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Example sentences for "branded"

Lexicographically close words:
branchless; branchlet; branchlets; branchy; brand; brandied; brandies; branding; brandish; brandished
  1. The present laws of different states were neatly reviewed, so far as they relate to the prevention of infidels giving testimony and to religious intolerance in any way, and these features were all branded and discussed as a gigantic evil.

  2. With her native energy of character and rare capacity, it could not entirely cast her off, although it had set a mark upon her, more intolerable to a woman's heart than that which branded the brow of Cain.

  3. The King sought out the farmer who had been branded and sold as a slave, and reclaimed him from his evil life with the Ruffler's gang, and put him in the way of a comfortable livelihood.

  4. Every calf has to be caught, if possible, and branded with the mark of its mother.

  5. A calf should be branded as soon as it's found.

  6. When he stared at me with owlish eyes at the teachers' meeting, I branded him as a spiteful guy, but as I consider the matter now, he is better than the feline voice of Red Shirt.

  7. One may be branded foolishly honest if he takes seriously the apologies others might offer.

  8. These wretched creatures who make their lair like wild beasts among the nettles, outcasts, branded as thieves, a wandering base-born race, are still men.

  9. Perverting and exaggerating the language of Job, he demands why the friends should be counted as beasts and unclean, and why they should be so branded by a man who was in revolt against providence.

  10. You have branded us as traitors, and such we are, and so find no fault with your sentence; merely recognising that you represent, for the time being, the upper hand.

  11. In refusing to accept the plunge he took, you branded yourself a coward, and once a toward always a coward.

  12. The title to many of these colts, branded and unbranded, was very much mixed up, and indeed still in the Courts.

  13. Pete and his men pulled out home, but I caught and branded over half of these calves before turning them loose, and it is probable we got the rest of them at the next round-up.

  14. Vice, like poverty, seemed to have annihilated all the distinctions of rank, and the "decorated" noble and the branded felon sat down to the same board like brethren.

  15. The name which I bore so long with distinction is now branded with shame, and I leave the service to pass the few remaining days of my life wherever obscurity can best hide my sorrow and my ignominy.

  16. The heifer is then given to a Brahman, and the male, being first branded on one flank with a figure of a trident and on the other with a representation of the sun and moon, is set at liberty for life, and no Hindu will injure it.

  17. He then goes and bathes in a river, his tongue is touched or branded with heated gold and he gives a feast to the community.

  18. Her tongue is branded with a ring or other article of gold, and she is then seated under a wooden shed having two doors.

  19. Mourn not if thy sister mounts the throne of him who would have branded the very name to which thou and she were born!

  20. This rifle was branded and numbered according to law and the tax of 20 fr.

  21. Vaishnavites and Madhvas are branded with the emblems of the chank and chakram.

  22. Among Brahmans and Komatis, females were not sold, but expelled from their caste, and branded on the arm as prostitutes.

  23. But now, between me and that sacred memory that methought had been branded into my very soul, there always rises the vision of a girl, tall and slender as the lilies, clad all in white as they.

  24. One more sound from thy throat and I'll have thee scourged now and branded ere thy trial," he said.

  25. Rome had its will with thee, it would have thee publicly whipped and branded like the arrogant menial that thou art!

  26. What have I done--what sin did I meditate before I was born, that I should come into the world branded with failure in all I attempt?

  27. He is from that time branded by John of Salisbury as an arch liar.

  28. Universal hatred branded the King of England with a kind of outlawry, a spontaneous excommunication.

  29. The own will of Me is the State's destroyer; it is therefore branded by the State as "self-will.

  30. But by those who proclaim "freedom as sacred" this penalty must be regarded as a crime against freedom, and only in this sense has public opinion in fact branded the marriage law.

  31. No wonder that the sign of it is branded on my forehead for all the world to see.

  32. It would be easier than life with this thing branded on me.

  33. As the sheep were stripped, they were tugged to the fire and branded from the bubbling tar with the smet mark of the Ritsons.

  34. He branded with the name of Origenists those who argued that God was without form, and who quoted the writings of Origen in support of their opinion.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "branded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.