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Example sentences for "enimie"

Lexicographically close words:
enigmas; enigmatic; enigmatical; enigmatically; enim; enimies; enimy; ening; enioied; enioy
  1. In the mean time, the earle of Flanders perceiuing that he was not able to resist so puissant an enimie as the French king, sent ouer in hast vnto the king of England for aid.

  2. And for further proofe thereof, he presented a supplication to the king, wherein he appealed the duke of Norfolke in field of battell, for a traitor, false and disloiall to the king, and enimie vnto the realme.

  3. The duke of Hereford was quicklie horssed, and closed his bauier, and cast his speare into the rest, and when the trumpet sounded set forward couragiouslie towards his enimie six or seuen pases.

  4. They tooke also with him one Robert Berdolfe a great enimie of the Englishmen.

  5. Héerevpon insued cruell warre, in so much that in the end Venutius became enimie also to the Romans.

  6. This enimie is more cruell than all other enimies.

  7. Wherefore like a valiant capteine he first determined to set on them, and either to destroie or to take them into his fauour, and after with all his power and puissance to giue battell to his mortall enimie king Richard.

  8. Sidenote: The duke of Buckingham a professed enimie to king Richard.

  9. In this troublous season, nothing was more maruelled at, than that the lord Stanleie had not beene taken, and reputed as an enimie to the king; considering the working of the ladie Margaret his wife, moother to the earle of Richmond.

  10. Hereford, yet he said that he knew if he were once king, he would proue an extreame enimie and cruell tyrant to the church.

  11. No there is not so much wanting as their verie liueries and caps, which are least to be accounted of, if anie hast required: so that if this good order may continue, it shall be vnpossible for the sudden enimie to find vs vnprouided.

  12. This inconuenience hath growen altogither to the church by appropriations made vnto monasteries and religious houses, a terrible canker and enimie to religion.

  13. But the cheefe and onelie cause vndoubtedlie, was the diuision within the realme, euerie great man desiring rather to be reuenged on his foe at home, than on the common enimie abroad, as by that which followeth you may plainelie perceiue.

  14. Aragon is estranged from this realme, and the duke of Britaine became enimie to the same: Giles his brother, the kings sure freend, cast in strong prison, and there lie to end his dais.

  15. So likewise was the strong towne of Rion by the earle of Arminacke, extreame enimie to the realme of England, for breach of the mariage concluded betweene king Henrie and his daughter.

  16. The officer at armes was willed to tell his maister, that it stood not with his honor to be enimie to the English nation; and that his dutie had beene to keepe his ancient truth and allegiance, rather than to be occasion of new warre.

  17. And what a new reconciled enimie was in respect of an old tried freend, he might shortlie find.

  18. English nation in that season, the land was brought into great ruine, so that, where by strength the enimie could not be kept off, there was now no hope but to appease them with monie.

  19. London, he began to assault the citie verie fiercelie, in hope either to put his enimie in such feare that he should despaire of all reliefe and comfort, or at the least trie what he was able to doo.

  20. Brithrike the brother of earle Edrike, being desirous to win honor, tooke forth foure score of the said ships, and promised to bring in the enimie dead or aliue.

  21. And if at anie time there was anie good conclusion agreed vpon, for the withstanding of the enimie, & reléefe of the common wealth, anon should the enimie be aduertised thereof by such as were of aliance or consanguinitie to them.

  22. Cnute herein, considering he had béene such a mortall enimie to hir former husband.

  23. No maruell though Geruasius spake somewhat in his dispraise, for (as he himselfe confesseth) he was no fréend but an enimie to moonks.

  24. But behold what followed; suddenlie by the enimie of peace was the French kings mind quite changed.

  25. Wherfore they thought he might justly put such a false & bloud-thirstie enimie to death; but in his owne jurisdiction, not in y^e English plantations.

  26. But he requited them ill, for he proved after a bitter enimie unto them upon all occasions, and never repayed them any thing for it, to this day, but reproches and evill words.

  27. They looke diligently vnto themselues so long as they liue, least the enimie of mankinde, who is readie at all assaies, and lieth alwaies in waight, should bring them into mischiefe, and take further vauntage to vexe and hurt them.

  28. For there is not a greater enimie to that estate, than to admit participants in roialtie, which as it is a readie way to cause a subuersion of a monarchie; so it is the shortest cut ouer to a disordered anarchie.

  29. Wherevnto he answered: "My brethren, ye see how the world roreth against me, and the enimie riseth vp, but I more lament that the sonnes of my mother fight against me.

  30. Item, a Capitall enimie (if the enimitie be pretended to grow by meanes of witchcraft) may obiect against a witch; and none exception is to be had or made against him.

  31. At his approch néere to Carleil, he pitched downe his field in the euening, thinking there to staie till the morning, that he might vnderstand of what power the enimie was, whome he knew to be at hand.

  32. Against this enimie (I say) therefore worthie of reuengement for his so manifold outrages, shew yourselues valiant, and with manlie stomaches driue him out of our confines.

  33. Stephan encamped néere to his enimie the K.

  34. You are clad in armour, and so appointed with helmet, curase, greiues, and target, that the enimie knoweth not were to strike and hurt you.

  35. Whereof king Stephan being aduertised, streightwaies assembled a power, and foorthwith hasted into Cumberland, meaning to recouer that againe by force of armes, which the enimie had stolen from him by craft and subtiltie.

  36. Héere déere friends do I lay before you great gaynes, but wrapped in greate trauell, yet Vertue is an enimie to idlenesse .

  37. They aported at Coazacoalco, the Lorde whereof was enimie to Mutezuma, hys name was Tuchintlec, who friendly receyued the Spanyardes, for he hadde intelligence of them, at their lying at Potonchan.

  38. Tis now five o'clock and we have no accounts of any of the enimie being come further than Dodoch, where a partie of them came last night, so I'll detain the messenger.

  39. We have rainy weather, but that is an inconveniencie to the enimie as well as to us.

  40. I beg to hear often from you, and particularly what you can learn of the motion of the enimie and their designs.

  41. Which want of foresight gaue occasion to the enimie to attempt an inuasion of the English coasts, as in the next chapt.

  42. On returning to the inn I passed the Fontaine de Burlats, where St. Enimie was cured of her leprosy in the Merovingian age.

  43. St. Enimie was quite out of breath and ready to drop from exhaustion when she drew near the Pas de Souci, a little in the rear of the tormentor of souls, and he was just about to plunge into the gulf.

  44. It was at the express recommendation of St. Ilère that Enimie sought the fountain of Burla (now Burlats), and bathed her afflicted body in its pure waters.

  45. I was at Sainte-Enimie before sunset, and there I found the air laden with the scent of lavender.

  46. St. Enimie followed at his heels as closely as she could, and he led her a wild scamper over the rocks.

  47. It was evident that Sainte-Enimie had a considerable trade in lavender-water.

  48. I was by the river-side not far from Sainte-Enimie when a rather alarming noise broke the silence and became rapidly louder.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enimie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.