The fruitfulness of the soil, causeth that with often shredding and ridding the way, those woods grow as thick as our thickest hedges in England that are oftenest cut.
Such is the great fruitfulness of the soil: by reason of the evenness of the day and night, and the rich dews which fall every morning.
Mr. Spencer pointed out that in a co-partnership workshop the fruitfulness of piece work was an advantage to all.
Professor Alexander Bain, remarkable for his fruitfulness in philosophic device, asked my opinion on a project of constructing a barometer of personal character, which varies by time and event.
Cat-gods are often associated with the moon, chiefly because of the fertility of the animal which typified the ideals of fruitfulness and growth connected with the lunar orb.
Here also was a double cavern, Querti, in shape like two breasts, and from this cavern rose the Nile flood to bless the land with fruitfulness when the god drew back the bolts of the door at the proper season.
If the violent treatment of land and fruits be so measured and adapted for their greater fruitfulness and purity, ought we not to trust God to have the same intentions in His violent treatment of His people?
It was Jehovah's instrument for purifying His people, with its appointed term and its glorious intentions of fruitfulness and peace.
Since the fruitfulness and life of the Egyptian land depended on the inundation, and the inundation began with the rising of the Dog-star, the history of Egypt must also have begun with a similar rising.
The writers of antiquity celebrate the fruitfulness and natural wealth of these flats.
She was doubtless swayed by that idea of human nobility which Christianity has set in renunciation and purity; a protest, as it were, against eternal matter, against the forces of Nature, the everlasting fruitfulness of life.
How pleasant was the thought of living there, amidst that magnificence of heaven and of earth, of loving the beauty of woman and of rejoicing in the fruitfulness of all!
Fertilis+ denotes the actual fruitfulnesswhich has been produced by cultivation; +ferax+, the mere capability which arises from the nature of the soil.
The fruitfulnessof these plants proceeds entirely from the goodness of the soil in which they grow, as they do not require pruning or lopping like vines with us.
The rest of their provisions are brought from the Happy Arabia, or Arabia Felix, so named from its fruitfulness in comparison with the other two divisions, called Petrea and Deserta, or the Stoney and Desert Arabias.
The cocoa is another tree most worthy of being known, as in fruitfulness and sweetness of fruit it surpasses all other trees.
In fruitfulness and abundance of all things this city[88] may contend for eminence with any city in the world.
Environment and care greatly influence fruitfulness yet, notwithstanding, the quantity of fruit borne is often a means of identifying a variety and, of course, must always be considered by the cultivator and the breeder.
The fruitfulness of this variety is so great that the leaves seem to be concealed by the peaches.
The peculiarity of the doctrine consists in the looking upon this facility of production as an unfortunate circumstance, and the regarding the very fruitfulness of this new branch of industry as a limitation to its usefulness.
Has not Mr. d'Argout produced the fruitfulnessof the sugar culture as an argument against it?
Let our meditations on the fruitfulness of the earth, carry our thoughts to that new earth which we expect, "wherein dwelleth righteousness.
When we speak of dwarfing stocks, we mean such as are so uncongenial as to check the wood-growth; and thus, while producing smaller trees, they have a tendency to early fruitfulness if properly managed.
The second object of pruning being done with a view to the production of fruitfulness in the tree, is to be practised chiefly in the summer.
Thus the triumphal, laborious entry of the cabbage into the house is an emblem of the prosperity and fruitfulness it represents.
Fruitfulness is known in the cultivation of those graces and virtues which give real and intrinsic character to the people of God--those habits and tempers and properties of the inner man which, with God, are of great price.
This is fruitfulness; I say not that it is service; but it is beautiful fruitfulness in the inner man.
Service is more manifested and active, fruitfulness may be hidden.
Indeed, the yearly profit of a lead mine in comparison with the fruitfulness of the best fields, is three times or at least twice as great.
The gift of fruitfulness is bestowed by Druid and saint, but in the story of Conall it is rather the swallowing of the worm than the Druid's incantation that causes conception, and is the real motif of the tale.
The kings were divinities on whom depended fruitfulness and plenty, and who must therefore submit to obey their geasa.
Hence they have powers of fruitfulness and are visited by women who desire children.
In Ireland, the belief in the dependence of fruitfulnessupon the king, shows to what extent agriculture flourished there.
The whole prosperity of the town, especially the fruitfulness of farm, byre, and marriage-bed, was linked with his life.
The Kings were divinities on whom depended fruitfulness and plenty, and who must therefore submit to obey their 'geasa.
Here it is obvious that fruitfulness is believed to inhere in a stick cut from a fruitful tree and to be imparted by contact to the young banana plants.
Now, to have a good crop from such ground, doth argue the fruitfulness of the seed.
The fruitfulness of all the creatures in their kind, doth teach and admonish thee to a fruitful life to Godward, and in the things of his holy word.
That is, all the creatures of God, they will, by their fruitfulness and subjection to the will of their Creator, judge and condemn thee for thy disobedience, and rebellion against him.