Signet with flote badge and word of Sir William Oldhalle in 1457.
From the eft schip vprays onone the wynd, 5 And followit fast the see fararis behynd; Eyk al the flote smate fast with arys the flude, Kempand to welt our wallys as thai war wode.
Thus wepand said, and leyt his flote go large, Quhill at the last, baith ballyngar and barge Apon the cost, that hait Ewboica, 5 Arryvit neir the cite of Cuma.
For fish, in my opinion, this is much better than the Taw or Taffe, whose head breedeth no fish, but if it be cast into it, they turne vp their bellies flote aloft and die out of hand.
Sunset the 3 remaining Canoes arrived unloaded & returned imeadeately with orders to flote down to Camp at the portage to night for the purpose of takeing up the remaining baggage.
Hauled her up in the bushes on the lower Side of the main fork & fastened her So that the water could not flote her off.
Brackish- The logs on which we lie is all on floteevery high tide- The rain Continud all day- we are all wet, also our beding and many other articles.
My noomerious friends here insisted that ez I wuz growin into the seer and yaller leaf, I shood abandon Dimocrisy, and flote with the current.
In that pleasant callin I'll flote down the stream uv Time, until Death closes the polls, and ends the struggle.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flote" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.