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Example sentences for "gesticulate"

Lexicographically close words:
gestarum; gestation; geste; gestern; gestes; gesticulated; gesticulating; gesticulation; gesticulations; gestis
  1. It was more than likely that he had, as the latter stood near to where Mr. Kit-ze was when he began to gesticulate to the magistrate.

  2. I still gesticulate a great deal, though much less than I used to One afternoon, on a west-bound train, Loeb entertained a group of passengers of which I was one with worn-out stories of gesticulating Russian Jews.

  3. One cannot read Talmud without gesticulating, and Reb Sender would scarcely have been able to gesticulate without his snuff-box.

  4. Gesticulate vertically downward and in front of the body with the extended forefinger (right hand usually), the remaining fingers and thumb closed, their nails down.

  5. The final step was to gesticulate these signs, thus associated with words, in the exact order in which the words were to stand in a sentence.

  6. He thinks that because English actors do not gesticulate a great deal they act badly.

  7. The function of the actor is to impress the audience before him, nine-tenths of which consist of people who would regard him as ridiculous and unnatural if, when acting an ordinary English part, he were to gesticulate very much.

  8. The Mongol began to gesticulate wildly and attempted to pull me with him farther into the crowd of lamas, who also were becoming excited.

  9. Smith had not yet reached the bottom of the ravine when the native who had remained with me suddenly began to gesticulate wildly and to point to a wooded slope directly in front of us.

  10. The Indians do not gesticulate more when they speak than other nations do.

  11. Then come, one after another, two halls of increasing holiness, where the daylight enters regretfully through narrow loopholes, barely lighting the superposed rows of innumerable figures that gesticulate on the walls.

  12. People are infatuated; "it seems to us that a crazy spirit prevails universally, we often encounter people in the street who, although alone, gesticulate and talk to themselves aloud.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gesticulate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beckon; gesture; motion; pantomime; shrug; signal