King Edward aduertised of all these things, prepared an armie both by sea and land.
There returned with him the lord Howard and sir Iohn Cheinie, which were hostages with the French king, till the English armie were returned into England.
The duke of Glocester wrote to him againe his mind verie roundlie, promising that he with his armie would defend the besiegers from all enimies that should attempt to trouble them, or else die in the quarell.
The king heereof aduertised, the same thursdaie, being the first of Maie, with his armiefaire ranged in order of battell, came towards the place by them appointed for their field: but they came not there.
The duke of Excester, and the earle of Oxenford, with other the cheefe capteins, aduertised that king Edwards foreriders had beene afore the towne in the euening, supposed verelie that he and his whole armie were comming towards them.
In whose armie followed William Longespee, accompanied with a piked number of English warriors retaining unto him.
I am herein satisfied, but tell me, when the armie had to remove, what order kepte thei?
This is as moche as is come into my remembraunce, to tell you, which maie happen unto an armie marchyng: therefore, if you remember not any thyng els, I will passe to an other parte.
Spaniards at Tichiri, gaue an ouerthrow vnto that mighty king Chemaccus, hauing an armie of an hundred Canoas and 5000.
M443) The ceremonie which this Sauage vsed before hee embarked his armie deserueth not to be forgotten.
But as the Galley was going toward Sicillie, beeing taken by the Turkeys, ledde away to Rhodes, and thence to Constantinople, it was shortly afterwarde recouered by Romeguas, commaunder ouer the Armie of Malta.
And the castle of the foresaid Citie was besieged for the space of fiue weekes: but by reason of the infirmities and inconueniences wherewith the whole armie was annoyed, the great masters of Prussia and of Lifland would not stay any longer.
The second time also hauing gathered his armie and ships together, hee came vnto Man, fought with the inhabitants, lost the victorie, and was chaced away.
Hugo de Lacy inuaded Vlster with an armie and encountered with Iohn de Curcy, tooke him prisoner & subdued Vlster vnto himselfe.
The voyage of Bertus, generall of an armie sent into Ireland by Ecfridus king of Northumberland, in the yere of our Lord 684, out of the 4.
The Voyage of Bertus, Generall of anArmie sent into Ireland by Ecfridus, King of Northumberland, from Bede's Ecclesiastical History 7.
The King of France his greit armie Lay neir hand by in Picardie, Quhair aither uther did assaill.
When Frenchmen be inuaded by Englishmen, the Scots shall send their armie in defense of France, so that they be supported with monie and vittels by the French.
And bicause the Ilanders were not able to ouercome them, Augustus was constreined to send an armie of men to destroie that needlesse brood.
It is not long since a siluer saucer of verie ancient making was found neere to Saffron Walden, in the open field among the [Sidenote: Sterbirie a place where an armie hath lien.
Great resort also was made vnto them from all places of the realme, so that the earles armie was woonderfullie increased, and the daie and place chosen wherein the battell should be fought.
Which came to passe, for he caused all his armie to dig 46 new draines fr[=o] the same, wherby the vow that he had made was at the full performed.
One night the Indians ranne away, and in the morning they found thirtie horses dead, which put the armie in feare.
It is reported by Xenophon, that Hanno, King of Carthage, ranged with his armiein that region, and founde there, certaine women of incredible swiftenesse and perniscitie of foote.
Sidenote: Sir Robert Knolles with anarmie sent into France.
In the meane time had the French king assembled a mightie armievpon purpose to fight with the Englishmen.
The herauld departed with this answer, and came therewith vnto king Henrie, and deliuered it vnto him, as then lodged with his puissant armie at Nauarre, so that then both parties prepared themselues to battell.
Sidenote: An armiesent ouer into Britaine with the duke.
A most exact and true relation of the proceedings of His Majestie's Armieat Shelborne.
Together with a brief Reply to Mr. John Geree's Book, intituled Might overcoming Right: wherein the Act of the Armie in garbling the Parliament, is further cleared.
Worcester, with the State of His Majestie's Armie now at Shrewsbury.
But sure if you Would be your Countries Pleader, your good tongue More then the instant Armie we can make Might stop our Countryman Mene.
Griffin ap Conan Prince of Wales, he distributed his armie into three portions, one of which (wherein consisted the forces of the fourth part of England and Cornwal) hee committed to the leading of Gilbert Earl of Strigill.
If they should giue battell, it was to be doubted least through treason among themselues, the armie should be betraied into the enimies hands, the which would not faile to execute all kind of crueltie in the slaughter of the whole nation.
Then Cnute with his armie passed ouer the Thames into Essex, and there assembled all his power togither, and began to spoile and waste the countrie on each hand.
Swaine hauing now got the whole rule of the land, was reputed full king, and so commanded that his armie should be prouided of wages and vittels to be taken vp & leuied through the realme.
In the third yeare of his reigne Cnute sailed with an armie of Englishmen and Danes into Denmarke, to subdue the Vandals there, which [Sidenote: Earle Goodwin his seruice in Denmarke.
Cortes pardoned them, & then hys armie returned, with determination to kéepe his Christmasse in Tlaxcallan, whiche was within twelue dayes followyng.
Cortez lodged himselfe wyth hys armie in the chiefest Temple of the Idolles, where was roome sufficiente.
Henrie prepared an armie against Conan duke of Britaine, who had seized the citie of Naunts into his hands, after the decease of Geffrey the kings brother, who was earle of Naunts.
Herewith also he leuied a great armie both of horssemen and footmen, and came forward with the same vnto Penbroke, and so when all his prouision and ships were readie, [Sidenote: Milford hauen.
The armieto attend him in this iournie, rose to the number of two thousand horssemen, and fifteene thousand footmen (as some write) though other speake of a far lesser number.
After which in the fortie six yeare of Edward the third, and in the yeare of our Lord 1371, when the Frenchmen besieged Rochell, he was sent with an armie of men to the rescue of the same.
Sidenote: An armie lingering in the north parts greatlie impouerisheth the countrie.
Sidenote: The French king with his huge armiedriueth the Englishmen out of Flanders.
Brute with his armie obteined a triumphant victorie, speciallie through the noble prowesse of Corineus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.