The course of culture, in this view, is an unfolding (exfoliation) of the human spirit; and the task which economic science has in hand is to determine the laws of this cultural exfoliation in its economic aspect.
This process of exfoliation acquires exceptional importance in desert regions where the rock surfaces are daily elevated to excessively high temperatures (see Chapter XV).
Smooth granite domes shaped by exfoliationand surrounded by a rim of talus.
This treatment sometimes prevents a return of the pain; it produces on the osseous fibers of the tooth a slight but sufficient exfoliation and impedes the progress of the caries.
If, notwithstanding this, the patient be saved, there will be suppuration andexfoliation of the bone.
Exfoliation of the cranium occurred; one small sequestrum was separated, which involved the whole thickness of the bone, and a collection of matter between the dura mater and skull-cap was thereby exposed.
Exfoliation generally follows denudation of the bone by accident, but not uniformly.
If the exfoliation goes on slowly, perforation in the dead bone may be made at different points down to the living parts, with the view of expediting the process.
When a depôt of matter has formed, it must be evacuated early, otherwise there is a risk of the bone becoming extensively denuded and exfoliation ensuing.
The exfoliation is often very tedious, and is attended with discharge of fetid thin fluid from the nostril, and from the ill-conditioned lachrymal fistula.
A man, aged forty, had been afflicted for some time with ulceration in the ham, and exfoliation of the posterior part of the femur.
Again, when the periosteum has been removed in the most careful manner possible, exfoliation occasionally takes place.
The Exfoliation is made sometimes sooner, and sometimes later; but the Callus usually covers the opening of the Skull within the space of forty or fifty Days, if no ill Accident happens.
It has a tendency to terminate in destruction and exfoliation of the mucous membrane of the gums and other tissues attacked, and eventually in necrosis of the jaw-bone.
The morbid process may extend to the bone itself, and necrosis and extensive {178} exfoliation follow.
One of the results of the long-continued abuse of morphia is a catarrhal condition of the large intestine, accompanied with exfoliation of the intestinal epithelium.
Detachment of the necrosed segments of mucous membrane takes place by gradual exfoliation from periphery to centre.
In those cases where the lesions are numerous the production of exfoliation of the epiderm by means of resorcin applications (see acne) is a good plan.
In another type of the disease, formerly described as pityriasis rubra, the skin is pale red or violaceous-red, but is rarely thickened, continued exfoliationin the form of thin plates taking place.
The pustules dry to crusts, which fall off and are often followed by a slight, fringe-like exfoliation around the base, constituting a grayish ring or collar.
Resorcin, in lotion, 3 to 25 per cent strength, is through the exfoliation it provokes, frequently of value; the resorcin paste referred to in acne can also be used for this purpose.
Retention of epidermal laminae (as opposed to regular exfoliation of the older parts of scutes) occurs in all box turtles, in several other groups of terrestrial emyids, and in testudinids.
Some box turtles were observed to have several scutes of the carapace in the process of exfoliation but no exfoliation was observed on the plastron.
Exfoliation ordinarily occurred on the scutes of the carapace that were the least worn; the exfoliating portion included the areola and the three or four oldest (first formed) layers of the scute.
This exfoliation of crusts continues till the skin is completely rid of its pathological products, the process being completed with entire restoration to health about the conclusion of the fourth or fifth week of the disease.
When this exfoliation is ended there are left slightly hyperæmic pigmented patches of corresponding size where the crusts had rested.
The nature of the exfoliation found in the intestinal canal has been the subject of much discussion.
The parenchymatous tissue of the kidneys is commonly found in an oedematous condition, and the tubuli uriniferi are more or less affected by a catarrhal inflammation, which is manifested by the exfoliation of granular epithelium.
This second efflorescence faded on the twenty-fourth day, and on the twenty-seventh exfoliation began.
The action of the glacier appeared to resemble that of the break of a locomotive upon rails, both being cases of exfoliation brought about by pressure and friction.
Strange to say, this very exfoliation gave it something of a quite peculiarly desolate aspect.
In sub-acute or chronic disease after suppuration its effect is very gratifying; it aids exfoliation and checks irritation from exfoliated material.
Increased activity of the mucous membrane, kidneys and skin, which becomes moist and oily, sometimes exfoliation of the epidermis.
In such cases, however, no means are very speedily beneficial, and time must be given for their operation: but should the deformity be great, the firing iron may be employed to cause exfoliation of the part.
It may cause the long bones to become fragile, so that the patient may have a fractured limb from a very slight cause, or it may convert bone into a dense carcinomatous structure; but exfoliation will never take place.
And the process of evolution or exfoliationitself is nothing but a continual unclothing of Nature, by which the perfect human Form which is at the root of it comes nearer and nearer to its manifestation.