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Example sentences for "stratification"

Lexicographically close words:
strategists; strategus; strategy; strath; straths; stratifications; stratified; stratifying; stratigraphic; stratigraphical
  1. A remarkable absence of lamination and stratification was observed almost universally in the sediment brought up from all points except where the sandy layers above alluded to occurred.

  2. This social stratification became a permanent fixture of English society.

  3. To determine whether time of outdoor stratification has any effect on germination and emergence, three other seedlots were treated as follows: 1.

  4. Time of stratification proved to be important.

  5. Germination and Stratification It is known that either fall- or spring-planted walnuts germinate readily if the nuts are viable and if those planted in the spring are properly stratified over winter.

  6. Third--The stratification of the stone is perfectly visible, even to the imperfect observation now allowed.

  7. The appearances indicating stratification are also explainable by the action of the water, charged with carbonate of lime, upon the body.

  8. Mr. Calthrop's letter is full and satisfactory on this subject, but in addition to the places pointed out by him, the stratification may be seen on the left shoulder, and I think on the top of the head.

  9. Now, how is stratification produced in the formation of stone and rocks.

  10. I am asking anyone here, can you throw any light at all on the need for stratification of pecan or hickory seed of any species.

  11. At other times this mineral is so finely disseminated as to give a bluish-gray colour to the limestone, and the distribution of bands thus coloured, seems to mark the stratification of the rock.

  12. Thus some, who consider them as the first-formed crust of a previously molten globe, regard their apparent stratification as a kind of concentric parallel structure, developed in the progressive cooling of the mass from without.

  13. On the right side there were indications of stratification on the steep sides of the mountains, and, from the colour, the rock there appeared to be partly granite and partly metamorphic slate.

  14. Most of these deposits were unstratified, but distinct stratification was far from uncommon.

  15. First, There is a regular stratification of the materials, from whence we know the original structure, shape, and situation of the subject.

  16. When the atom becomes practically fixed by its environment, reposeful and stable, stratification sets in.

  17. Further ecological studies on stratification of the Arthropoda.

  18. Stratification of arthropods in a wet stump cavity.

  19. Obviously a society to which stratification into separate classes would be fatal, must see to it that intellectual opportunities are accessible to all on equable and easy terms.

  20. It is but the other side of this fact to say that in the degree in which society has become democratic, social organization means utilization of the specific and variable qualities of individuals, not stratification by classes.

  21. Aqueous rocks of about the same age extend for hundreds of miles over the lake-district of North America, and exhibit in like manner a stratification nearly undisturbed.

  22. It was remarked that the same species of organic remains cannot be traced horizontally, or in the direction of the planes of stratification for indefinite distances.

  23. Stratification of the metamorphic rocks distinct from cleavage.

  24. This rule holds, whether the cleavage is parallel to the planes of stratification or not.

  25. Here almost every proprietor can open a coal-pit on his own land, and the stratification being very regular, he may calculate with precision the depth at which coal may be won.

  26. Sedgwick often sent me on a line parallel to his, telling me to bring back specimens of the rocks and to mark the stratification on a map.

  27. We have discussed the material foundation and the stratification of the German people when full socialization has been realized.

  28. Dirk Peters, a man named Wilson Allen, and myself were on the right of our companions, examining, as we went along, the singular stratification of the precipice which overhung us.

  29. Of this stratification the savages had availed themselves to accomplish their treacherous ends.

  30. I have already spoken of the singular stratification of these soapstone hills; and the description just given of the narrow and deep fissure through which we effected our escape from inhumation will afford a further conception of its nature.

  31. Social Stratification Patterns of social stratification have undergone a complete change since World War II.

  32. Gelatinisation is avoided by using a low original concentration and as all batches are of equal density no stratification is produced.

  33. Gelatinisation causes loss of available chlorine and stratification causes irregular dosage unless corrected by agitation, which necessitates power.

  34. However, even if the stratification were not visible to the eye, we could have no doubt that sandstone is a mechanically formed stratified rock; because the form of the grains, just as in the conglomerate, tells us that.

  35. Stratified rocks generally show the stratification in parallel lines or bands differing in color, composition, etc.

  36. That gneiss is a true, stratified rock is very clearly shown in specimen 41; but, unfortunately, the stratification is not always so evident as in this case.

  37. Hence, while the stratification is almost always visible on the large surfaces of sandstone, slate, etc.

  38. As we can easily prove by an experiment with clay in a bottle of water, if the same kind of material is deposited continuously there will be no visible stratification in the deposit.

  39. It agrees with stratification in dividing the rocks into thin parallel layers, but the cleavage planes are normally vertical instead of horizontal.

  40. They are distinguished from stratification planes by being rarely horizontal, and from both stratification and cleavage planes by being actual cracks or fractures, and by dividing the rock into blocks instead of sheets or layers.

  41. It is also essentially unlike stratification and joint-structure.

  42. This principle of unequal hardness or durability also determines most of the topographic features in regions of metamorphic and crystalline rocks, in which the stratification is obscure or wanting.

  43. The former is the common soapstone (specimen 71), which is a confused mass of crystals lying in all directions, and with no visible stratification in the small mass.

  44. The most important point to be gained here is that every line of stratification and every change in the character of the sediments is due to some change of corresponding magnitude in the conditions under which the rock was formed.

  45. The stratification is marked by alternating bands of slightly different colors, and is much finer and more regular than we usually observe in sandstone, and of course entirely unlike the stratification of conglomerate.

  46. Sedimentary rocks which, by the sorting power of water (less often by wind), are arranged in more or less definite layers or beds separated by stratification surfaces.

  47. Stratification in meteorites, however, is denied by the faithful.

  48. Haughton's time, of seeming stratification in meteorites.

  49. Charpentier, who is going to your meeting, will contest it, but you can tell him from me that it is as evident as the stratification of the Neptunic rocks.

  50. The correspondence of the curve in the stratification with that of the line of stakes confirmed this result.

  51. The study of the stratification of the snow was a marked feature of the season's work, and Agassiz believed, as will be seen by a later letter, that he had established this fact of glacial structure beyond a doubt.

  52. The phenomena of geognosy, particularly those which are connected with the stratification of rocks, and their grouping, are never solitary; but are found the same in both hemispheres.

  53. True, and the lines of stratification are in them very indistinct, if seen at all; yet they too are built up of sediment of a different kind, dropping upon ocean's floor.

  54. No doubt there was some abrasion even of that first crust; but the more abundant source of the earliest stratification is to be found in the submarine volcanoes that poured their liquid streams into the first ocean.

  55. You can examine these lines of stratification on the nearest cliff, the nearest quarry, the nearest bare headland, in your neighborhood.

  56. But as yet he would have formed a very inadequate notion of the stratification of the earth's crust.

  57. The Dean of York, in like manner, considers that the convulsions produced by the Deluge, are sufficient to account for all the stratification and fossil remains.

  58. Thus he is able to form a more distinct idea of the stratification of the earth's crust as a whole.

  59. His theory of the stratification extends over the whole antediluvian era.

  60. Cockburn, Dean of York, have maintained with considerable power, backed by no mean geological knowledge, that the deluge is a sufficient vera causa for the stratification of the globe, and for the fossilization of the organic remains.

  61. Section showing strata of Tertiary age (a) resting upon a worn and eroded surface of White Chalk (b), the stratification of which is marked by lines of flint.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stratification" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    analysis; arrangement; division; filing; foliation; grading; grouping; placement; ranking; rating; sorting; stratification; stratum; subdivision; tabulation; taxonomy; typology