The question of whether the standard of beauty among men is uniform in its essentials or not is ably discussed, but no conclusion is arrived at; so contradictory is the evidence of travellers and observers.
The action of the light on such a film, the essentials of which are the albumen, the glue or gelatine and a chromate, has already been described.
I can't give you accurate details, for I can only tell you what I've heard; but the essentialsare true.
I found that in most essentials the two stories were identical, although Gedge had been maudlin drunk when he admitted Randall into his confidence.
Sewing is one of the essentials in the education of a Japanese girl, and from childhood the cutting and putting together of crepe, silk, and cotton is a familiar occupation to her.
The introduction of the Chinese literature has done much for Japan, and to master this language is one of the essentials in the education of every boy.
Not one of them all," he concluded, "seemed to me to have a clear, comprehensive grasp of the essentials of the part.
Such matters as these are not the essentials that differentiate a man from his fellows.
This does not mean, that the one ever knows essentials better than the many: he does not.
But in all essentials he was himself, and my final lesson from him, or the final effect of all my lessons from him, was to find myself, and to be for good or evil whatsoever I really was.
The essentials of a good budding-knife are these: the very best steel, a thin blade which has a curved cutting end (as shown in Figs.
He went on to discover that they constituted the veryessentials of all good soldiering.
He was always ready to leave one trail for another; he was always open to conviction, trusting to the essentials of his character for an ultimate consistency.
They may quarrel a great deal about points of faith, but on essentials they are, if not exactly one, so closely related that there is room for any amount of hope.
But in our description of great or medium or small houses, we are considering those only whose owners belong equally to best society and where, though luxuries vary from the greatest to the least, house appointments are in essentials alike.
The essentials of the manner of poetry being language metrical and imaginative, the essential of the matter is that it be the expression of passionate emotion.
The childhood of the individual is in its essentials not widely dissimilar from the childhood of the race; and what was the instinctive and wholesome food for one is good for the other.
Certainly the essentials of literature are the adequate embodiment of sincere and general feeling.
Looked at in itself its essentials are emotion which is capable of taking entire possession of the consciousness, and the embodiment of this emotion by the combined effects of imaginative language and melodious form.
The imagination perceives that it is true to the fundamental essentials of human nature, and understands that the book is true in a sense higher than that of mere literal verity.
The essentials of warfare are dreadfully simple--the production manager of any great industrial concern deals with most of them every day.
Our intention has always been a little different; it is to make sure that no one lacks the essentials of life, not too narrowly conceived, and that the opportunity to add to these essentials will remain.
May not a man be saved that believeth all the essentials of religion, as coming to him by verbal tradition, and not as contained in the holy Scriptures, which perhaps he never knew?
To select the essentials for all christians, to be believed particularly and explicitly.
Every true christian believeth all the essentials of christianity, with a divine faith, and not by a mere human belief of his teachers, though by their help and teaching his faith is generated, and confirmed, and preserved.
Tolerable ability to teach these to the people, and perform the otheressentials of his office.
That we understand what we do as to all the essentials of the covenant; for ignorantis non est consensus.
These are the essentials of the christian religion.
That these particular words are indeed here written which we read; and these particular doctrines containing the essentials of christianity, together with the rest of the material objects of faith.
I feel satisfied that the "Jaros Hygienic Wear" possesses the great essentials in clothing, maintaining an even temperature over the entire body and transmitting moisture in the manner peculiarly claimed for your material.
In material and construction these garments fulfill completely the requirements of the scientific essentials in underwear, insuring to the highest degree both the comfort and the health of the wearer, and as such I recommend them.
Are simplicity and directness of utterance," he asks, "absolute essentials for poetry?
And, even if all the characters speak in the same accents of paradox, their moods, the essentials of them, are differentiated with a brilliancy of expression which condones the lack of dramatic movement.
Hence it was self-preservation for the storekeepers to carry only a slender stock of essentials and take pains to have little left through unproductive times.
But in all essentials the influence had departed from Constantinople, and the Western monarchies were separated from the East.
On the other hand, such essentials of economic life as are available are being utilized to the utmost by the Soviet Government.
The blockade by land and sea is the cause of this distress and lack of the essentials of transportation is its gravest symptom.
The most noteworthy difference between the two councils is to be found in the instructions, which for the Council of 1672 form a very comprehensive and intelligent statement of the essentials of plantation control.
Pharisees and scribes were one in all essentials of profession, and rabbinism was specifically their doctrine.
All the essentials of the Word of Wisdom were made known unto him in his immortal state, before he had taken into his body those things that made of it a thing of earth.
In marriage there must be full and perfect consent, though it is not necessary that one think expressly on the essentials of the contract when assenting to it.
But not only is it necessary to avoid irrelevant subjects, but it is also needful not to sacrifice essentials for accidentals in any work of this kind.
The essentialsinclude the subject-matter, the parties contractant, their agreement, and the external form that manifests the agreement.
He should instruct the parties in the essentials of Christian doctrine, if they are ignorant in these matters (see 920 sqq.
The elements of a contract are made up of essentials and accidentals.
Knowledge about the mysteries of faith is either substantial (by which one knows the essentials of a mystery) or scientific (by which one knows also its circumstances and details, and is able to give a more profound explanation of it).
Though in essentials Baptism is but one, it is distinguished in reference to accidental ceremony into solemn and private.
One should know the essentials of one's condition or state of life and the right way to perform its ordinary duties.
Substantial ignorance, or the absence of knowledge about the essentials of marriage (viz.
I know him well, and he has changed but little inessentials since I left him over two years ago.