But on the whole the immunity of nurses (as in the Great Gorman Lane hospital of Dublin) and of medical men was remarkable.
In London the recent immunity from it is remarkable, but intelligible.
Whereby most Countries enjoying the immunity of Ireland and Candie, there ariseth a temporal security from their venoms; and an intermission of their mischiefs, mercifully requiting the time of their activities.
Thus in the wondrous effects of the clime of Ireland, and the freedom from all venemous creatures, the credulity of common conceit imputes this immunity unto the benediction of S.
Thus have elder times not only ascribed the immunity of Ireland from any venemous beast, unto the staff or rod of Patrick; but the long tails of Kent, unto the malediction of Austin.
But no doubt libelli in this same form were delivered, in Egypt at least, to Christians who secured immunity without actual apostasy; and the form in Italy and Africa probably did not differ widely from this.
In the main, this provision referred to contracts made and combinations to be formed in the future; another section practically extended immunity to all contracts and combinations now in existence.
Fortunately for the grower, he is not troubled as in England by woodland birds, the Eastern crops suffering very little from their ravages, while the plant enjoys almost an immunity from the attacks of insect plagues.
These imposts were extended over the whole empire, Persis alone excepted, immunity from tribute being a natural privilege of the victorious nation.
He devastates the country and Hyrcanus is obliged to purchase the withdrawal of the army, and the immunity of the capital.
Both pledged her immunity from invasion, and, to enforce that pledge, she raised Home Guards as she had already raised State Guards for internal protection and peace.
In France the moratorium and immunity from taxation gave a fillip to recklessness.
The fever-haunted jungles have no terrors for these huge creatures, which seemingly enjoy entire immunity from all the ills attendant upon such surroundings.
Crows enjoy nearly the same immunity throughout the populous districts of India proper, and are to be found nearly as much in possession at Benares, Delhi, or Cawnpore as they are here in the capital of Ceylon.
They seem to enjoy complete immunityfrom the pestilence.
Scarcely noticing her, he said, "Dead and therefore safe; only after death begins immunity of faultiness from punishment.
Parliament should secure to every worker for wages sanitary and safe conditions of employment, and immunity from excessive hours of labour.
Thirdly, he repealed the old and uniform regulation, which secured to the gladiators a perpetual immunity from military service.
But the Roman power, in its centuries of grandeur, involved every mode of strength, with absoluteimmunity from all kinds and degrees of weakness.
But the knowledge of her immunity made her a little sad.
The baroness was a charming woman who used a moderate invalidism in a smiling imperturbable fashion to insure herself a certain immunity from the demands of her autocratic lord.
When it is known that a village is suffering from the ravages of a dangerous malady, the other villages in the neighbourhood take what they regard as effective measures for securing immunity from the disease.
Thus, for example, it was performed when cholera was raging at Almora, and the people traced the immunity they enjoyed to the due observance of the rite.
Immunity from molestation in the moor explains the poor look-out he kept.
As he skirted the large pool on the Land’s End moor his ever alert eyes fell on the tiny island in its midst; immediately there flashed on his mind an idea of the immunity from molestation such a retreat would afford.
And meanwhile the hare, whose immunity from molestation had been remarkable, was destined to undergo a series of terrible trials, the first of which, strangely enough, befell it that very night.
This immunityfrom molestation was the result of the hare’s knowledge of the ways of her enemies, of their retreats, and especially of the times of their coming and going.
Hence, in every family of position and consideration, "back motion" is as prevalent as time itself; and the husbands and sons in these households enjoy immunity at least from invisible attacks.
This immunity does not, however, extend to the very foot of the hills, as it is considered imprudent to sleep at this season in the bungalow of Terrya, only three miles off.
The Amlah proposed that Campbell should sign a bond, granting immunity for all past offences on their part, whilst they were to withdraw the letter of grievances against him.
But the world gossiped not the less but the more for the immunity which their ignorance permitted to it, and because it knew little invented much.
Money, of which he had plenty, secured us immunity on the way, and we were in safety over the Swiss frontier, leaving Laporte to eat out his tigerish heart with baffled rage.
It is not I that am cruel, but you," he returned, "for you permit a paltry sum of money to stand between your baby and immunity from suffering.
That was before he had sold them out for immunityand gold to the police of Petrograd.
Tarzan brought forth the men who had hidden in the forecastle, and without promises of immunity from punishment forced them to help work the vessel--the only alternative was immediate death.
A guild is a higher kind of tsek, the members of which pay a tax to the state for the privilege of buying and selling, and for immunity from serving in the ranks.
The first thing is to raise the profession of arms to a higher grade, by giving to every soldier in the ranks the old privilege of a prince and boyar--his immunity from blows and stripes.
Their meetings are held with closed doors and windows, under the very eyes of the police; but this is the case with so many sects in Moscow, that their immunity from detection need excite no wonder in our eyes.
The repeated motions of the Centre for payment of the bishops’ salaries from the state exchequer, as well as for immunity to those who read mass and dispensed the sacraments, were again thrown out by the House of Deputies in April, 1885.
Among the orthodox, again, some went so far as to claim for their symbols absolute immunity from error.
He that bathes in it, O king, will have immunity from misfortune.
And they that hold that thou art everywhere (being the soul of all things) living long, freed from sin and enjoying an immunity from all diseases.
He that resideth at the best of tirthas called Maha-hrada, enjoys immunity from misfortune, and also obtains the merit of giving away gold in abundance.
Proceeding next to the asylum of Sarabhanga and that of the illustrious Suka, one acquireth immunity from misfortune, besides sanctifying his race.
Repairing next to the tank of the celestials, one earneth immunity from misfortune, and also the merit of the horse-sacrifice.