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Example sentences for "papery"

Lexicographically close words:
paperhangers; papering; papers; paperweight; paperwork; papes; papier; papilionaceous; papilla; papillae
  1. I turned back the papery triangular sheaths that protected the berries and ate a few.

  2. His yellow face was lifted in the light, with a show of white teeth, all grinning, and his shrunken, papery eyelids lay motionless over his blind eyes.

  3. The beautiful white banner of the marsh calla, or the green and maroon striped pulpit from which Jack preaches, is no more the flower proper than the papery sheath below the daffodil is the daffodil.

  4. A papery remnant of nucellus lines the inner face of the woody shell, and, as in cycadean seeds, the apical portion is readily separated as a cap covering the summit of the endosperm.

  5. Suddenly she made a weak rush across the room, her silk petticoat giving out a papery rustle, her frizzes vibrating like wire under her hat, crested with ostrich plumes.

  6. Bark of trunk not white, usually dark colored, not separating into papery layers; twigs with more or less wintergreen taste.

  7. Bark of trunk white, separating freely into thin, papery layers; twigs without wintergreen taste; leaves usually solitary, not aromatic.

  8. Bark on branches not breaking into large, papery scales; buds glabrous; acorns sessile or very short-stalked.

  9. Bark of trunk white, yellow or dark brown, platy or cleaving off in papery layers; fruit not in hop-like strobiles.

  10. Bark smooth, close, warty or peeling into papery layers, but not flaky nor rough-ridged.

  11. Bark of trunk not white, usually dark colored, not separating freely into papery layers; twigs with more or less wintergreen taste; leaves solitary or in pairs, aromatic.

  12. Bark flaky or rough-ridged, not warty nor peeling off in papery layers.

  13. Bark on branches breaking into large, papery scales which curl back; buds pilose above the middle; acorns on pubescent stems 1-4 inches long.

  14. The corm is covered with brown, papery skins, and has white buds on the top of it," said Frank.

  15. When he had finished cutting, two thin, papery shells fell upon the table, one a size smaller than the other.

  16. Fruit a fleshy pome, with the cells formed by papery or cartilaginous membranes within juicy flesh.

  17. Usually aromatic; bark dotted on the spray and with horizontal marks on the trunk, peeling off in thin, often papery layers 83.

  18. Lower flower perfect, its papery or thin-coriaceous glume awnless and pointless; the upper flower staminate, otherwise similar, but bearing a stout bent awn below the apex.

  19. Perigynium mostly straw-colored at maturity, papery in texture, usually more or less inflated, smooth (sometimes hairy in n.

  20. The hop hornbeam has a hop-like cluster of seeds, each in an inflated papery bag.

  21. Elm trees grow scattered through the woods, and no wonder: the seeds have papery rims, and the wind catches these little falling discs, and scatters them far from the tree where they were born.

  22. They turn to a beautiful pale yellow, and become thin and papery as the green pulp is drawn back into the twigs.

  23. The red birch writes its name in the rusty red colour of its papery bark, which splits into tatters in true birch fashion, and flutters the ragged ends from each branch throughout the year.

  24. These bundles are usually bound with a thin, papery sheath at the base, and set in spiral rows that wind around the twig.

  25. Soft pines shed the papery sheath of their leaf bundles before the leaves themselves begin to fall.

  26. The necklace-like pods are frilled on four sides with thin papery wings.

  27. Its nutlets are packed separate in loose papery bags, and together form a loose, cone-like cluster, like the fruit of a hop vine.

  28. The flowers, usually perfect, are inconspicuous, and the seeds are flat, entirely surrounded by a thin papery wing, that forms two hooks at the tip.

  29. The bark is light cinnamon-brown, and easily separates in loose, papery scales.

  30. The bark of the trunk is bright red-brown and about half an inch thick, with broad ridges which separate on the surface into thin papery scales.

  31. The bark is a reddish-chocolate color, and exfoliates in scales of papery thinness.

  32. It is not shed in papery rolls and flakes as is the bark of river birch, yellow birch, and paper birch, with which it is associated in some parts of its range.

  33. Small quantities are made into flooring; a little goes to the furniture makers; lathes turn some of it for novelties and souvenirs; fuel cutters sell it as cordwood; and tanbark peelers cut the trees for the thin, papery bark.

  34. The new growths appear on the top or sides, and the lines round the circumference show where the sheathing papery scale-leaves were attached.

  35. Unfortunately this variety often comes "blind," that is, the blossoms remain undeveloped in the papery sheath on top of the stem.

  36. A Carib Indian had gone into the forest to procure touari,--the inner bark of the sapucaya-nut tree, of the thin papery layers of which the Indians form the envelopes of their cigarettes.

  37. Some build their habitations, composed of a papery substance, attached to the under side of the broad leaves of the tucuma and other palms.

  38. When they discover a wasp's nest, they attack the papery covering to get at the larvae pupae and newly-hatched wasps.

  39. Almost every shrub and tree was more or less infested with it, and its large papery nests were everywhere to be seen.

  40. They immediately took possession of my house, building a large nest in the roof, and forming papery tunnels down almost every post.

  41. John Trinidade was famous for his tobacco and cigarettes, as he took great pains in preparing the Tauari, or envelope, which is formed of the inner bark of a tree, separated into thin papery layers.

  42. They gnaw away the papery covering to get at the larvae, pupae, and newly- hatched wasps, and cut everything to tatters, regardless of the infuriated owners which are flying about them.

  43. Trees, with white or yellowish bark exfoliating in thin papery plates or scales --2.

  44. There are several kinds of Anogra, resembling Onagra, but with white or pink flowers and the seeds differently arranged; the stems often clothed with papery bark; the buds drooping.

  45. They become dry and papery as they wither, but keep their form, and when the wind shakes their slender stems they respond with a faint rustling sound.

  46. The papery sepals are greenish-white and the petals are sometimes tinged with purple at the base and are prettily fringed with hairs along the edges and often cross their tips in a very engaging way.

  47. They last a long time in water, becoming papery as they wither.

  48. The flowers last a long time in water, gradually becoming paler in color and papery in texture.

  49. The flowers are rather pretty, dull pink outside but paler inside, the buds are deeper and more purplish pink, both of dry papery texture.

  50. Each one is covered by a papery sheath, which slips off easily.

  51. Following the inflorescence comes a beautiful and unique seed-vessel, curiously winged and angled, and of a delicate, papery texture when mature.

  52. We occasionally saw pieces of a white soft papery cloth, apparently similar to the tapa of Polynesia, and like it made of the inner bark of some small tree, but it did not appear to be applied to much use.

  53. So the wedges and the great mallet were soon fetched, when they all went off to the fallen willow, which soon gave way to the blows bestowed upon it, and displayed a large hollow containing the papery nest of the wasps.

  54. It would seem that the nest described by Mr. White agrees with that of a wasp termed Chiguana by Azara (or Lecheguana), and is very different to the slight papery nest of the Polistes Lecheguana of Latreille.

  55. It is made of a papery kind of substance, of rather slight texture, and is fixed to the stalk of a reed.

  56. The very dark red being less thrifty, and generally hard handlers; while the very light red, with a thin papery skin are less hardy in a cold climate.

  57. A thin papery skin is objectionable in a cold climate.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "papery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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