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Example sentences for "quondam"

Lexicographically close words:
quolibet; quom; quomodo; quomodolibet; quon; quoniam; quoquam; quoque; quoquo; quora
  1. Chevalier listened to her passionate praise of his quondam comrade with sparkling eyes, and threw up his hands in ecstatic assent.

  2. In another second he was in the lamplight of Little Quondam Street.

  3. Agnes House was only entitled to the distinction of a name rather than a number, because the rest of the houses in Quondam Street were shabby, small, and old.

  4. You know, you didn't kiss me that night in Quondam Street because you thought I might one day come home with you, did you?

  5. They turned down into Little Quondam Street, and presently came to a red brick house with a pretentious portico.

  6. The man you were living with in Little Quondam Street.

  7. Through a desolation of undrawn blinds the houses of Little Quondam Street were visible across the road.

  8. In short, my dear sir, I had never dreamed of anything so dazzlingly, so superbly magnificent as that apartment into which I was ushered by the ghost of my quondam friend Hawley Hicks.

  9. The clever friends were Mr. and Mrs. Barrows; and, to the surprise of Willis, he was received most effusively by the quondam Miss Hollister.

  10. It appeared that he had been highly popular among his quondam guests.

  11. Not once had the officer of the law been able to prove anything definite against the proprietor of the 'Squirm', though several of its quondam hirers were at that very moment in various of Her Majesty's prisons throughout the country.

  12. I called to see my quondam neighbour Ford (do you know what quondam is, though?

  13. Abbot Lawrence took the robes from the body and made them into three copes, and gave the ring as a sacred relic to the Abbey: ‘Dompnus Laurentius quondam abbas huius loci .

  14. The worthy man had, in the mean time, honoured me with a reciprocal survey; but either his eyes had failed him, or his memory was not so retentive as mine, for he betrayed no symptoms of recognising his quondam pupil.

  15. The quondam valet was safely lodged in York Castle.

  16. With him, however, we have scant business, but from his quondam valet, discharged for some occult reason, we cannot at present part company.

  17. But the person who marvelled most at the dashing and luxurious life led by Alphonse was his quondam friend and partner.

  18. A considerable time passed, and the two quondam friends worked each in his own quarter in the great Paris.

  19. The third, to our unbounded astonishment, was our quondam fellow-traveller, the muleteer.

  20. Nather," returned the quondam accuser; but now, as it would appear, by some freak of fortune transmuted into the accused.

  21. He led me to the retired hut whither my quondam friends had gone before; and there I found them quite at their ease, refreshing themselves most liberally after their successful exertions in my arrest and deportation.

  22. The quondam whipper gave a long and significant whistle; while his companion started up and left the hut abruptly, although the Leonora of the smugglers' hovel called loudly after him, that "the steaks were cooling.

  23. The watch interfered--we joined our quondam opponents in a treaty, offensive and defensive, to resist this impertinent intervention, and the fight for a short time was respectably maintained.

  24. The dominie and his quondam assistant were thus left to pursue their journey in company.

  25. Here the quondam schoolmistress broke into a pleasant laugh that had once been musical.

  26. It's aisy remembered, mother," put in the quondam schoolmaster.

  27. But, when a vehicle rolled into the stable yard that brought the constable and Maguffin to join the party, the quondam American citizen waxed jubilant, and beheld endless possibilities of amusement.

  28. There the late Princess William was laid in the odour of sanctity, and it is somewhat shocking that this name of all others should be conferred upon a quondam theatre dancer.

  29. Upon the fourth Chickesa Bluff stood the quondam Fort Pickering, consisting of a stockade, as were the forts, as they were called in the Creek nation.

  30. We went again to the quondam church, or workshop for the boys, who are intended for joiners and shoemakers.

  31. The bishop inhabited a quondam nunnery, the greater part of which he had assigned for, and established as a school for boys.

  32. And as for you yourself, our quondam queen, You have a father able to maintain you, And better 'twere you troubled him than France.

  33. This is the quondam King; let's seize upon him.

  34. This quondam community of public employment induced Thelwall to visit Coleridge at Nether Stowey, where he fell in my way.

  35. The quondam widow very soon perceived The intruder was not what she had believed-- That he was mortal, not a form of air.

  36. A quondam conspirator in the interests of Philip II.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quondam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ancient; bygone; early; erstwhile; fore; former; immemorial; late; old; once; past; prehistoric; previous; primeval; primitive; prior; quondam; recent; sometime; then