When Jesus spoke to those around Him, He addressed them primarily as individuals rather than as component parts of one universal, indivisible entity.
The kings of the earth and the world’s religious leaders alike must primarily bear the brunt of such an awful responsibility.
It is not, however, with either of these two Faiths that we are primarily concerned.
By ‘those invested with authority’ is meant primarilyand more specially the Imáms—the blessings of God rest upon them.
Here was a mixture of color, of melody, of mysticism, of sensuousness, of elaboration of form which carried originality and independence as far as it could well go in a direction which painted life primarily from the outside.
To sum up--our investigations into Browning's thought show him to be a type primarily of the mystic.
It is a characteristic of Mr. La Farge's art as a painter that he is primarily a colorist.
Sex in man is primarily and substantially related to his physical, mental and spiritual life.
Of course, since these human beasts of prey are primarily seeking what they consider “easy money,” their natural tendency is to operate along the lines of least resistance.
An acid discovered by Chevreul, and obtained by decomposing caprate of barium with dilute sulphuric acid, or primarily by the saponification of butter or cocoa-nut oil, when it appears combined with butyric, caproic and caprylic acids.
The name given primarily to one of the great forces of nature, and secondarily to that department of physical science which embraces all that is known respecting this particular force.
The present international copyright, which primarily concerns itself with the manufacture of books, rests upon an unintelligible protective tariff basis.
It should rest primarily upon an acknowledgment of the author's right of property in his own work, the same universal right that he has in any other personal property.
These evils were no doubt primarily due to want of money, but they can also be accounted for by the utter want of any organisation capable of dealing with the demands of war on an unprecedented scale.
He wasprimarily a military officer, who might or might not be a seaman, but who in either case had a master under his command whose function it was to navigate the ship.
It wasn't a question of pay; it wasn't primarily a question of money at all, though the question of money was involved in it.
The mind of society, like the mind of a man, is primarily volitional, and not intellectual.
It is primarily concerned with the interpretation and validation of this methodology.
And the unity of the individual mind isprimarily a unity of function.
The purpose of the foregoing criticism is primarily to clear the ground for a conception of social organization which is more than mechanical, and in which the individual is both less and more than a self-sufficient monad.
This unity is primarily a unity of function, however.
And this is often well enough in the field of the physical, chemical, and biological sciences, where the procedure is primarily inductive, and the data are got from sense observation.
But that sociologists have abandoned the generalized conception which gives us primarily a highly convenient schematism on which to group the social facts that we actually find, is by no means conceded.
Earlier economists often wrote as if distribution were primarily a physically determined matter, and so we got from them an "Iron Law of Wages," etc.
The difference between his viewpoint, as set forth in the classroom, and that of Professor Cooley, is primarily a matter of emphasis.
Our question here is primarily a logical, and not a psychological, one, else I should choose a different term from "feeling-magnitude.
His interest is primarily in moral social values, and he attempts no detailed treatment of economic social values, seeming to hold that the Austrian treatment of objective value is adequate.
On the contrary, the Indians subsumed under each of the six divisions primarily consist of people who lived under similar ecological conditions and dwelt in geographical contiguity.
However, all informants agreed that one became a chief owing to merit--primarily through renown as a warrior.
The policemen were primarily responsible for keeping the traveling band together and were secondarily concerned with the buffalo hunt.
Most of the following data was obtained from informants and pertains primarily to the early reservation period.
I am anxious to-day to impress this upon you: that the Christian faith is not a dogma, it is not primarily a law, but is a personal presence and an immediate life that is right here and now.
I am anxious to have you know that to be a Christian does not mean primarily to believe this or that.
In some instances the wind-pipe is primarily attacked, but when the disease affects this part of the throat it is generally a consequence of the extension of the membrane downward from the region of the tonsils.
The Star Chamber Court still was primarily directed against force and fraud and defended the common people from over-mighty lords and over-pliable Justices of the Peace, for instance by deterring enclosure.
Work, conditioned as it primarilyis by natural advantages, is thus really first of all place-work.
The sociological evolutionist is "concerned primarily with origins, but ultimately and supremely with ideals," we were reminded in a recent paper read before this Society.
The result is that the economic life of the community is usually expressed in a specified industry to which the whole community is primarily devoted.
This necessity is not primarily due to congestion of the population.
Evidences are abundant that this exodus from the country community is primarily a quest of educational advantage.
These chapters are devoted primarilyto the building of the country community and in that process the securing of members for the country church is preliminary only.
As a policy, therefore, the blockade was dictated by military considerations of the highest importance and was directed against the Central Empires, and not primarily against the Bolsheviki.
The Third International isprimarily an instrument of revolution.
These manifestations are primarily for the sake of producing sexual tumescence, and could not well have been developed to the height they have reached unless they were connected closely with propagation.
We are not primarily concerned with that theory; but the facts on which Darwin based his theory lie at the very roots of our subject, and we are bound to consider their psychological significance.
Sick-headache is primarily a circulatory disturbance; and although the disturbance may have been inaugurated by some chemical unbalance, the sum total of the force that makes a sick-headache is emotional.
It pretends to be a physical disease, when primarily it has nothing to do with the body; and the person most deluded is the one who "owns" the symptom.
If what has been said be granted, it follows that all ethical rules are primarily on the same level as a generalization in any of the sciences.
When Christians were proceeded against it was under laws that did not aimprimarily to shackle liberty of worship or of opinion.
Morality, then, whatever else it may be, isprimarily the expression of a relation.
It appeared to be claiming jurisdiction in regard to questions primarily of political science, public law, and even public policy.
The displacements which the ether undergoes are not mechanical--primarily at all events--but electrical.
We cannot therefore be indifferent to character because accidentally manifested in ways which do or do not directly and primarily affect others.
His superiors might sometimes gain credit or incur blame which was primarily due to the adoption of his principles.
The kind of influence of the atom in a compound is primarily dependent on the mode of its union, that is, upon the constitution and configuration of the compound.
Primarily perhaps of some occurrence in the external world.