I's seen de slave speculator cut de little nigger chillun with keen leather whips, 'cause they'd cry and run after de wagon dat was takin' their mammies away after they was sold.
Mammy was born a slave in de Furman family in Charleston, but pappy was bought out of a drove dat a Baltimore speculator fetch from Maryland long befo' de war.
Just stand em up on a block bout three feet high en a speculator bid em off just like dey was horses.
The fat person of thespeculator shook with appreciation of the wit of this sally, which did not seem to Greenfield so funny as from the laughter of the others he supposed it must really be.
Erastus Snaffle was more familiarly than favorably known in financial circles of Boston, as the man who had put afloat more wild-cat stocks than any other speculator on the street.
But his negatives, as he intended, were more effective than affirmatives would have been, and the bait had been safely swallowed by the unlucky fish for whom the astute speculator angled.
In the first place I am a broker and speculator from New York city.
I'll become a mine owner and speculator in claims and cattle.
It was a dilettante politician who operated in South Africa and could not make a cat's-paw of the colonial secretary in Downing Street, and it was a stupid speculator who was unable to be the power behind the enthroned politician.
From one point of view, the speculator is the driving-wheel of the whole wheat trade.
Some of the wheat nations not only permit speculation in wheat, but practically encourage it by allowing more privileges to the speculator than to the ordinary business man.
A speculator runs through the villages, collects the children, whom parents are quite willing to let him have, and takes them on lease, generally for three years.
To the third belong all the prisoners who are obliged to work in the shops directed by the speculator who farms the prison.
Then the American Speculator would come on the scene with his accumulated wisdom gained through many failures of colonization schemes because there were no colonists or not enough to keep up with the interest on the bonds issued.
The American Speculator would warn the Japanese against such a gigantic blunder as they were about to make in undertaking such a stupendous colonization scheme.
Indeed, a Speculator on the exchange, and a Gambler at his table, follow one vocation, only with different instruments.
The Speculator regards the weightiest affair as only a splendid game.
The speculatorhimself stood in the door and received the admission fees and then disappeared.
The speculator rented the theatre, and one day a new flood of handbills and posters made this announcement: "Your Uncle is here.
An impecunious speculator once flooded a town with handbills and posters containing this announcement: "Your Uncle is coming.
He was an extensive shareholder in the "Lourdes" business; and a careful speculator in all the religious frenzies of the uneducated and superstitious.
Hold on and await developments," he replied from his wicker chair over his bandaged foot, "and remember that the successful speculator is the man who always runs in the other direction from the crowd.
Now and then it must happen that a speculator for the rise and a speculator for the fall enter the chapel and commence their orisons at the same time.
The theorist may prove to demonstration the perfection of his theory; the speculator may show the certainty of its success: but unless it be a necessity called for by the onward progress of society, it must eventually fall to the ground.
Before this he had already been a hosier, a tutor, and a speculator in canals.
The general, however, obstinately delayed his death till the next week, and by that time the speculator was ruined, and all he had sold.
This great speculator never appeared on the Stock Exchange himself, and on special occasions he always employed a new set of brokers to buy or sell.
The speculator having been rescued from Jim Willis's clutches by the sheriff, the crowd good-naturedly helped us load our stones between pack-horses, and some of them followed us all the way home that they might see the grinding.
The speculator soon discovered that the penniless orphans could claim two thousand instead of two hundred bales, and thought it possible they would find three thousand bales and upward.
A speculator became interested in these girls, and plead with all his eloquence for official favor in their behalf.
In many of the Territories a dozen able-bodied men, accustomed to farm labor and willing to toil, were considered a greater acquisition than a speculator with twenty thousand dollars of hard cash.
Immediately, as this transaction became known, every speculator was on the qui vive to discover a widow or an orphan.
This speculator told me the guerrilla leader had sent him a verbal promise that the post should not be disturbed or menaced so long as the store remained there.
At some periods, furthermore, slave prices fell so rapidly that the prospect of profit for the speculator vanished.
As an ambitious man examines with great uneasiness the path which leads him to power, as the speculator contemplates the capricious whims of fortune, as the young officer waiting orders looks in every direction for action, did Ireneus.
The great speculator was known to every statesman about the table, and the whisper of conversation became hushed.
The state thus interposes to favor one land speculator above another, and to tempt the clergyman to neglect his spiritual duties for financial profit.
Every other land speculator must at least take some risk; but the church is playing a sure game and cannot lose.
No slave speculatorever dared to cross the threshold of this planter of the Old Dominion.
The speculator had kept close watch over his valuable piece of property, for fear that it might damage itself.
After the steamer had left the wharf and was fairly out on the bosom of the broad Mississippi, the speculator called his servant Pompey to him; and instructed him as to getting the negroes ready for market.
The speculator had bought her, but had postponed her removal till she should recover.