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Example sentences for "essentiality"

Lexicographically close words:
essences; essendo; essent; essentia; essential; essentiall; essentially; essentials; essentiellement; esser
  1. In reference to the first of these questions, it must be admitted that the substantive essentiality of the malarial poison remains as yet undemonstrated.

  2. In the first place, more than one of the witnesses has repudiated the admission of the non-essentiality of these things; and even granting that the term may have been used, it is a further question in what application or connection.

  3. The meaning is that, there is no separate subject, object or attribute in nature, but they all blend in the essentiality of God, who is all in all.

  4. In more recent times, as part of the growing conviction of the essentiality of everything Greek, Aristotle has received marked attention.

  5. Moreover, the successors of Plato in the Academy, Speusippus and Xenocrates, showed the same belief in the essentiality of virtue.

  6. In this way the supposed essentiality of the intention and the real essentiality of the action may be brought into the greatest contradiction--e.

  7. But the essentiality of the intention is in the first instance the abstract form of generality.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "essentiality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    being; bottom; essence; immanence; indwelling; inherence; inwardness; marrow; nature; pith; quintessence; quintessential; root; stuff; substance; texture