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Example sentences for "bordering"

Lexicographically close words:
borde; border; bordered; borderer; borderers; borderland; borderlands; borderline; borderman; bordermen
  1. For the hunter and traveller, Argentina and its bordering lands have their full share of attractions.

  2. Like the capital of the Mormon faith, it is in the lee of a mighty mountain range; there are trees bordering most of the streets, and along the main ways are innumerable rivulets.

  3. Among the designs upon the other pieces are hares and stags surrounded by a bordering of primitive arabesques.

  4. The arches rested on a broad bordering of guadamecies, and running round the lower part was a zocalo or socle, commonly made of tiling.

  5. Saturn, on the contrary, being nearest to the outermost limit of the firmament and bordering on the quarters of the heaven which are frozen, is excessively cold.

  6. It is unknown to our vicinity; but we have reports of it from merchants who have been to the most distant part of Egypt, and to regions bordering on the uttermost boundaries of the earth.

  7. Although she had never been beyond Carlow and the bordering counties in her life, all her poems were of city streets and bustling multitudes.

  8. His hearers did not agree, for the population of Carlow County was a thing of pride, being greater than that of several bordering counties.

  9. Though not a native, he resided a long period at Venice, which contains a good number of his works, a few of which are in the ancient taste, but the most part bordering upon the modern.

  10. On the right was a sheer drop of two hundred feet, and the road here skirted the cliff edge murderously close, for the simple reason that cliff falls had eaten the bordering grass to within a few feet of the road.

  11. He was thinking this, when, raised now on his elbow, he saw something moving amongst the bushes and long grass of the waste lands bordering the cliff road.

  12. Efforts are now being made to preserve the trees bordering the highway, that one of the most attractive features of California's scenic beauty may be preserved for all time.

  13. Kumau is a very considerable territory bordering with Duti on the east, the boundary being the Kali Nadi.

  14. Lamjun, after the loss of Gorkha, was a cold country bordering on the snowy peaks of Emodus, and inhabited by Bhotiyas, with some Brahmans and Khasiyas in the warmer vallies.

  15. But the clay bank with its bordering willows was still there, and shone ruddily under the westering sun just as on that memorable evening.

  16. Mounted, they paused and looked back at the stream, ruby red under the dying sun, the clay bank, the bordering willows, then they kissed each other soberly and rode on.

  17. They have kept the type comparatively pure by inhabiting this restricted area closely bordering upon the Atlas Mountains a dozen or twenty leagues from the sea.

  18. She was already bordering on a state of unstable equilibrium, and over she went.

  19. The scene is strikingly set, with slippery rocks and dark-green box bordering the torrent, and the cliffs rising sharply around, naked and bony or furred with box and pine.

  20. The place is a mass of people; the bordering cafés are thronged; the band is playing clearly above the hum and buzz, and as we enter the street it happens to be just striking the signal for the Marseillaise.

  21. One of you who is reduced by robbery and pillage to a state bordering on total destitution, said to me lately: "I am living now as I wish I had lived always.

  22. When he is bordering upon impertinence, he seems to be conscious of it--declaring that "the English make him saucy, but that naturally he is very civil.

  23. All beyond that great range is a wide tract of mountainous country, bordering the north-western part of Tibet and embracing Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit.

  24. The aborigines of the country, driven like the Bhils and other autochthonic Indians, into the eastern and south-eastern wilds bordering upon the ocean.

  25. Brief reference will first be made to the country bordering the range on the north-west and west sides in the vicinity of the villages of Vungalei and Tembe.

  26. Tamaulipas is one of the frontier states bordering upon the United States; its northern frontier adjoining Texas, from which it is divided by the Rio Grande or Bravo.

  27. These adventurous spirits spread over the whole of the country bordering upon the Sierra Madres, stimulated by the rich finds of silver mines successively made in one region or another.

  28. I shall considerably more surprise you at the next police office,' returned Somerset, with something bordering on rage.

  29. It was with a sentiment bordering on devotion, that Harry passed the window.

  30. Miss Ravenel thought that he hesitated through fear of the canaille and gave him a glance of impatience bordering disagreeably close on anger.

  31. An Irishman, a gunner of a regular battery, showed astonishing vitality, and a fortitude bordering on callousness.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bordering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adjacent; adjoining; beading; binding; bordering; borderline; boundary; coastal; connecting; conterminous; contiguous; coterminous; determinant; determinative; endways; extreme; flounce; frill; fringe; frontier; hem; immediate; joined; juxtaposed; limiting; list; littoral; marginal; motif; neighbor; neighboring; next; ruffle; selvage; surrounding; terminal; touching; trimming; valance; welt