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Example sentences for "wrought iron"

  • The final product was known as wrought iron.

  • Wooden plows were still in use in America in Revolutionary times; usually the point was shod with wrought iron.

  • The ultimate tensile strength, therefore, of malleable iron is four times greater than that of cast iron, but the crushing strength of cast iron is between three and four times greater than that of wrought iron.

  • A good steel punch will punch through a plate of wrought iron of a thickness equal to the diameter of the punch.

  • This originally consisted of an internal tube of wrought iron or gun metal, with cylindrical casings of wrought iron shrunk on.

  • Wrought iron has, when pure, practically no carbon in it, while cast iron has a considerable proportion in excess of steel.

  • The tenacity of wrought iron is best displayed in a wire, drawn out until it is not thicker than a human hair.

  • To obviate this rapid destruction of cannon, the metal has been changed from the molecular to the fibrous; that is from cast iron to wrought iron.

  • This I think any one will admit, after considering the two following facts; which apply equally to all varieties and mixtures of wrought iron.

  • Owing to these facts many kinds of iron are recognized in commerce, the chief varieties being cast iron, wrought iron, and steel.

  • Wrought iron is made by burning out from cast iron most of the carbon, silicon, phosphorus, and sulphur which it contains.

  • Mr. Brunel did not, however, use girders of this construction, as the rapid introduction of wrought iron rendered it unnecessary.

  • The horizontal tie bars were of wrought iron.

  • The upright standards, carrying the chains both at the centre pier and at the side piers, consisted for each group of chains of a triangular framework of cast iron, strengthened by long bolts of wrought iron.

  • Cast iron has in modern times acquired a bad name (artistically speaking), but this is owing to its misapplication, as in railings or grills, where it endeavours to usurp the place of wrought iron.

  • I am speaking of wrought iron, and of the forms in which it is usually found--in grills of all kinds, in gates, and railings.

  • Wrought iron, which has very little carbon of any sort in it, is fairly soft and tough.

  • The resulting puddled iron, also known as wrought iron, is very low in carbon; it is tough, and on being broken appears to be made up of a bundle of long fibers.

  • Eventually, in gray cast iron, we have properties which would be expected of wrought iron, whose tough metallic texture was shot through with flakes of slippery, weak graphite.

  • That all loop-hole doors similarly situated should be made entirely of wrought iron, frames included, or bricked up.

  • The claw is of sound, tough, wrought iron, and proportioned in weight and spread to the bodies it is applied to.

  • If the suspected metal is wrought iron it readily takes the spike form, but if malleable it will give under the hammer and break up.

  • The great girder bridges over the Menai Strait and at Saltash near Plymouth, erected in the middle of the 19th century, were entirely of wrought iron, and subsequently wrought iron girder bridges were extensively used on railways.

  • Each span has four steel double ribs of steel tubes butted and clasped by wrought iron couplings.

  • Barton, "On the economic distribution of material in the sides of wrought iron beams" (Proc.

  • Wrought Iron, not excited by a loadstone, draws iron.

  • Wrought iron has in itself certain parts Boreal & Austral: a magnetick vigour, verticity, and determinate vertices or poles.

  • Wrought iron, not excited by a loadstone, draws iron.

  • Wrought iron has in itself certain parts Boreal and Austral: A magnetick vigour, verticity, and determinate vertices, or poles.

  • It is thus the antithesis of wrought iron, which, when of good quality, does not break up under the impact of the shot but yields by perforation.

  • Chilled iron was never employed for naval purposes, and warship armour continued to be made exclusively of wrought iron until 1876 when steel was introduced by Schneider.

  • The earliest armour, both for ships and forts, was made of wrought iron, and was disposed either in a single thickness or in successive layers sandwiched with wood or concrete.

  • Sand alone is generally dusted on wrought iron, but steel requires borax applied on the joint while in the fire, and also dusted on the joint at the anvil and on the face of the latter itself.

  • Further, welding which is practically uniformly trustworthy in wrought iron, is distrusted in steel.

  • Wrought iron, steel and compound plates for the tops of cupolas have all been tried, the most recent Krupp-Gruson designs being of nickel steel.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wrought iron" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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