The term is applied more particularly to the tumid part in the hinge of bivalve shells on which the ligament is fixed.
Ancillaria may be known from Terebellum by the tumid varix at the base of the columella.
Nodes are tumid and purplish with a ring of hairs.
A dwarf-growing, singular-looking plant, with short, tumid joints from 1 in.
A tumid abdomen, rapid emaciation, and anaemia are far more valuable signs of the disease of these glands.
Nor is the coexistence of a tumid belly, emaciation, and fever sufficient, for they are found in other tuberculous and in gastro-intestinal diseases.
It seemed certain that there was hemorrhage somewhere, but until it was noticed that the bowels were growing tumid and hard there was nothing to guide us to its seat.
The abdomen istumid or collapsed, the anus paralyzed, and the discharges continuously ooze out to excoriate the perineum.
The veins again being compressed, nothing can flow through them; the certain indication of which is, that below the ligature they are much more tumid than above it, and than they usually appear when there is no bandage upon the arm.
A pair of tumid lobes, often corrugated and capable of tension and relaxation, which terminate the Theca, and perhaps represent the termination of the Labium[954]?
And yet, his own prose was rhythmical, and often as tumid as the worst bombast in Macpherson.
These rapidly increased, until they covered the whole extent of the parietal bones, and considerably elevated the skin, giving it a puffy or tumid appearance, like that caused by a blow from a large or blunt instrument.
The eyes are nearly closed by the swelling of the lids, and the thick copious secretion from the borders and the conjunctiva; the lips are tumid and the angles of the mouth ulcerated.
My lids with grief were tumid yet, And still my sullied cheek was wet With briny dews profusely shed For venerable Winton dead,2 When Fame, whose tales of saddest sound Alas!
Style 2-cleft, its base or the greater part of it enlarging and hardening to form the beak of the lenticular or tumid more or less wrinkled achene.
But at this time the stimulus of the milk in the tumid teats of the mother excites her to look out for, and to desire some unknown circumstance to relieve her.
The eyes are thus closed by the tumid lids, which are separable with difficulty, and this, too, even though they be the seat of comparatively few lesions.
Still more rarely the glands of the throat become slightly tumidand painful.
In yet other cases the red blush sweeps away from its first position in tongue-like projections over a {632} tumid and painful skin, while the region first invaded becomes paler, though still preserving its oedematous features.
The eight books of Sylvæ by Balde, a German ecclesiastic, are extolled by Baillet and Bouterwek far above their value; the odes are tumid and unclassical; yet some have called him equal to Horace.
Marston is a tumidand ranting tragedian, a wholesale dealer in murders and ghosts.
The lips are more tumid than those of the white American, but very far less so than those of the negro.
The latter is formed, as has been shewn by Moseley, by a series of outgrowths round the simple mouth-opening of the embryo, which enclosing the jaws give rise to the tumid lips of the adult.
The buccal cavity has the form of a fairly deep pit, of a longitudinal oval form, placed on the ventral surface of the head, and surrounded by a tumid lip.
Swelled, enlarged, or distended; as, a tumid leg; tumid flesh.
He was averse to draw blood from the veins of patients under fourteen years of age; but counteracted inflammatory excitement in them by cupping, and endeavoured to moderate the inflammation of the tumid glands by leeches.
Obstacles may also be presented by the thyroid and other veins being distended, and the soft parts are perhaps tumid and infiltrated with serum.
For the phraseology, tumid or not, has always something within it.
The thing jumped into my mind and stopped itstumid flow for a moment.