The flatulent account of her end, given by Barrère in the convention, is largely imaginary.
The assembly voted decrees sweeping away the feudal system, abolishing the privileges of classes and corporations, and ecclesiastical tithes, and promulgated a flatulent declaration of the rights of man.
Wormwood is of benefit for strengthless flatulent indigestion.
It will be found helpful against spinal irritability, with some crampy tightness felt in the arms and legs, together with headache and flatulent indigestion.
It contains an essential oil and a bitter resin, which are useful as warmly carminative to relieve flatulent indigestion, and to promote the monthly flow in women.
By its warming astringency, it exercises cordial properties which are most useful in arresting passive diarrhoea, and in relieving flatulent indigestion.
An essential volatile oil contained in the root, chiefly in the rind, disagrees, by provoking flatulent distension.
For the relief of flatulent stomach-ache, whether in children or in adults, from five to fifteen drops of the essence may be given on a lump of sugar, or mixed with two dessertspoonfuls of hot water.
This in small diluted doses is highly useful for drowsiness connected with flatulent indigestion, and a disposition to faintness: also for gout retrocedent to the stomach.
The infusion will relieve flatulent stomach-ache, and will promote menstruation if retarded.
As a draught for flatulent colic twenty grains of the powdered seeds may be taken with two teaspoonfuls of sugar in a wineglassful of hot water.
Being likely to provoke flatulent distension of the bowels, Turnips are not a proper vegetable for hysterical persons, or for pregnant women.
An infusion of Cloves, made with half an ounce to a pint of water, and drank in doses of a small wineglassful, will relieve the nausea and coldness of flatulent indigestion.
The dried seeds are still more nutritious, but are heavy and flatulentunless well cooked.
Dose, 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful; in the flatulentcolic of children.
Dose, 1, as a dinner pill; or 2 to 3, twice a day, in flatulent dyspepsia.
Anise is a pleasant, aromatic carminative, and is used in flatulent colic.
Flatulent or "wind" colic is one of the results of indigestion.
So in regard to digestion, he states what kinds of food agree with him, or whether he is troubled with excessive acidity or a flatulent condition of the stomach.
The carrot has been classed by hygienists among flatulent vegetables, and as difficult of digestion.
Persons of low spirits, and subject to nervous disorders, should avoid all flatulent food, whatever is hard of digestion, or apt to turn sour on the stomach.
Persons subject to this disorder, ought to drink no stale liquors, and to abstain from flatulent food.
When the stomach of the infant is very delicate, the diet of the mother should be strictly regulated; and, in all cases, it would be adviseable for her to avoid articles of a flatulent nature.
These seeds are recommended as a carminative, in flatulent colics proceeding from a cold cause or a viscidity of the juices.
These are in the number of the four greater hot seeds; and frequently employed as a stomachic and carminative in flatulent colics, and the like.
These seeds are in the number of the four greater hot seeds: their principal use is in cold flatulent disorders, where tenacious phlegm abounds, and in the gripes to which young children are subject.
It is likewise of considerable efficacy in flatulent colics; and for promoting all the fluid secretions in either sex.
The principal use of this herb is in flatulent colics, languors, and other like disorders; it seems to act as soon as taken, and extends its effects through the whole system, instantly communicating a glowing warmth.
They are principally recommended in female weaknesses, in hysteric disorders, and in flatulent colics.
Rancid orators and flatulent poets are gathering to the festival Jesus Christ will make a fine speech for the one set, and fine copy for the other.
The pains, which sometimes attend these constitutions, are relieved by the secernentia, as essential oils in common tooth-ach, and balsam of Peru in the flatulent colic.
The flatulent colic arises from the too great distention of the bowel by air, and consequent pain.
This combination is of acknowledged value in reducing the value in reducing the intes- tinal putrefaction and fermentation, allaying the pain and discomfort of flatulent conditions in the intestinal tract.
Pretentious without substance or reality; puffy; empty; vain; as, a flatulent vanity.
Defn: A flatulent distention of the belly; tympanites.
Defn: A flatulent distention of the belly; tympany.
It was formerly used among the white men as a tonic for dyspepsia and for correcting flatulent colic.
It has been used as a carminative to allayflatulent colic in infants, and is supposed to be useful in allaying hysteria.
Small doses of the partially dried root have been used by the white man in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, asthma, flatulent colic and rheumatism, certainly widely different maladies.
The diagnostic symptom of flatulent colic is the distention of the bowels with gas, detected by the bloated appearance and resonance on percussion.
A physic should always be given as early as possible in flatulent colic, the best being Barbados aloes in the dose already mentioned.
The treatment may be similar to that recommended for bilious or flatulent colic.
Dose, 6 to 10 drops on sugar; in flatulent colic, &c.
These fruits, commonly called "seeds," form an agreeable and useful aromatic and carminative, and are especially esteemed in the flatulent colic of children.
The second is a popular tonic and stomachic in the flatulent colic, dyspepsia, &c.
In the flatulent colic of infants, and as an adjunct to aperient medicine.
In flatulent colic, and in the convulsions of children, when there is no inflammation.
It is a popular remedy in dyspepsia, flatulent colic, and heartburn.
This affection may be treated in the same manner as flatulent colic, aided by warmth and moisture externally.
This plant, administered in warm infusion, promotes perspiration, and is good in flatulent colic.
Costiveness is often the case offlatulent and spasmodic colic, and often of inflammation of the bowels.
Hence those who fast are forbidden the use of flesh meat rather than of wine or vegetables which are flatulent foods.
These properties are stimulant, diaphoretic, and expectorant, and the infusion is used commonly for flatulent colic and painful dyspepsia.
It is used with good effect in flatulent colic, atonic diseases of the intestines so common in the Philippines and in chronic rheumatism.
The seeds are used as a condiment; they are stimulant and carminative and yield good results in atonic dyspepsia, nervous depression and spasmodic or flatulent affections of the intestine.
It has further use in the treatment of malarial fever, in dyspepsia, and in the flatulent colic of teething children.
The decoction of the fruit is given after meals as a tea-like beverage, to aid digestion or for its carminative effect in flatulent colic.
It is indicated inflatulent colic, atonic dyspepsia and diarrhoea and gives very good results.
Used locally as an enema, it is useful in flatulent colic, and convulsions that come on through teething.
It is used internally in flatulent colic, dyspepsia, and to prevent the griping of medicines.
The boiling of milk ought to be directed by the state of the bowels; if flatulent or bilious, a very little currie-powder may be given with vegetables with good effect.
It is used externally in flatulent colic, sprinkled over flannels dipped in hot water and wrung out dry.
It is used externally as a rubefacient, and is given internally in flatulent colic, in tapeworm, rheumatism, and other diseases.