Aftre he commanded to the princypales of the 7 lynages, that every of hem scholde brynge his eldest sone before him, and with here owne handes smyten of here hedes, with outen taryenge.
But and sche have children with him, thei leten hire lyve with hem, to brynge hem up, zif sche wole.
And whan he felte wel, that he scholde dye, he seyde to his 12 sones, that everyche of hem scholde brynge him on of his arewes; and so thei diden anon.
I shal brynge yow a Bible, A book of the olde lawe, And lere yow, if yow like, The leeste point to knowe, That Pacience the pilgrym Parfitly knew nevere.
Hertoo to brynge it, Alle youre lige leodes To lede thus evene.
That synne wol I lete, And nevere wikkedly weye, Ne wikke chaffare use; 2930 But wenden to Walsyngham, And my wif als, And bidde the Roode of Bromholm Brynge me out of dette.
Conscience ful curteisly tho Comaunded Scripture Bifore Pacience breed to brynge And me that was his macche.
The monke was goynge to London ward, There to hold grete mote, The knyght that rode so hye on hors, To brynge hym under fote.
And he that wolde smyte of the knyghtës hede, And brynge it to me, He shall have the knyghtës londes, Syr Rycharde at the Le.
I wyll come to your courte, Your servyse for to se, And brynge with me of my men Seven score and thre.
Here was John Deane and appoynted to brynge in his fyne x{li} for havinge an Anathomye in his howse contrary to an order in that behalf between this and mydsomer next.
Here was John Newsam and he was appoynted to brynge in his fyne for not pˀsentynge his apprentice.
Here was Willm̃ Brode and brought in an answere agaynste the complaynt of Edward Saunders for lykeninge hym to Esoppes dogge and they were appoynted to be ffrends and to brynge the matter no more in question.
Wherfor makith billiz of your grevance, and come to us, and we schal brynge yow to the Kynges presence our selfe, whos presence wyll be her in all the hast with the mercy of God, and see the reformacion ther of his owyn persone.
For Tudenham and H[eydon] wyll brynge with hem sufficiaunt counceyll as any kun they gete in London; And also the Cetye must purvey that as many sufficiaunt mene as can be gette or spoke to, that they be redy yf it happe of any tryall.
I prey zow, for zette nozth to brynge me my mony fro Horwelbery, as ze com fro London, edyr all or a grete parte.
Ze have both lordshep and frendshep in your countre, and also good inow to reciste hym yf he wyll do yow wronge, and peraventur that shuld brynge thys matier nyer and ende thanne it is now.
And send sum men hedyr often to London that mown he them here and brynge yow tydynges.
William Norwych tolde me that he durste undertake for to brynge yow un to my Lord, and make hym your ryght good Lord; and, Sir, my mayster counceyllyd yow that ze shuld not spare, but gete yow hese good Lordshep.
And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take up on hym to brynge hym in to good rewyll and lernyng, that I may verily know he doth hys dever, I wyll geve hym x.
I truste I shal brynge you a letter from my mayster your sone, or thanne I come, for whych I shal rather thanne fayle abyde on day the lenger.
Albert knewe not of/ ner coude fynde in all hys bookes ony suche money to hym due And this lyar coude not brynge no wytnessis/ but began to braye.
Digg up his bodye, brynge it hyther, goe: Hys wounds will fall a bleedinge & the syghte Will soften my conjealed bloode, for nowe Me thynks I am not passyonate.
Than sayde the kyng vntrue, aEuro~And ye fynde hawes of great value, Brynge me one with the!
As all thys is trewe, pardone me, comforte my spyryte, receyve my soule, and brynge me to reste perdurable.
In xv wokes forsothe, he wroughte al this, Conquered Harfleu and Agincourt; Crist brynge there soules all to blys, That in that day were mort.
From eyther party, right as any lyne: Upon whos hed now freshly done shyne, Two riche crownes, moost soverayne of plesaunce, To bryngein pees betwen Ingelond and Fraunce.
And whan that maryage was acorded to be mad, the erle of Henawde graunted to quene Isabell and to Edward here sone, and to othere lordes of there companye, to brynge them with strong pouere into Englond.
Doo after the good & leve the evyl & it shal brynge you to good fame & renommee.
Cheker, also howre Mayre takyt no hede of ws, nother howe whe schal be servyd of the mony, theirefore we pray you sende a wrett down to the Mayre and to ws for to brynge ho(ppe, i.
And mete and drynke this night wil I brynge Inough for the, and clothes for thy beddynge.
But I am nat now so moche trobled with soche busynes, for that I wold hartely thanke you, but that this commodytye dothe brynge a greater discõmodytye with hym.
I was fyllyd euyn full withe goodly syghts, and I brynge also with me this wonderous relyque, whiche was a tokê gyuen to me frõe our lady.
And of all that lyveth what soever flesh it be/ shalt thou brynge in to the arcke/ of every thynge a payre/ to kepe them a lyve wyth the.
Yf I brynge him not to the and sett him before thine eyes/ than let me bere the blame for euer.
For I knowe him that he will commaunde his childern and his housholde after him/ y^t they kepe the waye of the LORde/ to do after righte and conscyence/ that the LORde may brynge vppon Abraham that he hath promysed him.
And Abimelech called Abraham and sayde vnto him: What hast thou done vnto vs/ & what haue I offended the/ that thou shuldest brynge on me and on my kyngdome so greate a synne?
Delyuer him therfore to my honde/ and I will brynge him to the agayne: And he sayde: my sonne shall not go downe with you.
Then sayde my lorde vnto his seruauntes brynge him vnto me/ that I maye sett myne eyes apon him.
This do ye: take charettes with you out of the lande of Egipte/ for youre childern and for youre wyues: and brynge youre father and come.
Yf ye shall take this also awaye fro me and some mysfortune happen apon him/ then shall ye brynge my gray heed with sorow vnto the grave.
And all the beastes that are with the whatsoever flesh it be/ both foule and catell and all maner wormes that crepe on the erth/ brynge out with the/ and let them moue/ growe ad multiplye vppon the erth.
Than sayde he: brynge me and let me eate of my sonnes venyson/ that my soule maye blesse the.
They brynge theyr lytle children to great and longe feastes, yea feastyng sometyme vntyl farre forth nyghtes, they fyl them wyth salt and hoat meates, somtyme euẽ tyl thei vomite.
Elegantly sayde Aristippus when a certen ryche man axed him what profite learnyng shuld brynge to a yong man: & it be no more but this quod he, y^t in the playing place one stone sytte not vpon an other.
He is naught to godwards, of whom he hath receyued a chylde for thys purpose, to brynge hym vp to vertue.
It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.
But it is no great thynge to beare rule vpon Asses or Swyne, but to brynge vp chyldren liberallye as it is veri hard, so is it a goodly thing.
Howe discoraged be the fathers in theyr hertes if their wyfebrynge forthe a naturall, & an infante of a brute mynde?
The best crafte for memorie, is thorowlye to vnderstande, and then to brynge into an order, last of al oftẽ to repete that thou woldest remember.
Newe falowed ground must be preuented wyth some fruitfull thynge, leste beynge vntylled, it brynge forthe of it selfe naughty cockle.
To speake without faut no litle helpe brynge also the nourses, tutors, and playefelowes.
Margaret Beaufort, second daughter of John, Earl of Somerset, eldest son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, by his third wife Katharine Swynford.
A necessary digression respecting the Courtenays takes place here, as Stafford bears the sinister reputation of acquiring, by means not the most honourable, a large portion of their property and their title.
The wordes as they stande, brynge wyth them greate inconuenience, to wytte, to expositoures, and the other textes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brynge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.