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Example sentences for "tests"

Lexicographically close words:
testiness; testing; testings; testis; testium; testy; tetanic; tetanus; tetch; tetched
  1. In 1911 the Government investigators made comparative tests of the keeping qualities of carefully handled raspberries and commercially handled raspberries.

  2. Their point was that in ordinary feeding tests the results merely tell whether there is enough vitamine present to produce normal growth.

  3. For this purpose we must rely on tests that are far from delicate and time-consuming to a degree.

  4. The philosophy of the tests for the antiscorbutic vitamines then will be identical with that of the polyneuritic methods with pigeons, viz.

  5. In applying this rule to cooking operations the results should be determined by direct tests rather than by assumptions based on these generalizations.

  6. All groups ate practically the same amount of feed, and digestion tests showed that there was no difference in the digestibility of the different rations.

  7. Funk's studies combined a careful chemical fractioning of the extracts of rice polishings with tests for their antineuritic power upon polyneuritic birds, after the manner taught by Eijkman.

  8. It was hard to imagine what tests Alex Goddard could perform that hadn't already been done by Hannah Klein.

  9. The medical tests you had showed there's nothing wrong with your uterus or your Fallopian tubes, nothing that should inhibit conception.

  10. If you could come back next Saturday to begin your tests and receive an orientation, I could give you an opinion about your chances of bearing a child.

  11. I guess it depends on what kinds of tests he's going to run.

  12. I'm running a batch of tests this afternoon, so one more sample won't make any difference.

  13. Goddard had said something about tests on the blastocyst, the first cellular material created after fertilization.

  14. These tests must be employed with great caution lest the deformity be increased or the fracture rendered compound.

  15. Any departure from the normal reactions which these tests may produce, should raise the suspicion of a pathological condition of the semicircular canals.

  16. Milton cannot have liked that rejection by the General of one of the tests on which he had himself placed so much reliance.

  17. How was it faring with these two tests in this renewed Session of the Rumpers?

  18. What had been his own two proposed tests of genuine Republicanism?

  19. In 1911 there was published a revised scale in which, owing to the results of further experiment and criticism, a considerable number of alterations in the grading of the tests was made.

  20. Our collection of tests of mental deficiency is already known to readers of the Annee Psychologique.

  21. General directions regarding the tests and the method of marking will be found at the end of the scale.

  22. Simon, proceeded to extend the number of these tests and to assign each to its appropriate age.

  23. Which of all these tests is of the greatest value?

  24. The examiner should have a large sheet of paper or a note-book with the names of the tests written in column at the left-hand side.

  25. The mental age assigned to him is determined in this way: one finds the age-level at which he passes all the tests, and adds a year for every five tests that he passes above that level.

  26. Lastly, the time of year when the tests are made is not a matter of indifference.

  27. Our tests are a confirmation, and even an exact demonstration, of it.

  28. In 1908, after having been tried on over two hundred Parisian school children, the tests were published in the form of a scale, giving a measure of intelligence graded from three to thirteen years of age.

  29. But these tests are none the less very valuable tools to which one is very happy to have recourse when one feels embarrassed.

  30. It is scarcely necessary to say that this table of tests is the outcome of careful experiment.

  31. In the course of his work with defectives, Binet, as we have seen, had gathered a number of questions which he had found useful as tests of intelligence.

  32. Tests of scholarship and qualifications for office have undergone a complete change.

  33. By these tests we may try Spiritualism, Mormonism, Swedenborgianism.

  34. But the foundation of these beliefs is no less solid for the reason that empirical tests are not applicable to them.

  35. We must have a few more tests and verify the method by trying it on another subject.

  36. I've had an idea of it for some time; those clairvoyant tests put me on to it; but I've only just got it clear.

  37. But there is no way to tell, for if one applies tests they would be part of the dream, too, and so would simply aid the deceit.

  38. In considering the data furnished by these intelligence tests we should remember several factors that should be taken into consideration.

  39. Managing the Dummy so as to utilize all his small Trumps to the greatest advantage is one of the tests of the skill of the player of the combined hands.

  40. The above-described method of determining when the hand sizes up to the No-trump standard is generally known as the "average system," and has been found more simple and much safer than any of the other tests suggested.

  41. References to these things were evidently some of the tests (p.

  42. Has he got any more tests to give, or anything to say, to the boys or anybody?

  43. But he's just as keen as you are in getting tests through.

  44. I might not be able to get a test through, even when I controlled better; I should have to get quite at home there, before I could give tests through her.

  45. Well now, Raymond, Mr. Myers sent me a message to say that you had got some tests ready to get through, and that I was to give you an opportunity of giving them.

  46. He thinks that in a little while he will be able to give actual tests at home.

  47. These are the tests to which we are to bring the stories of the Greek religion.

  48. How really strange, at base, it was with him may, I think, be shown by a reference to those passages where he applies rationalistic tests to matters connected with religion.

  49. The new law has been so amazingly successful in two of the three tests that there must be some thing valid about it, even if it is not exactly right as yet.

  50. There are, so far, three crucial tests of the relative accuracy of the new theory and the old.

  51. Peradventure he is a new recruit, Rasul, or a candidate, and there being no time for the tests the sahib bade him come with us and show what he could do.

  52. So we might add a few years to you till the tests are over: after that it will be as Heaven wills.

  53. With such severe tests I fear very little the result in any case I can have them do as I bid.

  54. Corroborative experiments were made by mixing 10 to 20 per cent, of phenol with samples of the beechwood creosote, but in every case each of the tests named showed the presence of the phenol.

  55. The writer on other occasions applied single tests (the collodion test) to samples of beechwood creosote that he had an opportunity of procuring small specimens of, and satisfied himself that they were pure.

  56. Except that they compelled the transmitter to do double duty and act also as a receiver, the telephone that emerged from these many tests was practically similar in principle to the one of to-day.

  57. They had lacked opportunity to make such tests since no great span of wires was accessible to them.

  58. I have tried tests with Mr. and Madame Zancig in the transmission of diagrams.

  59. My wife and I agreed to all tests they put to us, and all was quite satisfactory.

  60. On which she said whatever it was correctly, and the performance went on as usual; my friends in due time getting their tests efficiently done.

  61. In connection with most other subjects the help of science is welcomed; in connection with religion science is still regarded as more or less of an intruder, profaning a sacred subject with vulgar tests and impertinent enquiries.

  62. And if it were true that the same tests could not be applied in psychology that are applied elsewhere, this would be no cause for scientific despair.

  63. If none of these tests were adopted, torture was used.

  64. But another of Hopkins's tests was the following: The suspected witch was placed cross-legged on a stool in the centre of the room.

  65. It would only mean that fresh tests would have to be devised for a new group of facts, as every other science has already, as a matter of fact, created its own special standard of value.

  66. No tests were made upon larger animals much to his regret, as in his opinion the experiments of Bang upon cows still left something to be desired in the way of experimental evidence.

  67. From the results of these tests we have concluded that the bacillus isolated by us from aborting cows is identical with that isolated by Bang and by Nowak.

  68. In all these tests the mother guinea pig was killed by chloroform soon after the abortion had occurred.

  69. The tests showed that after the ingestion of a small quantity of alcohol--say a glass of beer--there was a marked disturbance of the mental processes involved in this reaction.

  70. That this fair inference from laboratory experiments may be demonstrated in a thoroughly practical field, has been shown by Professor Aschaffenburg himself, through a series of tests made on four professional typesetters.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tests" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.