I protest," then cried the undaunted Duchess, "against such cruelty to animals as racing an overblown mare so soon after she has galloped from London!
Nor long before the great Corvinus run A yet more fearful peril, worse bested: Both throned, when overblown was their mischance, One king of Hungary, one king of France.
And her desire beneath another show (Which is but how Tanacro to offend) Must mask; and make him think, that overblown Is her first love, and turned to him alone.
Of passing beauty was the lady gay, But little pleasing was her semblance haught; All overblown with insolence and pride, Worthy the cavalier who was her guide.
It is very shrill and exciting in theoverblown notes, and without great care may give a vulgar character to the music, and for this reason Sir Arthur Sullivan has replaced it in the score of "Ivanhoe" by a high G flute.
Against the laws of nature," says a friend of mine, for the pipe having dropped more than an octave through the reed, was at its fundamental pitch, and should have overblown a twelfth.
She was wearing a black satin cloak, and she seemed, as her skirts swept past him, like anoverblown grotesque of tragedy being dragged by a wire from the scene.
The Earl laid down on the mantelshelf the overblown white rose he had brought from Whitehall, and looked at his wife.
Mary gazed at her pouting, overblown comeliness with sad eyes.
But it seemed to me, and Marina expressed to me her feeling, that he had an overblown opinion of himself, and of what he could and should achieve in the world.
I think he had a combination of a lack of confidence in himself and a mistaken, as I have said, overblown impression of himself, these operating at the same time.
My garden all is overblown with roses, My spirit all is overblown with rhyme, And like a drunken honeybee I waver From house to garden and again to house, And, undetermined which delight to favour, On verse and rose alternately carouse.
The black and white softened and refined somethingoverblown and sensuous in her beauty.