Thus being ioined togither, they made earnest resistance against the attempts of their enimies in defense of the countrie.
The kings people comming speedilie forward, and entring the towne, quenched the fire, and fell to the spoile of such things as the enimies for hast had left behind them.
Moreouer she boldlie assalted hir enimies which went about to trouble the state of the countrie, as the Welshmen and Danes.
But king Alfred tooke order in the best wise he might for defense of his countrie and people, and caused certeine mightie vessels to be builded, which he appointed foorth to incounter with the enimies ships.
King Egbert hauing ouercome his enimies of Wales and Cornewall, began to grow in authoritie aboue all the other rulers within this land, in somuch that euerie of them began to feare their owne estate, but [Sidenote: Bernulf king of Mercia.
King Alfred pursued them, but the Londoners tooke the enimies ships, and brought some of them to the citie, and the rest they burnt.
In the 24 yeere of his reigne, this Cuthred fought eftsoones with the Welshmen, and obteined the vpper hand, without anie great losse of his people: for the enimies were easilie put to flight and chased, to their owne destruction.
The Englishmen rashlie incountered with them, and though they were ouermatched in number, yet with such violence they gaue the onset, that the enimies at the first were abashed at their hardie assaults.
So were theenimies despised of the English souldiers, [Sidenote: Hen.
Some also he destroied which séemed to serue the enimies turne for harborough, as a castell at Temnesford, which the Danes builded and fortified.
Thus Japh being deliuered out of the enimies hands, king Richard fell sicke at a castell called Cephas, and so remained there certeine daies, till he had recouered his health.
Herewith the archbishop being sore offended, departed from them, calling them traitors to their king, and enimies to the realme.
The enimies herewith discharged their ordinance, and ouershot them.
Heere he tooke aduise of his councellors what was best to be doone, whether to set on the enimies without further delaie, or to protract time a while.
And so we should of our cruell enimies Make our friends for feare of marchandies, If they were not suffered for to passe Into Flanders.
Well (said the prince) if you die king, I will haue the garland, and trust to kéepe it with the sword against all mine enimies as you haue doone.
And albeit his Predecessors were enimies to our Family, they haue therefore borne the penaunce, more harde than the sinne deserued.
These two most mortall enimies doe confesse that which is impossible to be true, for that our Nephew (as is before declared) is a liue, and his wounde was not made by Sworde, as hee himselfe hath confessed.
In the ende she tolde him that hir enimies were the counties of Massino and Gaiazzo, which but by theyr deaths alone were not able to amend and repayre hir honour.
Being at home at his house, he was long time stayed in a deepe consideration, desirous to know the cause of that gentle parte, proceeding from him whose Parents and Auncesters were the capitall Enimies of his race.
I thought no more to offend you, than the man which you neuer knew, although you haue bene deceiued by colored words, vttered by those that be enuious of my happe, and Enimies of your ioy, who haue filled your minde full of false report.
And notwithstanding yee see hir gaine to serue hir turne nothing at all but to the perpetuall reproch of hir name, and the slaunder sutch as ill speakers and enimies of womankinde, do burden the Sexe withall.
For whilest the French thus triumphed in Normandie, three cruell enimies among manie (as by ciuill warre and sedition insuing appeared) sore vrged the vtter ruine of this realme at home.
There were taken a great number of prisoners, beside a thousand of the enimies slaine in fight.
But to auoid danger of tumult that might be raised, if a prince so well beloued of the people should be openlie executed; his enimies determined to worke their feats in his destruction, yer he should haue anie warning.
Of his enimies were left dead on the ground three thousand and eight hundred.
When the duke of Bar heard that his enimies were thus comming towards him, like a hardie capteine he raised his siege, and met face to face with the earle and his companie, betweene whome was a cruell and mortall battell.
This present yeare was a parlement holden at Westminster, in the which manie good and profitable acts for the preseruation of concord at home, and defense against the enimies abroad, were ordeined and deuised.
Other thought their opinions were not such errours, but that their enimies spread abroad such rumors of them, to make them more odious to the people.
But when he saw that his enimies would still proceed, and that no aid came out of England, he came ouer himselfe, and landed at Portesmouth on S.
For his father king Philip, hearing that the same was kept by a garrison, to the behoofe of king John, wrote to his sonne, blaming him that he left behind him so strong a fortresss in his enimies hands.
The duke of Glocester wrote to him againe his mind verie roundlie, promising that he with his armie would defend the besiegers from all enimies that should attempt to trouble them, or else die in the quarell.
On the morow being good fridaie, he tooke aduise with the lords of his bloud, and other of his councell, for such businesse as he had in hand; namelie, how to subdue his enimies as sought his destruction.
King Edward had euer good espials, to aduertise him still what his enimies did, and which waie they tooke.
About three of the clocke after midnight, he was aduertised, that his enimies had taken their waie by Berkeleie, towards Glocester.
The residue were put to flight and chased, so that the Englishmen had a faire iournie, and wan great riches by prisoners and spoile of the enimies campe.
The Englishmen to prouoke their enimies the sooner to saile forth, burnt diuerse parts of the suburbs, and rode euen to the gates of the citie.
The cause of godlie liuing and religion, the dignitie and preheminence of christianitie hath beene defended and augmented by you, against the most mightie and puissant capteins of the infidels, enimies to the said christian religion.
Sidenote: The feare which theenimies had of sir Ro.
And so by Gods assistance if my lord had wherewith to mainteine this warre, and to make the kings profit and his owne honor, he should well inlarge the English marches, and gaine manie faire places: for ourenimies are greatlie astonied.
Barkeshire men gaue theenimies battell, & vanquishing them, slue of them a great number.
In the meane time was king Egelred recouered of his sicknesse, and sent summons foorth to raise all his power, appointing euerie man to resort vnto him, that he might incounter the enimies and giue them battell.
The Britains defending their strength a while, at length not able longer to endure the impression of the Romans, fled out on the contrarie side of the towne where the enimies were not.
Arthur informed heereof, with all spéed hasted thither, and giuing the enimies battell, slue the most part of Cheldrikes men.
Brocmale, or Broemael at the first approch of the enimies, turning his backe with his companie, left them (whom he should haue defended) to be murthered through the enimies swoord.
God makes our enimies become our frends, and causeth them to doe good vnwittingly.
A strang thing those which were soe great frends, went arme in arme, nowe mortall enimies upon the suddein.
But after he perceiued that his enimies were all in a redinesse, and verie well prouided to resist him: he staied and drew backe a little while.
He pursued his warres rather by policie than by the sword, and ouercame his enimies so neere as he could without bloudshed, which if it might not be, yet with as little slaughter as was possible.
Who at length contending with other that claimed the earldome, chanced this yeare to be wounded, as he pursued his enimies vnto the walls of a towne called Albust, [Sidenote: Ia.
But the Dolphin by sinister persuasion of some enimies to concord, brake promise, and came not.
After this the Englishmen ouerran the countrie about Chartres, and did much hurt to their enimies in all places where they came.
Hilarie, neerer to their enimies by fortie rodes than any other person of the armie.
The earle of Salisburie was first sent thither before with certeine bands of souldiers to inclose the enimies within the towne, & to view the strength thereof.
And to the intent to passe forward with sure and short expedition, he assaulted euerie place where his enimies had set anie men of warre; which with small force, and lesse difficultie, he brieflie did ouercome & vanquish.
Let vs therefore fight like inuincible giants, and set on our enimies like vntimorous tigers, & banish all feare like ramping lions.
And when the noise is once bruted that the enimies approch neere the land, they suddenlie put fire in the lanternes, and make shouts and outcries from towne to towne, and from village to village.
Wherefore this occasion offered, of verie speciall friendship he tooke his time to put him forward, and by such wise doo him good, that all the enimies he had (except the deuill) could neuer haue doone him so much hurt.
The chiefest cause that mooued him to take in hand that enterprise, was for that he did vnderstand, that there dailie came great succours out of that Ile to those Galles that were enimies vnto the Romans.
The earle of Leicester was eftsoones sent into Gascoigne by the king, who had not cared if he had fallen into his enimies hands, as should appeare.
On the other part, Lewes who all this season remained at London, being sore dismaied for the losse of his people, began to feare euerie daie more and more, least by some practise he should be betraied and deliuered into his enimies hands.
Neither could king Egelred remedie the matter, because the enimies still conueied themselues with their ships into some contrarie quarter, from the place where they knew him to be, so that his trauell was in vaine.
If they should giue battell, it was to be doubted least through treason among themselues, the armie should be betraied into the enimies hands, the which would not faile to execute all kind of crueltie in the slaughter of the whole nation.
Although other take that to be Danegilt, which was giuen vnto such Danes as king Egelred afterwards reteined in his seruice, to defend the land from other Danes and enimies that sought to inuade his dominions.
Englishmen that turned to the enimies side, the discomfiture fell with such slaughter vpon the English host, that king Egelred well perceiued the state of his regall gouernement to bée brought into vtter danger.
But Edrike to make his tratorous purpose manifest to the whole world, fled to the enimies with fortie of the kings ships, fraught with Danish souldiers.
It was thought, that if king Edmund had pursued the victorie and followed in chase of his enimies in such wise as he safelie might haue doone, he had made that day an end of the warres: [Sidenote: Edriks counsell.
English bloud was so mixed with that of the Danes and Britains, who were like enimies to the Englishmen, that there was almost few of the nobilitie and commons, which had not on the one side a parent of some of them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enimies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.