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Example sentences for "dorsalis"

Lexicographically close words:
dormitory; dorp; dors; dorsad; dorsal; dorsally; dorsals; dorsalwards; dorsi; dorso
  1. The reasons for recognizing the population of Thamnophis dorsalis in the Tepalcatepec Valley as distinct from that on the surrounding highlands are presented in the discussion of Thamnophis dorsalis cyclides.

  2. Dorsal color pattern of Thamnophis dorsalis cyclides (A) and Thamnophis dorsalis postremus (B).

  3. In sentences like the following, antaĆ­ ol or antaĆ­ kiam should be used when time is implied.

  4. The entodermal enteric tube is, as already stated, closely attached at an early period along its dorsal surface to the axial rod of mesoderm containing the chorda dorsalis immediately ventrad of the neural canal.

  5. In tabes dorsalis faradic treatment will often diminish the anaesthesia and numbness in the legs, with resulting benefit to the ataxy.

  6. The heart existed as a simple pulsating vessel; and the chorda dorsalis took the place of a vertebral column.

  7. The diagnosis =tabes dorsalis incipiens= was made (hematomyelia of conus terminalis eliminated).

  8. It is perhaps easier to prove that shell explosion may precipitate neurosyphilis in the form of tabes dorsalis (take, for example, Cases 21 and 22).

  9. In still another leg, a fleshy and tendinous slip of pars dorsalis inserts adjacent (anterior) to the dorsal edge of the insertion of pars antica.

  10. Apparently pars dorsalis and pars ventralis may be absent in some birds.

  11. Pars dorsalis and pars ventralis are more variable; in Coccyzus these two parts are closely associated with pars antica whereas in Tympanuchus they are most closely associated with pars postica.

  12. When pars ventralis and pars dorsalis are fused, one branch perforates the proximal end of this mass and reaches pars antica.

  13. Pars dorsalis is apparently equivalent to the dorsal part of Berger's obturator externus.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dorsalis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.