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Example sentences for "faradic"

Lexicographically close words:
faquir; faquirs; far; fara; faradaic; faradization; faran; faras; faraway; farce
  1. In tabes dorsalis faradic treatment will often diminish the anaesthesia and numbness in the legs, with resulting benefit to the ataxy.

  2. The faradic current is also used as a means of diagnosis for neuro-muscular conditions.

  3. Thus a combination of massage and faradic current is obtained, and the results are particularly satisfactory.

  4. Perhaps the most beneficial use of the faradic current is in the treatment of chronic constipation--especially that so frequently met with in young women and due to deficient muscular power of the intestinal walls.

  5. Faradic treatment may be employed in the weakness and emaciation depending on any long illness, rickets, anaemia, &c.

  6. As explained above, when the nerve supplying a muscle is diseased it no longer responds to the faradic current.

  7. For this purpose electricity, in the form both of the constant and of the faradic current, has been beneficially employed.

  8. An excellent adjunct to this treatment is the local use of the faradic galvanic current daily after breakfast.

  9. A strong faradic current sent through the region of the gall-bladder and ducts has in several instances seemed to do good--indeed, to remove obstructions.

  10. The faradic current may also be employed on account of its action upon the muscles and small vessels.

  11. It is to be treated by the general rules already given, by electrical stimulation of the abdominal muscles with the faradic current, or by the effort to stimulate the intestinal wall more effectively with the galvanic current.

  12. A slowly-interrupted faradic current is then passed.

  13. General faradization and faradic and galvanic excitation of the chylopoietic system promotes activity of the digestive apparatus and of the organic functions in general.

  14. The best results are reported from the use of the faradic current.

  15. In applying the faradic current an electrode is introduced into the rectum, and the other, a sponge well moistened, is placed over the gall-bladder.

  16. On examination the peroneal muscles reacted but sluggishly to faradic irritation.

  17. In the anterior tibial and peroneal groups the faradic irritability is much diminished, that in the peroneus longus being the lowest of all.

  18. The right anterior tibial and musculo-cutaneous groups of muscles reacted to the strongest faradic current, not to any galvanic current below 20-25 m.

  19. The same muscles in the left leg also reacted to the strongest faradic current, but only locally, with no sort of effect on the tendons.

  20. The gastrocnemius could hardly be got to contract at all, when the most powerful Faradic current was directed upon the nerve in the popliteal space of the affected limb, though the muscle of the sound side reacted with great vigor.

  21. No person should be buried as long as the muscles contract when stimulated by either the faradic or the galvanic current.

  22. We may be enabled to approximate the time at which death occurred, for, if we find any response to either the faradic or the galvanic current, we know at once that post-mortem rigidity has not yet occurred.

  23. The faradic stimulus is lost first and the galvanic stimulus soon after.

  24. The faradic current will cause, when death has occurred, muscular contractions until a short time before post-mortem rigidity occurs.

  25. Those affected become soft and flaccid, exhibit tremors on attempted movement, and their excitability to the faradic current is diminished.

  26. In severe cases the application of hot cloths over the heart, or of the faradic current over the line of the phrenic nerve, just above the clavicle, may be called for.

  27. The muscles become soft and flaccid, they exhibit tremors on attempted movement, and their excitability to the faradic current is diminished.

  28. The muscles rapidly waste, and within from three to five days, they cease to react to the faradic current.

  29. The faradic current acts in the same direction, but far less energetically, if we except the vessels near the surface, the muscular coats of which are probably more efficiently tonicised by this than by the constant current.

  30. The object for which I had ordered the baths having now been accomplished, I treated the affected muscles with the faradic current.

  31. Freedom from pain is a characteristic likewise of the faradic bath, properly administered.

  32. This may be followed by the faradic current, not of sufficient intensity for the first few baths, however, to cause any but slight muscular contractions.

  33. I had both a galvanic and a faradic battery at his house, which, in addition to appropriate medicinal treatment, I applied daily to the affected joints,—using mainly the faradic current.

  34. I commenced a series of daily electric applications to the affected muscle, which failed to respond to the faradic current, but contracted very readily when the slowly interrupted galvanic current was employed.

  35. When too strong a faradic current however is incautiously administered, the resulting muscular contractions are accompanied by an amount of local pain proportioned to the violence of the contractions.

  36. In cases where paralyzed muscles have lost their faradic irritability, galvanic interruptions are almost indispensable to successful treatment.

  37. The faradic current however is applicable here in another way, and for a very important object.

  38. The results in my own cases however have long since satisfied me of the utility in this respect of faradic not only, but also of mild constant currents.

  39. Several manufacturers of this city turn out good and serviceable faradic instruments.

  40. Both currents act very well in this respect, though on the whole I look upon the galvanic as superior to the faradic current.

  41. By keeping the faradic current within proper limits, all pain can be avoided.

  42. These manual movements upon the surface of the body will often excite muscular sensibility, similar to that awakened by a weak Faradic current.

  43. One of the most brilliant cures of hay fever with faradic electricity was made by Dr.

  44. As I was much more familiar with the faradic battery than with manipulation and it was more agreeable to use, I placed one sponge on the back of the neck and with the other twitched the muscles over the chest.

  45. My idea was that if there were any stiff or tight muscles restraining the action of the ribs, the faradic exercise would limber them up.

  46. The Faradic Current and Other Forms of Electricity 27 VI.

  47. It was from none of these that I stumbled on the fact that faradic electricity would cure hay fever.

  48. Birdsall used the faradic current from a small portable battery three times a week, while the patient remained on the farm in the irritating environment, and in one season made a cure that has lasted to this day.

  49. With the faradic current just as with the manipulating fingers, there are sore spots that the patient describes as bruised.

  50. I am old-fashioned enough to remember when the polarity of a faradic battery was determined by holding two sponges of equal size, one in each hand, turning the current on quite strong and calling the stronger one the negative.

  51. So I will not argue the matter at all, but simply state the result of my observation that faradic electricity cures hay-fever.

  52. I have used the faradic current because it was the most convenient.

  53. Moderately strong applications of the Faradic current, repeated once or twice weekly, are sometimes of service; also weak to moderately strong applications of the continuous and high-frequency currents.

  54. The faradic current when medically used does not, as a rule, produce any external injuries.

  55. Faradic and static currents are rarely or never used mechanically or in the arts.

  56. After a few electric tests with the faradic current voluntary movements were obtained in all the muscles of the arm and hand.

  57. Speech was restored on the same day, September 7, with verbal suggestion and faradic brush applied to palate.

  58. Galvanic and faradic current had no effect on the ears.

  59. There was a diminution in the faradic and galvanic excitability of the legs and feet; vasomotor disturbance (slight hyperidrosis) of the paralyzed limbs.

  60. There was an increase in the faradic and galvanic excitability of the external popliteal nerve.

  61. A month later he was discharged to the hospital ship at Plassy, where he got faradic treatment, the effect of which was to cause him pain without recovery of voice.

  62. The above examinations were with the faradic current.

  63. Re reëducation of cutaneous sensations, Chavigny recommends the faradic current in successive applications, marking the extent of the zone of anesthesia with ink upon the skin.

  64. According to Roussy and Lhermitte, these reëducative methods used alone, without previous faradic treatment, are not successful.

  65. Diminution of galvanic and faradic excitability on the left side of the face.

  66. No reaction of degeneration in the tongue and thyroid muscles although there was a marked diminution in faradic excitability.

  67. The response was more sudden than normal, and there was an increase in faradic and galvanic excitability in the tibialis anticus.

  68. In all cases in which the temperature is normal or subnormal, I do not hesitate for a moment to employ the faradic or the galvanic current.

  69. The sciatic nerve was exposed and stimulated by a faradic current.

  70. Severe cases were sometimes treated by strong faradic currents of electricity which were extremely painful.

  71. The most perfect test of death is by Faradic electricity.

  72. I am so well pleased with your "Chlorine Faradic Machine" that I now use it in preference to any other.

  73. As a general rule, three hours after death, the muscles entirely fail to respond to the Faradic current.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faradic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.