Where the cards are so well known, they are only fit for a cheat, and no fair gamester but would throw them under the table.
It 's a gift O' the gamesterthat he snuffs the unseen powers Which help or harm him.
He saw it, and with the coolness of the old gamester he took it.
The London season had not yet begun, and there were few dupes whom the gamester could victimize by those skilful manoeuvres which so often helped him to success.
It told him that his career as a gamester must soon come to a close, or he would find himself a disgraced and branded wretch, avoided and despised by the men he now called his friends.
It was a mad chance, but a good gamester likes a dangerous throw.
Not enough of a gamester to accept your sacrifice, mademoiselle.
Booth was then satisfied that Mr. Robinson, whom he did not yet know by name, was the gamester who had won his money at play.
A surprizing run of luck in a gamester is often mistaken for somewhat else by persons who are not over-zealous believers in the divinity of fortune.
Would a gamesterhave asked another to play when he could have lost eighteen-pence and won nothing?
Possibly she lacks the gamesterblood of her forefathers and can have no patience with their lack of the commercial instinct.
She plunged into the idea with the reckless daring of a gamester who throws down his last card to win or lose.
The confirmedgamester is doing nothing less than perpetually digging a grave for his own happiness.
The gamester arranges to live (in a castle) upon it.
No Gamester shall hire another to yield to him upon any condition whatsoever; and if any such Practice be discovered, neither of them shall be capable of the Prize.
She's impudent my Lord, And was a common gamester to the Campe Dia.
Sir Hugh: keepe a Gamester from the dice, and a good Studient from his booke, and it is wonderfull Slen.
But though a gamester may be a rogue he may still have a good heart, and it is only just to say that this was the case with the Orloffs.
As I was praising the noble calmness with which a certain prince had lost a thousand roubles to him, he laughed and said that the fine gamester I had mentioned played upon credit but never paid.
Now when morning morrowed, the gamester came to him and summoned him to drink the sea; so he said to him, "Hold for me its mouth and I will drink it up.
I knew not that he was armed, and that he had the power about him to do the deed which he then accomplished; but there was a groan, a slight struggle, and the successful gamester fell upon the green sward, bathed in his blood.
I can well believe, Varney, from your manner of speech, and from the words you use, that you have some secret to relate beyond this simple fact of the murder of this gamester by Marmaduke Bannerworth.
He had either found the perfect gamester or the perfect liar.
I was a gamesterfrom the start--the artist is always so when he is greatest,--like nature herself.