A hickory bar will stand more strain under tension than a wrought iron bar of the same length and weight, and a block of long-leaf pine a greater compressionendwise than a block of wrought iron of the same height and weight.
But in other woods, the ends of some cells which meet endwise are absorbed, thus forming a continuous series of elements which constitute an open tube.
With a heave and a jerk he would drag it out, and stand chewing it endwise with huge satisfaction, while the muddy water trickled down over his face.
And, watching him through your glass, you would see that he always carried his fish endwise and head first, so as to present the least possible resistance to the breeze.
Since the drum not only turns upon its axis, but also movesendwise one hundredth of an inch at every revolution, this line will be a spiral, the turns of which will be one hundredth of an inch apart.
My father's house, in this good village, standing endwise to the street, was higher at one end than at the other.
Defn: A collar on a shaft ot other piece to prevent endwise motion.
Thrust bearing (Screw Steamers), a bearing arranged to receive the thrust or endwise pressure of the screw shaft.
Joint bolt, a bolt for fastening two pieces, as of wood, one endwiseto the other, having a nut embedded in one of the pieces.
Defn: A scarfing orendwise attachment of one timber to another.
A section of wood was stood up endwise on a firm foundation of some sort, and the thin end of the frow was hammered down into the grain of the wood, making a lengthwise split.
As the vessel went down, several beams and planks came springing endwiseup the hatchway, like liberated men.
Most boys would find it impossible to bore a 1" hole endwise in maple.
To hold the stick while doing this, put a rod thru the hole, open the vise 6-1/2" and let the barrel rest endwise in the vise.
Sometimes articles, like spools, can be held endwise with safety when they might be crushed if squeezed sidewise.
Place the spool endwise in the vise and, with the back-saw, cut eight notches a little more than 1/16" wide straight towards the opposite side of the spool.
Pare the curve from each end with a chisel, holding the spring endwise in the bench-hook.
But, to make it still more plain: is not distance a line turned endwise to the eye(813)?
French emery paper, must be used, moving it rapidly endwise of the work, as before, and using it until all the marks left by the flour emery have been removed.
Spindle r may be adjusted endwise in t, so that it may be adjusted to suit different lengths of rolls without moving the bearing blocks B.
The object is, therefore, to so proportion the angle x of the cones that their friction will be a maximum, while the internal cone may be moved endwise and unlocked from the external without undue effort or strain at the moving clutch bar E.
To operate D laterally or endwise upon F the clutch ring H and the toggles G are provided, the latter being pivoted in the body F, and H being operated endwise upon F by the lever shown at N in the general view, Fig.
In reality the action is the same in both cases, for the chuck moves to grip the work under a slight resistance, and this it is that enables it to readily release the work when moved in the necessary endwise direction.
The shell D is secured to H by the screws I, which pass through slots in A, and therefore move endwise when H is operated by its hand-lever.
A drilling device in which a nut moved endwise on a stock or handle causes the drill to revolve back and forth.
The further bending of the pieces thus treated is accomplished by placing them endwise upon the anvil-block, as shown in Fig.
A represents the grindstone spindle having journal bearing at B B, but as there are no collars on the journals, A can move endwise through B B.
This is what might be expected, as the contraction of the plate is resisted by the volume of heated matter inside, which is eventually displaced by bulging, while the bar finds relief endwise without having to displace the interior.
They set up a chant, marking the time with a small wooden drum, and the boom of hollow bamboos struck endwise upon the earth.
A contrivance used for joining two shafts or parts of machinery endwise so that one may give rotary motion to the other while at an angle.
A rectangular piece fitting the key seats of a hub and shaft so that, while the one may slide endwise on the other, both must revolve together.
The writer has seen soft pine shingles driven endwise through oak boards an inch thick by a Missouri tornado.
The whole are placed in communication by conduits, or small paper cartridges like the lances, but somewhat conical, that they may fit endwise into one another to any extent that may be desired.
Whip-cord is made from the above intestines, which are sewed together endwise by the filandre, each junction being cut aslant, so as to make it strong and smooth.
K is the roller upon which the pieces of cotton cloth intended to be padded are wound; several of them, being stitchedendwise together.
This being done, a number of pieces are stitched endwise together, preparatory to being mangled.
C d, and a C are moved endwise by the circular action of the points a and d; and therefore (by statics) their motion is the same as though caused by the perpendiculars b o and o c let down from the centre o, on each of them.
A collar on a shaft ot other piece to prevent endwise motion.
A scarfing or endwise attachment of one timber to another.
At D is a grooved collar to be engaged by the narrow key shown in operating position at the left in figure 12 for the purpose of controlling the endwise movement of the spindle when used for ordinary turning instead of thread-cutting.
Sample log sheet of an endwise compression test on a short pine column.
This is ~endwise compression~, or compression parallel to the grain.
From these tests it appears that pieces of white oak from Arkansas excelled well-selected pieces from Connecticut, both in stiffness and endwise compression (the two most important forms of resistance).
Sketching: Sketches are made as in endwise compression tests.
Sample log sheet of an endwise compression test on a short pine column 35.
Endwise compression test, showing method of measuring the deformation by means of a compressometer.
Since tests on endwise compression are simpler, easier to make, and less expensive than transverse bending tests, the importance of this relation is obvious, though it does not do away with the necessity of making beam tests.
Testing a buggy spoke in endwise compression, illustrating the failure by sidewise bending of a long column fixed only at the lower end.
Results of endwise compression tests on small clear pieces of 40 woods in green condition VII.
Or, as we go along a road in the woods, the sun striking endwise through it, and lighting up the red tents of the Oaks, which on each side are mingled with the liquid green of the Pines, makes a very gorgeous scene.