dialogues between Robyn Hode, Lytell John, Fryer Tucke, a potter's boy, and the potter.
I have put these partes in a more clere ordre, and have made them a lytell more easy to yonge wyttes, than (me thynketh) they were before.
The Lytell Geste of Robyn Hode: "Take him a gray courser," etc.
Yf drought toke place, as ye say, yet maye ye se, Lytell helpeth the wynde in thys commodyte.
Lytell Johan drewe a good swerde, The coke toke another in honde; They thought nothynge for to fle, 95 But styfly for to stonde.
It is our olde maner," sayd Robyn, "To leve but lytell behynde.
Supposing now that the incidents detailed in the Lytell Geste really took place at this time, Robin Hood must have entered into the royal service before the end of the year 1323.
Go now forth, Lytell Johan, The trouthe tell thou me; Yf there be no more but ten shillings, Not one peny that I se.
Sir Godmar de Fay has ordayned all the chronyclers to leave the cytie of Calys and to ride to a lytell town called Nully, where there are no merchauntdyse, and no damosels, nor suffycent of wyne.
Then many Genowayse went by, and the Englysshmen began to shote feersly with their crossbowes and their arowes fell so hotly that I rode to a lytell hut, and finding shelter there I wayted till the snowe of arowes should have passed.
Then I clymbed to the top of the hill but I could see lytell but dyverse men riding here and there.
There sayde ye well, setting lytell stoore by hys olde wife, hunted a callette, with whom he kept much companie abrode, he dined or supped litell at home.
He is to be shaved once a month, to drink no wine or strong beer, but "warm suppynges three tymes a daye, and a lytell warm meat.
Tackle) quotes from A Lytell Geste of Robyn Hood-- 'When they had theyr bowes ibent, Their tacles fedred fre.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lytell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.