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Example sentences for "cotton cloth"

  • A small portion of the cotton-twist is dyed with indigo, and with this and the undyed a species of check-cotton cloth is woven; but all very rude.

  • A Moor of Fezzan, to whom I gave a small portion of camphor, showed me the paper and piece of cotton cloth in which he had wrapped it up, and swore that during the night the ginns, or evil spirits, had eaten it.

  • The common sort of women go with their breasts bare; others, of higher rank, drag up their skirts to cover their breasts; and a few add a piece of cotton cloth, which they throw over their shoulders like a shawl.

  • The main export of this coast was 'slaves, cotton cloth, and blue stones, called agoy or accory, very valuable on the Gold Coast.

  • Ngombo is the name of the native grass cloth in which, before the Nlele or cotton cloth of the white man appeared, the dead were wrapped previous to burial.

  • When out of doors, they cover the head and part of the face with a piece of cotton cloth.

  • When a death occurs the body is wrapped in a cotton cloth, leaving the head and face uncovered, and in this condition is placed in a grave.

  • In Salvador, the women's 'only garment being a long straight piece of cotton cloth without a seam.

  • The materials of which the clothing is made are now chiefly fabrics manufactured by the white man: calico, cotton cloth, ginghams, and sometimes flannels.

  • The female relatives of the young man take to the house of the betrothed’s mother a blanket or a large piece of cotton cloth and a bed canopy--in other words, the furnishing of a new bed.

  • Solution of nitrate of silver thickened with gum, and written with upon linen or cotton cloth, previously imbued with a solution of soda, and dried, is the ordinary permanent ink of the shops.

  • The white spots were produced by a solution of chlorine, made to percolate down through the Turkey red cotton cloth, in certain points, defined and circumscribed by the pressure of hollow lead types in plates, in a hydraulic press.

  • The entire length of the worm-pipe should be bound round with linen or cotton cloth, as a conductor of the heat, which cloth will be continually moistened by the rain in its descent from the colander.

  • The people of Canada require a certain amount of cotton cloth; but the cotton plant will not grow in a cold climate, so they must either exchange some of their own commodities for cotton, or else go without it.

  • Nearchus, an admiral serving under Alexander the Great, brought to Europe specimens of cotton cloth, and in the course of time it became an article of commerce among Greek and Roman merchants.

  • Rice, cotton cloth, and opium are the imports.

  • The Borneans took with them wine and rice, cotton cloth, and other wares of the Philippines.

  • The only products of Philippine industry dealt with in the so-called galleon trade were gold, cotton cloth, mendrinaque, and cakes of white and yellow wax.

  • Taxation is imposed in such a manner that every tributario must pay annually a piece of cotton cloth, which is very abundant in these islands.

  • Here is great store of cotton cloth made, and painted clothes of cotton wooll: here groweth great store of corne and Rice.

  • Great store of cotton cloth is made here.

  • Defn: A large piece of woolen or cotton cloth worn by Arabs as an outer garment.

  • Long cloth, a kind of cotton cloth of superior quality.

  • A coarse, dyed, cotton cloth, made in Prussia.

  • The dust is spread out on a kind of wooden platter, and the base particles (lanchong) are touched out from the mass and put aside one by one with an instrument, if such it may be termed, made of cotton cloth rolled up to a point.

  • Boiled linseed oil, when allowed to soak into linen or cotton cloth, much increases its power of resisting the action of water.

  • They wear invariably a single sheet of cotton cloth printed in blue or black with the most astonishing borders and spotty designs.

  • When he joined us his sole costume was a negligent two-foot strip of cotton cloth.

  • A piece of cotton cloth, dyed dark umber red, is belted around the waist, and sometimes, but not always, another is thrown about the shoulder.

  • They keep all kinds of stores, such as beads, cotton cloth, silk, sugar, etc.

  • If paint gets on the glass, remove it with a drop of turpentine, and polish afterward with a bit of cotton cloth.

  • If it is long and slender, take a small wire, wrap it with tow or cotton cloth, so that the skin cannot touch the iron at any point, insert it in the tail and sew it up with a few long stitches.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cotton cloth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cotton cloth; cotton fabric; cotton fabrics; cotton field; cotton goods; cotton manufacture; cotton mill; cotton mills; cotton paper; cotton seed; cotton wool; cotton yarn; delivered over; fairly well; fecal matter; government should; little bell; little thing; looked around; nolle prosequi; rocky hills; social psychology; such men; then taking; traveling companion; village called