November 11: "There is a gale from the west, and we are making nine knots with foresail and topsail.
The foresail and topsail were neither made fast nor reefed during the whole trip.
They had hitherto been sailing under the foresail only.
The boat was launched, the foresail set, and Fountain remained on shore in anything but a calm and happy state.
As her foresail fell, a sailor bounded over it on to the forecastle, and stood there with one foot on the gunwale, active as Mercury, eye glowing, and a rope in his hand.
You take in the gaff-topsail, and bowse down a double reef in the mainsail, and I will in foresail and shift the jib.
The mizzen flogged itself to ribbons in a moment, while the foresail paid our bows broad off, and, filling powerfully at the same time, dragged us clear by the bare skin of our teeth.
Then let fall, and come down, casting loose the foresail as you do so.
To meet emergencies, and under the notion he should have his craft more under command, the young man had reefed his mainsail, and taken the bonnets off of the foresail and jib.
The mainsail was single reefed, and the foresail and jib were without their bonnets, as has already been mentioned.
The foresail was now set, then the mainsail with the jib, Tom steering with a long oar, the raft glided rapidly and smoothly over the water.
As Jerry had feared, the wind became stronger, and they presently had as much as the boat could stagger under, with only her mizzen and foresail set.
GOOSE'-WING, one of the clews or lower corners of a ship's mainsail or foresail when the middle part is furled or tied up to the yard.
In the first of the basins named, the schooner wore short round on her heel, her foresail being set to help her.
Hazard had got in his flying-jib, and had taken the bonnets off his foresail and jib, to prevent the craft burying.
As soon as in the lower basin, as one might call it, the jib and foresail were taken in, and the head of the mainsail was got on the craft.
Hatteras immediately caused the sails that helped the screw to be furled, but not quickly enough to prevent his little foresail being carried away in the twinkling of an eye.
Nearing the coast offered many dangers at an epoch in which icebergs were so numerous; the commander caused some of the sails to be furled, and the Forward glided away under her foresail and foremast only.
The two topsails, the foresail and the brigantine sail were rapidly set up, and the Forward, worthy of its name, after having rounded Birkenhead Point, sailed with extraordinary fleetness into the Irish Sea.
Accordingly, hands were sent aloft, and a reef shaken out of the topsails, and the reefed foresail set.
As soon as she was well off from the wind, we filled away the head yards, braced all up sharp, set the foresail and trysail, and left our anchorage well astern, giving the point a good berth.
Soon after, the foresailwas reefed, and we mizzen-top men were sent up to take another reef in the mizzen topsail.
When the vessel is large, it also has a foresail of the same form.
Without waiting any longer he drove the Japanese guard from the ship, bent the foresail and spritsail, loaded the artillery, and, with weapons in hand, one morning set the ship in readiness to weigh anchor.
If this lasts much longer we must take theforesail off of her, and give her the main-staysail," said Hardy to the master.
When the storm was over, we set foresail and mainsail, and brought the ship to.
We reefed the foresail and set him, and hauled aft the fore sheet; the helm was hard-a-weather.
Men tumbled eagerly about, hauling a line here, letting go another there, until they had set the double reefed mainsail, foresail and a mere rag of jib.
With a run the foresail and mainsail were lowered and furled.
Carrying full staysail, jib, foresail and mainsail the schooner plunged into the waves, sending cascades of water over her forecastle with every leap.
Under jib, staysail and foresail the vessel swung around as the dock lines were let go.
He had been guilty of running the Ghost several points off her course in order that what little wind there was should fill the foresail and hold it steady.
It was a slight uphill climb, for the foresail peaked high; and the halyards, running through various blocks on the gaff and mast, gave him separate holds for hands and feet.
It was a clumsy way, but it did not take long, and soon the foresail as well was up and fluttering.
The foresailand fore-topsail, emptied of the wind by the manoeuvre, and with no one to bring in the sheet in time, were thundering into ribbons, the heavy boom threshing and splintering from rail to rail.
Down wi' the mainsail," was quickly followed by the lowering of the foresail until not more than a mere corner was shown, merely to keep the canoe end-on to the seas.
Moses and Nigel kept the little craft straight to the wind while the foresail was being reefed, Van der Kemp and the former performing the same duty while Nigel reefed the mainsail.
Up went the mainsail, the tiny foresail bulged out at the same moment, and away they went like the driving foam, appearing almost to leap from wave to wave.
I attend to the foresail and Moses manages the mainsheet, but you have to mind the halyards of both, which, as you would see if it were light enough, run down alongside the mast.
The ship required some headsail, and this would not try the damaged mast so severely as the foresail had done, with its wide extent of canvas.
Now, Hobbs, go to the helm; we'll get the foresail up.
The peak of her great foresail fell and in a moment her cut halyards were swept into a snarl that needed time and daylight for untangling.
But ere long the gale blew up amain, and in the late afternoon Captain Candle, sniffing the breeze, called upon all to stand by and once more to hand both foresail and mainsail.
But as they manned the foreyard, the ship yawed in such a manner that the full force of the wind struck the old foresail and split it under their fingers.
For a while, then, the wind scanted so that there was hope the storm had passed, and during the lull they bent and set the new foresail and must needs brace and veer and haul aft.
We got down our foresail and stowed it and bored holes between the decks to let the water into the hold and by dint of much pumping we kept her afloat until now.
When he turned his head the rain no longer lashed his face, the foresail flapped, and the straining, rattling noises began again.
The pilot gave an order, and the foresail began to rise with a rattle of blocks.
The foresail was torn and half-lowered, and the gaff at its head was jambed.
The foresail was filled and the helm put up, and once more the unwieldy craft was set upon her course.
By this time the dhow had run up into the wind and was gathering sternway with her lateen foresail aback.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foresail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.