Occasionally physicians resort to artificial means to end gestation during the later months in order that organic complications may be relieved; but most premature births occur spontaneously.
During the forty weeks of gestation the organ grows in weight from two ounces to as many pounds; from three inches in length it increases to fifteen inches; and its capacity is multiplied 500 times.
The moment the womb is instinct with embryonic life and gestation has begun, the crime may be perpetrated.
This has been emphatically stated by Judge Coulter, of Pennsylvania, who said: "It is not the murder of a living child which constitutes the offense, but the destruction of gestation by wicked means and against nature.
In connection with the development of the child we have already referred to the difference in the purpose of the constructive processes which go on in the earlier months of gestation and those which take place in the later months.
Similar variations occur in the pregnancies of all animals, and are, moreover, notably greater among larger animals, since for such animals the period of gestation is relatively long.
Thus, while the mean period of gestation in the rabbit is thirty-one days, it may be either shorter or longer by as many as eight days.
Thus, the period of gestation with some women is regularly longer, with others habitually shorter than the accepted average.
In a broad sense, the period of gestation for each variety of mammal is determined by the time required for embryonic development to reach the point where the young may live independently of the mother.
At the end of nine months, the period of the cow's gestation is complete; but parturition does not always take place at that time; it is sometimes earlier, at others later.
Exact information in regard to the period of gestation of the female is still lacking, the length of the period being given from eighteen to twenty-two months by different authorities.
But the intra-uterine gestation of the marsupials, and the second singular gestationpeculiar to them, still remain new and important subjects of study for anatomy and comparative physiology.
It is unknown among the lower mammals, with whom fertilization is easy, gestation short and offspring numerous.
The period of the gestation of the Wild Cat, according to Mr. Cocks, is a week or so longer than that of any domestic Cat.
According to him the period of gestation in the Horse is only eleven months; in the others more than twelve.
The period of gestation is presumed to be about nine calendar months; and if there were any circumstances from which an unusually long or short period of gestation could be inferred, special medical testimony would be required.
They were the products of the second gestation of a mother aged twenty-six, whose abdomen was of such preternatural size during pregnancy that she was ashamed to appear in public.
Bouzal cites an extraordinary case of ectopic gestation in which there was natural expulsion of the fetus through abdominal walls, with subsequent intestinal strangulation.
Griffiths speaks of rupture of the amniotic sac at about the sixth month of pregnancy with no untoward interruption of the completion of gestation and with delivery of a living child.
Unfortunately, the mother succumbed after ninety hours, and in a month the intrauterine child died from inanition, but the child of extrauterine gestation thrived.
Under the influence of compression exercised in the uterus during the early period of gestation fusion of the inferior extremities is effected.
Sloughing ensued, but the patient made a good recovery, gestation not being interrupted.
The Parliament of Paris was gallant enough to come to the rescue of a widow and save her reputation by declaring that a child born after a fourteen months' gestation was legitimate.
Jessop gives an example of extrauterine gestation in a woman of twenty-six, who had previously had normal delivery.
A curious case was seen in 1814 of a woman who at her fifth gestation suffered abdominal uneasiness at the third month, and this became intolerable at the ninth month.
Article 312 of the Civil Code of France accords a minimum of one hundred and eighty and a maximum of three hundred days for the gestation of a viable child.
Lundie relates an example of protracted gestation of eleven months, in which an anencephalous fetus was born; and Martin of Birmingham describes a similar case of ten and a half months' duration.
And therefore Macrobius discussing the point, hath alleadged another reason; affirming that the gestation of Rings upon this Hand and Finger, might rather be used for their conveniency and preservation, then any cordial relation.
The naturalists above quoted, though they mention lions being brought forth in Florence and Naples, are silent as to the time of gestation in the lioness, the size of the young, when whelped, and the degrees of their growth.
I think the latter opinion is nearest the truth, because the lion is an animal of great magnitude, and in general the time of gestation is longer among the large than the small species.
It must be borne in mind that the gestation of a single organism is the work of but a few days, weeks, or months; but the gestation (so to speak) of a whole creation is a matter probably involving enormous spaces of time.
The case of the oats is the more valuable, as bearing upon the suggestion as to a protraction of the gestation at a particular part of its course.
The Pennsylvania courts at an early period refused to follow this common-law doctrine, and held that the moment the womb is instinct with life in embryo and the process of gestation has begun the crime may be perpetrated.
Lefour affirms "that the period of gestation is longer in the large German cattle than in the smaller breeds.
Tessier, who has closely attended to this subject, allows a difference of four days in the gestation of the dog.
It has been objected that our domestic dogs cannot be descended from wolves or jackals, because their periods of gestation are different.
In this graduated difference in cross-bred animals having different proportions of Southdown blood, we see how strictly the two periods of gestation have been transmitted.
Hunter found that the gestation of a mongrel from wolf and dog ('Phil.
Cuvier found the period of gestation of the wolf to be ('Dict.
The self-denials and trials during the period of gestation do not all fall to the lot of the wife.
Some women are in better health, more cheery and hopeful during the period of gestation than at any other period in their lives.
The mother whose mind persistently dwells upon any chosen subject during this nine months of gestation will surely see in her offspring the mark of her thought.
The changes that take place at the moment of conception and during the period of gestation are full of marvelous beauty and profound mystery.
While, of course, the greatest changes which take place during the period of gestation are chiefly within the ovum or egg, yet those which take place in the body of the mother herself are more manifest, and scarcely less marvelous.
During gestation some women are a terror to their husbands, and render themselves miserable, and all about them uncomfortable and unhappy.
The period of gestation (sixty-three days) is the same in both animals, and they will interbreed freely, the progeny being also fertile.
They produce early, but are not completely adult for four or five years; the period of gestation is seven months.
The power of gestation commences at the early age of seven months; the period is five months, and the female produces sometimes twice a year, and from two to occasionally four at a birth.
The elephant usually brings forth, after a period of gestation of from eighteen to twenty-two months, a single calf, though twins are occasionally born.
The period of gestation seems to be about the same as that of the domestic cow, and the greatest number of calves are born in the summer.
The period of gestation is said to be eight to nine months, and usually only one at a time is born, between April and July.
The female usually produces one kid in the autumn, about September or October, and the period of gestation is about seven months.
From the circumstances of the capture of the mother it appears that the period of gestation of the rhinoceros is about the same as that of the hippopotamus, viz.
The female has about four or five young ones at a time, after a period of gestation of about nine weeks, and the mother very soon drives them forth to shift for themselves in the water.
The female produces one, or sometimes two in the summer, after a period of gestation of ten months.
Children born in the seventh month ofgestation are capable of living, though great care is required to rear them for the first few months after birth.
It follows, then, that if the mother during gestation maintains a special activity of any one brain organ, or group of organs, in her brain, she thereby causes more development of the corresponding organ or group in the brain of the fetus.
During the period ofgestation the fetus lies "curled up" in the bag of the amnion.
The influence of "maternal impressions" (after conception, and during the period of gestation or pregnancy) transmitted to the child physiologically and psychologically.
The second question submitted was: "During pregnancy, at what time and by what means can a differential diagnosis be made between intra and extra-uterine pregnancy, and between abnormalgestation and pelvic or other tumour?
In ectopic gestation with fatal rupture the foetus is, first, an active aggressor; secondly, it has no right to be where it is.
Hirst said: "In almost all cases of advanced gestation the differential diagnosis can be made.
The discussion of the moral questions that arise in cases of ectopic gestation which began in volume ix.
Hence common skill in the difficult diagnosis of ectopic gestation can not be looked for.
At the end of thirty-two weeks of gestation a foetus if born may be raised with skilful care, but the chances are not promising.
In any case of ectopic gestation the foetus has a very faint chance indeed of even living long enough for baptism if the expectant treatment is employed.
Gestation and the period of growth are long in the human race, and from the point of view of theoretical considerations, human longevity should be longer than it generally is.
As a general rule it may be said that a large animal takes more time than a small one to reach maturity, and it has been inferred from this that the length of the periods of gestation and of growth were in proportion to the longevity.
Milne-Edwards[32] many years ago contended that there was no importance in the supposed law of relation between gestation and longevity.
The period of gestation determines the species; protract it, and the species is advanced to a higher class.
One of the creatures resulting from this elaborate term of gestation was observed in the very act of emerging, in its first-born nudity, and sought concealment in a corner of the apparatus.
The invigorating effects of such gestation are illustrated by the practice of Athenian cock-fighters, who cause the cocks while under training to be carried about under the arms of attendants in long walks.
There are a sufficient number of cases on record to show that gestation may be prolonged two, and even three, weeks beyond the ordinary, or average term.
It is likewise difficult to determine the shortest period at which gestationmay terminate, and the child be able to survive.
Proper preparation during gestation will make both as rare as they used to be common.
Taken duringgestation it robs childbirth of its dangers to both mother and child, by preparing the system for delivery, thereby shortening labor, lessening pain and abbreviating the period of confinement.
From the experiments of Tessier, it appears that the term of utero-gestation varies greatly with the cow, sheep, horse, swine and other animals to which his attention was directed.
The period of this animal's gestation is thirty days; may it not therefore typify the moon's revolution round the earth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gestation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: covering; greatness; pregnancy; sitting; situation