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Example sentences for "fatall"

Lexicographically close words:
fatalism; fatalist; fatalistic; fatalities; fatality; fatally; fate; fated; fateful; fates
  1. Then thou knowest well which was the fatall streame Wherein the young prince Alberdure was drownd?

  2. This should be that unlucky fatall place Where causlesse hate drew bloud from Ferdinand.

  3. Poore wretch, I feare this too much love in thee Is fatall to thee.

  4. Lord Cassimeere, this is the haplesse Jewell That represents the form of Alberdure, Given by Cornelia at our fatall feast.

  5. O Atropos, of the fatall systers thre, 120 Goddes mooste cruell unto the lyf of man, All merciles, in the ys no pite!

  6. And armed Trust, which neuer can dispaire, But hopes good hap; how euer fatall deare.

  7. The reason, for my loue to thee I bring, Trimming the locks with Iems of dietie, Making the gods a dread a fatall day, Worse then the Giants warre or Centaurs fray.

  8. A disposition & successe equally fatall to that house: for his sonne againe, the second Sir Ric.

  9. And, though the guilty doth exceed the free,[73] Yet through a base and fatall cowardise They all assist in taking one another And by their owne hands are to prison led.

  10. A fatall hunting when a King doth fall: All earthly pleasures are thus washt in gall.

  11. But fortune (saith mine auther) was to Chalons so fauourable, and leaned so much to his side, that he ran the French knight through with the point of his fatall speare.

  12. And that nought, how strong or strange, Chaungles doth endure alwaie, But endureth fatall change.

  13. Haue Cæsar fortune and the Gods his freends, To him haue Ioue and fatall sisters giuen The Scepter of the earth: he neuer shall Subiect my life to his obedience.

  14. Come Nymphs and with your Rebecks ring his knell, Warble forth your wamenting harmony, And at his drery fatall obsequie, with Cypres bowes, 10 maske your fayre Browes, And beat your breasts to chyme his burying peale.

  15. Winslow came over, and brought a prety good supply, and the ship came on fishing, a thing fatall to this plantation.

  16. Then since your fatall houre must surely come, Surely your head ly low as mine, Your bright meridian soon decline, Beseech the mighty PAN to guard you home.

  17. Yong Mahomet to Greece the fatall scourge, Which thither death, and desolation brought, Euen to the faire Constantinoples veirdge, The Grecian Empires chaire, the which he sought For which a huge digested army fought.

  18. Trecherous Vlysses bringing in that horse, Which proued a fatall coffin for Troies corse.

  19. He drawes a fatall Turkish Simiter, With it he parts her body from her head.

  20. We saw also the fatall chair of Scotland wheirin our kings for many ages used to be croune.

  21. My service, villaine, with a fatall curse, That direfull plagues and mischiefe fall on thee.

  22. Prince Edward, stop not at the fatall doome, But stabb it home: end both my loves and life.

  23. The Rauen himselfe is hoarse, That croakes the fatall entrance of Duncan Vnder my Battlements.

  24. And hearke ye sirs: because she is a Maide, Spare for no Faggots, let there be enow: Place barrelles of pitch vpon the fatall stake, That so her torture may be shortned Puc.

  25. Worke, worke your Thoughts, and therein see a Siege: Behold the Ordenance on their Carriages, With fatall mouthes gaping on girded Harflew.

  26. Fatall and ominous to Noble Peeres: Within the guiltie Closure of thy Walls, Richard the Second here was hackt to death: And for more slander to thy dismall Seat, Wee giue to thee our guiltlesse blood to drinke Grey.

  27. Who builds his hope in ayre of your good Lookes, Liues like a drunken Sayler on a Mast, Readie with euery Nod to tumble downe, Into the fatall Bowels of the Deepe Lou.

  28. Behold, this is the happy Wedding Torch, That ioyneth Roan vnto her Countreymen, But burning fatall to the Talbonites Bastard.

  29. And if pitie be the sole and onely keye of Paradise, displaye it now on the behalfe of her, who (forsaken of al humaine succour) attendeth but the fatall houre to be throwen into the fier as a poore innocent lambe in sacrifice.

  30. Tis love, but, with such fatall weaknesse made, That it deftroyes it selfe with its owne shade.

  31. And when she perceiued her selfe alone fully possessed with that whiche before was deuided betwene them bothe, shee determined to obserue the same vntill death had made an ende of her fatall dayes.

  32. O no, sweet Margaret, the fatall poyson Doth work within my heart, my brain pan breakes, My heart doth faint, I dye.

  33. O the fatall poyson workes within my brest, Tell me Surgeon and flatter not, may I live?

  34. My noble sonne, and princely Duke of Guise, Now have we got the fatall stragling deere, Within the compasse of a deadly toyle, And as we late decreed we may perfourme.

  35. Smile gentle heauens or strike vngentle death, That we maie die vnlesse we gaine the daie: What fatall starre malignant frownes from heauen Vpon the harmelesse line of Yorkes true house?

  36. Bring forth that fatall scrichowle to our house, That nothing sung to vs but bloud and death, ·eah115· Now his euill boding tongue no more shall speake.

  37. The birde once limde doth feare the fatall bush, And I the haplesse maile to one poore bird, Haue now the fatall obiect in mine eie, Where my poore young was limde, was caught & kild.

  38. Call Buckingham and all the friends thou hast, Both thou and they, shall curse this fatall houre.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fatall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.