Immoderately she weepes for Tybalts death, And therfore haue I little talke of Loue, For Venus smiles not in a house of teares.
But sir, such answers as I can make, you shal command: or rather you say, my Mother: therfore no more but to the matter.
Detraction wil not suffer it, therfore Ile none of it.
And indeed Sir, there are Cozeners abroad, therfore it behooues men to be wary Clo.
She sayes, all men Haue the like oathes: He had sworne to marrie me When his wife's dead: therfore Ile lye with him When I am buried.
And be cauce the corte whas warned in ther name and not in youre, therfore they purvey no money; but they have promysed me to pay no money to no man but to you, so that ye woll safe hem harmeles; and I told hem ye wold safe hem harmeles.
Mayster Yelverton can not be myry for Wyrmegey, and as for the distresse, it is a non omittas, and therfore Poley may and wil retorne what isseus he will.
I suppose the better is but a sclaunder, and therfore be ye avised howe ye delyver theym as tidynges.
Worcester, and Barker; and therfore til thei come, I may not owte.
And if I durst, for your displesance, I wolde besech yow that ye wolde vouchesafe lat my saide son hafe the saide lifelode to ferme for terme of your life, payng to yow therfore yerely CC.
Erle of Warwyk shall kepe the see, and hath therfore received this weke m^l li.
The messenger was on horsbak whanne I wrote yow this bill, and therforeit was doon in haste; and our Lord Jesus kepe yow.
I am a Prince of the Valoyses line, Therforean enemy to the Burbonites.
With Poland therfore must I covenant thus, That if by death of Charles, the diadem Of France be cast on me, then with your leaves I may retire me to my native home.
I am disguisde and none nows who I am, And therfore meane to murder all I meet.
So, pluck amaine, He is hard hearted, therforepull with violence.
I am a juror in the holy league, And therfore hated of the Protestants.
Therfore I pray thee teche me my Pater noster, and by my truthe I shall therfore teche the a songe of Robyn Hode that shall be worth xx of it.
By my trouth, quod the mayster, that is well; therfore I wyll begyn to make a ryme.
To whome therfore openly the frere spake and sayd: thou woman there in the tawny gowne, holde thy peace and leaue thy babelynge; thou troublest the worde of God.
But bycause hys wyfe wold dresse hym no good mete for coste, he therfore at dyner tyme sayd thus: by God!
Therfore on Ester-Euyn he sent his boy to the prest of the next town, that was ii.
By this ye se that they that couet the best parte somtyme therfore lese the meane parte and all.
Whiche man, beynge glad of this medycyne, prepared therfore and gathered aspyn leaues; wherfore he layde thre of them vnder her tonge, when she was a slepe.
Therfore I pray the hang vp this frere, whyle that he is redy to go to heuen and let me tary tyl another tyme, that I may be in charyte and redy and mete to go to heuen.
This tale sheweth, that a man may be to hastye in makynge of a bargayne and couenantynge; and therfore a man ought to take good hede, what he sayth: for one worde may bynde a man to great inconuenience, if the matter be weighty.
But being arriued here in England, he was informed that king Iames was slaine, and therfore taried here certeine moneths.
And therfore it was well said of one (alluding to their disposition and qualities, [Sidenote: Prep.
Therfore in stede of weping and praieres, Men mote[85] give silver to the pourè freres.
I can stand you in stead: therfore trusting in your furtherance for this gentlemans preferment I shall ever rest Your L^{ps} very Louing frend LENOX.
And therfore I for my parte hartylye thanke you And of your conformable mynde herin I pray you to aduertise me in wrytyng by this berer.
And therfore this as the rest breadeth no hinderance to this most commodious discouery.
And therfore the Bishoppe deliuereth hym an emptie Chalice with a Patine, and the Archdeacon one Cruet full of wine, and another full of watre, and a Towelle.
And hadtherfore a keie giuen vnto theim, when thei ware admitted to this ordre.
And he sayd, I have thee and thy land, Arthur, To doe as it pleaseth me, For this is not thy ransome sure, Therfore yeeld thee to me.
Take hedetherfore / and herkne what I saye [Sidenote: Attend therefore to what I say.
Whan ye sitte therforeat your repaste Annoye ye noman presente nor absente But speke ye fewe / for yf ye make waste 171 [Sidenote: Speak little.
Now the science of Vertue and Vice, is Morall Philosophie; and therfore the true Doctrine of the Lawes of Nature, is the true Morall Philosophie.
For seeing Punishments are consequent to the breach of Lawes; Naturall Punishments must be naturally consequent to the breach of the Lawes of Nature; and therfore follow them as their naturall, not arbitrary effects.
Therfore it is manifest, that by the Institution of Monarchy, the disposing of the Successor, is alwaies left to the Judgment and Will of the present Possessor.
Why, therfore are they belooved like Sargeants and entertained like Beggers; Think'st thou but any honorable Gate, But will be shut against these Butterflies?
Now goth the erthe apon erthe Disgesily ragged and to-rent, Therforeschal erthe vnder erthe Suffer ful grete turment.
Wolde therfore this erthe on this erthe on this hertly thinke, is superior to the exaggeratedly long line in Lamb.
In dede as he saythe it may well be For wyl euer longeth vnto lybrtye Therfore good freende welcome to me I praye you al be good to him And goeth out +Welth.
Why thinkest thou that all men which hath welth Getteth theyr goodes with brybry and stealeth Thy reporte is nought therfore Helthe I counsell thee to say the best.
Because that I welth hath great porte All the worlde, hyther doth resorte Therfore I welth, am this realmes comfort, And here I wyll indure.
To go so soone the horson was wyse therfore some now I must deuise that each man may welth, helth and libertidespise Or els he wyll marre all our mateer.
You fear we have begune to build & and shall not be able to make an end; indeed, our courses were never established by counsell, we may therfore justly fear their standing.
This we have only by relation from Mr. Nash, & not from any writing of your owne, & therforehope you have not proceeded farr in so great a thing without us.
And therfore we should lesse busie mens eares, and their mindes to harken to lies, then to dreames, because they bee otherwhile received for truethes.
A worde ones spokyn revoked can not be, Therfore thy fynger lay before thy types, For a wyse mannys tunge without advysement trypes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "therfore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.